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id ▲ | name | unit | description | createdAt | updatedAt | code | coverage | timespan | datasetId | sourceId | shortUnit | display | columnOrder | originalMetadata | grapherConfigAdmin | shortName | catalogPath | dimensions | schemaVersion | processingLevel | processingLog | titlePublic | titleVariant | attributionShort | attribution | descriptionShort | descriptionFromProducer | descriptionKey | descriptionProcessing | licenses | license | grapherConfigETL | type | sort | dataChecksum | metadataChecksum |
959846 | Military personnel as a share of total population | % | 2024-07-30 12:02:10 | 2024-07-30 12:02:10 | 1816-2016 | National Material Capabilities 6645 | % | { "name": "Military personnel as a share of total population", "unit": "%", "shortUnit": "%", "tolerance": 5, "numDecimalPlaces": 1 } |
0 | milper_share | grapher/cow/2024-07-26/national_material_capabilities/national_material_capabilities#milper_share | 2 | major | Military personnel as a share of total population | The ratio of military personnel to total population, expressed as a percentage. | [] |
We have divided the number of military personnel by the total population and multiplied by 100 to express the result as a percentage. Both indicators are provided by the source. | float | [] |
927ab4f79c7147afbad58ad87c4bec58 | dd94fe648a1d475238a46ece618bb6ec | |||||||||||||||
959845 | Composite Index of National Capability (CINC) | 2024-07-30 12:02:10 | 2024-07-30 12:02:11 | 1816-2016 | National Material Capabilities 6645 | { "name": "Composite Index of National Capability (CINC)", "tolerance": 5, "numDecimalPlaces": 3 } |
0 | cinc | grapher/cow/2024-07-26/national_material_capabilities/national_material_capabilities#cinc | 2 | minor | Composite Index of National Capability (CINC) | Measures national power by averaging the state's global share of six different components: military expenditure, military personnel, iron and steel production, primary energy consumption, total population, and urban population. | The Composite Index of National Capability (CINC) score (Singer, Bremer and Stuckey, 1972) aggregates the six individual measured components of national material capabilities into a single value per state-year. The CINC reflects an average of a state’s share of the system total of each element of capabilities in each year, weighting each component equally. In doing so, the CINC will always range between 0 and 1. “0.0” would indicate that a state had 0% of the total capabilities present in the system in that year, while “1.0” would indicate that the state had 100% of the capabilities in a given year (and by definition that every other state had exactly 0% capabilities in that year.) More specifically, the CINC is calculated using the following steps: 1) The sum of each of the six capability elements is computed separately for each year. For example, if there were 10 states in the system in a given year, the IRST values for those 10 states would be summed to create a total amount of IRST production in the system. If a state’s value is missing, it contributes nothing to the total. This creates six “total” variables for each year: total IRST, total PEC, etc. ; 2) Each state’s individual value in a year is divided by the total to create a share of the system total. For example, if a state has a MILPER value of 300, and the system total is 20000, the state’s share is 0.015. Each state now has a share-of-system value for each of the NMC six components. If a state’s individual value is missing, then the share value is coded missing; and 3) For each state, the values of the non-missing shares are averaged to produce the CINC score. So if a state had share values of 0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.03, 0.03, and 0.076, the CINC (average) value would be 0.031. The average is computed across the non-missing components only. Hypothetically, CINC could then be computed on as few as one component, if the other give were all missing in a given year. In practice, all observations in the NMC data set have at least two components. 83.29% of … | [] |
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ad19c26da7e7b2610e4b14d1c3a09a30 | a608d0cafb9e831915288f6aee0a7940 | |||||||||||||||||
959844 | Urban population | people | 2024-07-30 12:02:10 | 2024-07-30 12:02:10 | 1816-2016 | National Material Capabilities 6645 | { "name": "Urban population", "unit": "people", "tolerance": 5, "numDecimalPlaces": 0 } |
0 | upop | grapher/cow/2024-07-26/national_material_capabilities/national_material_capabilities#upop | 2 | minor | Urban population | Urban population is the size of a state’s urban population in each year for the period 1816-2016. _Data Acquisition and Generation_ "Urban population" is a difficult concept to specify and operationalize for a professional demographer, let alone an international relations researcher. What criterion best captures the meaning of the term? A common approach is to include all cities that exceed a size threshold. Many such thresholds, ranging from 5,000 to 100,000 inhabitants, have been advanced. By virtue of its simplicity, we adopted the threshold criterion using the upper value of 100,000. This choice has the advantage of facilitating data completeness, which is problematic at lower values. It has the corresponding liability that, in the early 1800s, many areas that one might consider "urban" did not contain 100,000 people. Moreover, the approach appears less well suited for the contemporary period, when build-up areas frequently are comprised, in large part, of many smaller cities and unincorporated places. While the best data came from national censuses, several of them do not tabulate urban population. Some developed nations take sample surveys to construct reasonable estimates of urban population while multinational sources and demographic experts also publish data based on their own estimation procedures. We used such estimates whenever they did not contradict formal census figures. The data reflect varying national definitions of what constitutes an incorporated city or urban area; we used these figures where alternatives were unavailable. Occasionally, a source changed its city definition, thus creating a discontinuity in the time series. In instances before 1945 where more than one alternative was offered as to the boundaries of a city, we adopted the one more closely reflecting the built-up area. Otherwise, we entered the data as it was reported. Occasionally, the data reflect a mix of and de jure information. In some states, it was the case that there would be de facto data for one urban area while … | [] |
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8f5c84850e7b37a7747d72ad32f2d04a | e55a2b3321e8458e0c4e1651366b3f56 | |||||||||||||||||
959839 | Total population | people | 2024-07-30 12:02:09 | 2024-07-30 12:02:10 | 1816-2016 | National Material Capabilities 6645 | { "name": "Total population", "unit": "people", "tolerance": 5, "numDecimalPlaces": 0 } |
0 | tpop | grapher/cow/2024-07-26/national_material_capabilities/national_material_capabilities#tpop | 2 | minor | Total population | Total population is the size of a state’s civilian population in each year for the period 1816-2016. _Data Acquisition and Generation_ While the most reliable total population figures usually appear in national government tallies, modern census-taking was rare before 1850 in Europe and countries of European settlement, and rare before the First World War elsewhere. In all periods, the accuracy and reliability of national census data seem to vary with the level of economic development. As a result, data from the developing world require particular scrutiny. A census may be of the de facto population, comprising all residents within the national boundaries, or of the de jure population, comprising only those who are legal residents. We used the former, where possible, to which totals of military personnel abroad were added. Since the differences between de jure and de facto (between "total" and "total home") population are typically small, we did not analyze this data for sensitivity to these coding distinctions. The United Nations Statistical Office has an estimated yearly total population series, corrected for over- and under-enumeration to the extent possible, for most nations since 1919. We relied on those series where possible. For prior years and nations where we found one or more plausible time series, we took data from the sources presenting the greatest continuity with the U.N. data. We uncovered most of the general censuses taken since 1816 and used alternative sources for the numerous remaining gaps. For example, Japan maintained a system of population registration through a rough running tally. Other countries took sample surveys from which they constructed estimates of the total population. We judged these sources the most reliable. For the occasional nation maintaining reasonably complete registers of vital events (e.g. the United Kingdom), we estimated missing data utilizing Formula TPOP One: Formula TPOP 1: Missing Total Population Data Estimations p(t) = p(to) + b(t) - d(t) + i(t) - e(t), whe… | [] |
float | [] |
d546cc3a98277b734e68a13bb38342e7 | fcc35d934753261a718fd27908f6c43e | |||||||||||||||||
959838 | Primary energy consumption | coal-ton equivalent | 2024-07-30 12:02:09 | 2024-07-30 12:02:10 | 1816-2016 | National Material Capabilities 6645 | { "name": "Primary energy consumption", "unit": "coal-ton equivalent", "tolerance": 5, "numDecimalPlaces": 0 } |
0 | pec | grapher/cow/2024-07-26/national_material_capabilities/national_material_capabilities#pec | 2 | minor | Primary energy consumption | Measures one element of the industrial capacity of states in the international system. Simply put, the greater the energy consumption, the larger the potential manufacturing base of an economy, the larger the potential economy of the state in question, and the more wealth and potential influence that state could or should have. | Primary Energy Consumption is a state’s consumption of energy (metric ton coal equivalent) in each year for the period 1816-2016. _Data Acquisition and Generation_ Primary Energy Consumption measures one element of the industrial capacity of states in the international system. Simply put, the greater the energy consumption, the larger the potential manufacturing base of an economy, the larger the potential economy of the state in question, and the more wealth and potential influence that state could or should have. PEC is a derived indicator, computed using Equation One below: Equation ENER 1: Primary Energy Consumption Formula Consumption = Production + Imports – Exports – Δ in Domestic Stocks This formula is quite similar to the one utilized in the original coding manual, except for one change—the inclusion of domestic stocks into the equation (Singer et al, p. 21). This reflects that states will maintain supplies of energy-producing commodities in the event that there are disruptions of import or export flows. Primary Energy Consumption comes from (and is computed using data about) four broad categories of sources—coal, petroleum, electricity, and natural gas. Each of these elements is broken into a variety of different elements. It is important to note that these forms of energy are all types of commercial energy. Many other forms (such as animal waste, peat, and wood- burning) exist, however these other energy sources are of such small amounts that they do not qualify as industrial energy sources. The raw data for each commodity is converted into a common unit (in this case, one thousand metric ton coal equivalents) and then summed to produce the energy consumption for a given state in a particular year. The data series runs from 1816 (when the Correlates of War project begins to track the international system) until 1998 (the last year the United Nations publishes comparable, cross- national data on energy consumption). Data on these commodities comes primarily from two sources. For the pre-1970 porti… | [] |
int | [] |
c4d41d609cc04e789f654f49a33c9fab | b4793fefd153ff1af81b989ed7c6f302 | ||||||||||||||||
959837 | Iron and steel production | metric tons | 2024-07-30 12:02:09 | 2024-07-30 12:02:10 | 1816-2016 | National Material Capabilities 6645 | t | { "name": "Iron and steel production", "unit": "metric tons", "shortUnit": "t", "tolerance": 5, "numDecimalPlaces": 0 } |
0 | irst | grapher/cow/2024-07-26/national_material_capabilities/national_material_capabilities#irst | 2 | minor | Iron and steel production | Involve transitions concerning the categories of iron produced and the types of fuels used in making iron and steel. | Iron and Steel production reflects a state’s production of pig iron (1816-1899) and steel (1900-2016) in each year for the period 1816-2016. _Data Acquisition and Generation_ Iron and steel production trends since 1816 involve transitions concerning the categories of iron produced and the types of fuels used in making iron and steel. In general, “cast iron” means all iron, including “pig iron” that has at least 0.3% carbon. Specifically, cast iron includes all iron that has been molded into functional shapes. “Wrought iron” (“puddle iron” or “bar iron”) is made from pig iron (except in a small percentage prior to 1850, when it was made directly from ore) in a puddling furnace. It is very pure (containing less than 0.04% carbon) and relatively malleable. Steel has an intermediate carbon content between 0.04 and 2.25%. Until around 1870, cast iron and wrought iron were the principal products. The proportion of the former as a final product steadily decreased until castings, as a proportion of total blast furnace production, amounted to less than 0.1% and wrought iron became the primary metal of construction. By 1880, the Bessemer invention and improvements in coking made wrought iron production obsolete. The use of coke as an inexpensive, non-volatile, and structurally solid fuel allowed the construction of larger blast furnaces. The use of coke combined with the rapid steel production in the Bessemer invention, made steel the primary commercial metal. While wrought iron was of primary importance as a finished good prior to 1870, we did not use it as an indicator because: 1) pig iron data is more readily available; 2) in our judgment, use of the former would underestimate industrial activity in some states, notably the United States; and 3) such use would downplay the importance of cast iron production, especially prior to 1850. Steel production totals were too low in many states to reflect accurately industrial activity in the nineteenth century. Instead, for the years 1816-1899, we estimated iron production … | [] |
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ab43a2b50857831f5e9dee6fe9aba359 | 9ac2c716e8c4aac66c917f2a2ddb4d8d | |||||||||||||||
959836 | Military personnel | people | 2024-07-30 12:02:09 | 2024-07-30 12:02:10 | 1816-2016 | National Material Capabilities 6645 | { "name": "Military personnel", "unit": "people", "tolerance": 5, "numDecimalPlaces": 0 } |
0 | milper | grapher/cow/2024-07-26/national_material_capabilities/national_material_capabilities#milper | 2 | minor | Military personnel | Troops under the command of the national government, intended for use against foreign adversaries, and held ready for combat as of January 1 of the given year. | Military Personnel is the size of a state’s military personnel in each year for the period 1816-2016. _Data Acquisition and Generation_ Military personnel are defined as troops under the command of the national government, intended for use against foreign adversaries, and held ready for combat as of January 1 of the referent year. It is important to note that any date besides January 1st would have been appropriate for the majority of cases because the data values change slowly. On occasion, however, there are instances where there are rapid changes in troop strength, such as mobilizations for conflicts and wars. Short-term variations in strength are not reflected in the project's data unless the changes remained in effect until the following January 1. With this definition in place, there are five important aspects of quantifying military personnel that need elaboration. First, the project counted only those troops under the command of the national government. These troop strengths include active, regular military units of the land, naval, and air components. Troops in the reserves such as those found in the United States were not included in the state’s annual total. Colonial troops (such as Indian troops under British command during India’s colonial period) were usually not included in this total if they were a separately administered force. Second, the military personnel data exclude the military forces of foreign military forces, semi-autonomous states and protectorates, and insurgent troops. Such units were not part of a regular national armed force under a military chain of command. Their inclusion would distort the number of personnel that could be summoned when deemed necessary. Third, these figures reflect the project's best judgment on which forces were intended for combat with foreign parties. Irregular forces such as civil defense units, frontier guards, gendarmerie, carabineri, and other quasi-military units were nominally responsible for defending outlying districts or for internal security an… | [] |
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a1e482f23685784945ea7b379b75b9ba | c08d62352e4cf0008d4f2072511130e4 | ||||||||||||||||
959835 | Military expenditure (current GBP and US$) | current GBP and US$ | 2024-07-30 12:02:09 | 2024-07-30 12:02:10 | 1816-2016 | National Material Capabilities 6645 | $ | { "name": "Military expenditure", "unit": "current GBP and US$", "shortUnit": "$", "tolerance": 5, "numDecimalPlaces": 0 } |
0 | milex | grapher/cow/2024-07-26/national_material_capabilities/national_material_capabilities#milex | 2 | minor | Military expenditure | This data is expressed in British pounds prior to 1914 and US dollars thereafter. It is not adjusted for inflation or differences in the cost of living between countries. | Military expenditure is each state’s total military budget in each year for the period 1816-2016. _Data Acquisition and Generation_ Since our primary interest was to index all financial resources available to the military in time of war, we coded all resources devoted to military forces that could be deployed, irrespective of their active or reserve status. Appropriations for all the types of units mentioned earlier were included when the units were under the authority of officials of the national government, even if the units did not contribute to the personnel variable. Such units typically were excluded from published budgets, in any case. It is important to note that in our assessments the sources of military expenditure data often provided gross (rather than net) expenditure figures. We sought to identify and exclude all appropriations of a non-military character because some nations have civil ministries under military control (national police forces is the most prevalent example). The use of such unadjusted budgets would substantially over-estimate the military capability of those nations. If there was a clear bureaucratic division between the execution of civil and military functions, this task was easily accomplished. For instance, if there were separate accounting and authorization procedures for merchant- and military-marine, expenditures of the former were excluded. On the other hand, merchant marine expenditures charged to the same administrative units that carried out military marine functions were included in the project's tabulations. Likewise, the budget figures were adjusted upward where we determined that outlays in other parts of the budget served to enhance military capacity. Having made the above distinction concerning money spent on military forces, we delimited part of the latter directly related to a country's war fighting capacity; that is, we had to distinguish which figures going for military purposes were destined to enhance capability. We deemed that expenditures on pensions, su… | [] |
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d809008729a524b3922f7acdfdf2c786 | ecbb9d10ed068373442ad4de4461be1b |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object
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