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46 rows where datasetId = 5702 sorted by id descending
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id ▲ | name | unit | description | createdAt | updatedAt | code | coverage | timespan | datasetId | sourceId | shortUnit | display | columnOrder | originalMetadata | grapherConfigAdmin | shortName | catalogPath | dimensions | schemaVersion | processingLevel | processingLog | titlePublic | titleVariant | attributionShort | attribution | descriptionShort | descriptionFromProducer | descriptionKey | descriptionProcessing | licenses | license | grapherConfigETL | type | sort | dataChecksum | metadataChecksum |
486669 | Planted Forest | 00006716 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Forest predominantly composed of trees established through planting and/or deliberate seeding. Explanatory notes 1. In this context, predominantly means that the planted/seeded trees are expected to constitute more than 50 percent of the growing stock at maturity. 2. Includes coppice from trees that were originally planted or seeded. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:46 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 1990-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Planted Forest - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
planted_forest__00006716__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#planted_forest__00006716__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486668 | Primary Forest | 00006714 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Naturally regenerated forest of native species, where there are no clearly visible indications of human activities and the ecological processes are not significantly disturbed.Explanatory note:1. Some key characteristics of primary forests are:• they show natural forest dynamics, such as natural tree species composition, occurrence of dead wood, natural age structure and natural regeneration processes;• the area is large enough to maintain its natural characteristics; • there has been no known significant human intervention or the last significant human intervention was long enough ago to have allowed the natural species composition and processes to have become re-established. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:46 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 1990-2017 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Primary Forest - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
primary_forest__00006714__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#primary_forest__00006714__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486667 | Perm. meadows & pastures area certified organic | 00006682 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Permanent meadows and pastures area certified organic. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:46 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2004-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Perm. meadows & pastures area certified organic - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
perm__meadows__and__pastures_area_certified_organic__00006682__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#perm__meadows__and__pastures_area_certified_organic__00006682__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486666 | Perm. meadows & pastures area under organic agric. | 00006681 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Permanent meadows and pastures area certified organic and/or in-conversion to organic. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:46 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2004-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Perm. meadows & pastures area under organic agric. - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
perm__meadows__and__pastures_area_under_organic_agric__00006681__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#perm__meadows__and__pastures_area_under_organic_agric__00006681__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486665 | Perm. meadows & pastures area actually irrig. | 00006657 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Agricultural land actually irrigated that is Permanent meadows and pastures. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:46 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2001-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Perm. meadows & pastures area actually irrig. - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
perm__meadows__and__pastures_area_actually_irrig__00006657__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#perm__meadows__and__pastures_area_actually_irrig__00006657__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486664 | Perm. meadows & pastures - Nat. growing | 00006659 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Land under ''Permanent meadows and pastures'' that is naturally growing. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:45 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2001-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Perm. meadows & pastures - Nat. growing - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
perm__meadows__and__pastures__nat__growing__00006659__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#perm__meadows__and__pastures__nat__growing__00006659__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486663 | Perm. meadows & pastures - Cultivated | 00006656 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Land under ''Permanent meadows and pastures'' that is managed and cultivated. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:45 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2001-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Perm. meadows & pastures - Cultivated - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
perm__meadows__and__pastures__cultivated__00006656__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#perm__meadows__and__pastures__cultivated__00006656__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486662 | Naturally regenerating forest | 00006717 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Forest predominantly composed of trees established through natural regeneration. Explanatory notes 1. Includes forests for which it is not possible to distinguish whether planted or naturally regenerated. 2. Includes forests with a mix of naturally regenerated native tree species and planted/seeded trees, and where the naturally regenerated trees are expected to constitute the major part of the growing stock at stand maturity. 3. Includes coppice from trees originally established through natural regeneration. 4. Includes naturally regenerated trees of introduced species. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:45 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 1990-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Naturally regenerating forest - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
naturally_regenerating_forest__00006717__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#naturally_regenerating_forest__00006717__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486661 | Other land | 00006670 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Land area not classified as "Agriculture" and ''Forestry''. It includes SEEA categories ''Land used for aquaculture", ''Built-up and related areas", ''Other uses of land not elsewhere classified", and ''Land not in use". Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:45 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 1990-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Other land - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
other_land__00006670__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#other_land__00006670__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486660 | Land with temporary fallow | 00006640 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Land that is not seeded for one or more growing seasons. The maximum idle period is usually less than five years. This land may be in the form sown for the exclusive production of green manure. Land remaining fallow for too long may acquire characteristics requiring it to be reclassified, as for instance “Permanent meadows and pastures” if used for grazing or haying. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:45 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 1991-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Land with temporary fallow - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
land_with_temporary_fallow__00006640__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#land_with_temporary_fallow__00006640__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486659 | Land used for aquaculture | 00006762 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Land used for aquaculture facilities and fish-farming activities. Aquaculture refers to the farming of aquatic organisms: fish, molluscs, crustaceans, aquatic plants, crocodiles, alligators, turtles and amphibians. Farming implying some form of intervention in the rearing process to enhance production, such as regular stocking, feeding, protection from predators, etc. Land used for aquaculture facilities and fish-farming activities includes housing facilities for breeding, nursing and rearing seed of fish, invertebrates or aquatic plants to fry, fingerling or juvenile stages. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:45 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2007-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Land used for aquaculture - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
land_used_for_aquaculture__00006762__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#land_used_for_aquaculture__00006762__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486658 | Land under temporary crops | 00006630 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Land used for crops with a less-than-one-year growing cycle, which must be newly sown or planted for further production after the harvest. Some crops that remain in the field for more than one year may also be considered as temporary crops e.g., asparagus, strawberries, pineapples, bananas and sugar cane. Multiple-cropped areas are counted only once. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:44 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2001-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Land under temporary crops - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
land_under_temporary_crops__00006630__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#land_under_temporary_crops__00006630__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486657 | Land under protective cover | 00006649 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Land used for agriculture occupied by dwellings on farms, etc.: dwellings, operating buildings (hangars, barns, cellars, greenhouses, silos), buildings for animal production (stables, cowsheds, pig sheds, sheep pens, poultry yards), family gardens, farmyards. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:44 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2013-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Land under protective cover - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
land_under_protective_cover__00006649__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#land_under_protective_cover__00006649__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486656 | Inland waters | 00006680 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Inland waters are areas corresponding to natural or artificial water courses, serving to drain natural or artificial bodies of water, including lakes, reservoirs, rivers, brooks, streams, ponds, inland canals, dams, and other land-locked waters. The banks constitute limits whether the water is present or not. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:44 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 1961-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Inland waters - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
inland_waters__00006680__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#inland_waters__00006680__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486655 | Land under permanent crops | 00006650 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Land cultivated with long-term crops which do not have to be replanted for several years (such as cocoa and coffee), land under trees and shrubs producing flowers (such as roses and jasmine), and nurseries (except those for forest trees, which should be classified under "Forestry"). Permanent meadows and pastures are excluded from land under permanent crops. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:44 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 1961-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Land under permanent crops - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
land_under_permanent_crops__00006650__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#land_under_permanent_crops__00006650__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486654 | Land under perm. meadows and pastures | 00006655 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Land used permanently (five years or more) to grow herbaceous forage crops through cultivation or naturally (wild prairie or grazing land). Permanent meadows and pastures on which trees and shrubs are grown should be recorded under this heading only if the growing of forage crops is the most important use of the area. Measures may be taken to keep or increase productivity of the land (i.e., use of fertilizers, mowing or systematic grazing by domestic animals.) This class includes: • Grazing in wooded areas (agroforestry areas, for example) • Grazing in shrubby zones (heath, maquis, garigue) • Grassland in the plain or low mountain areas used for grazing: land crossed during transhumance where the animals spend a part of the year (approximately 100 days) without returning to the holding in the evening: mountain and subalpine meadows and similar; and steppes and dry meadows used for pasture. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:44 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 1961-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Land under perm. meadows and pastures - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
land_under_perm__meadows_and_pastures__00006655__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#land_under_perm__meadows_and_pastures__00006655__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486653 | Land under temp. meadows and pastures | 00006633 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Land temporarily cultivated with herbaceous forage crops for mowing or pasture. A period of less than five years is used to differentiate between temporary and permanent meadows and pastures. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:44 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2001-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Land under temp. meadows and pastures - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
land_under_temp__meadows_and_pastures__00006633__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#land_under_temp__meadows_and_pastures__00006633__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486652 | Land area equipped for irrigation | 00006690 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Land area equipped with irrigation infrastructure and equipment to provide water to crops, which are in working order. The equipment does not have to be used during the reference year. The area equipped for irrigation covers areas equipped for fully controlled irrigation by any of the methods of surface, sprinkler or localized irrigation. It also includes areas under partially controlled irrigation methods of spate irrigation (controlling flood waters to water crops), equipped wetlands and inland valley bottoms and equipped flood recession. It excludes manual watering of plants using buckets, watering cans or other devices. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:44 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 1961-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Land area equipped for irrigation - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
land_area_equipped_for_irrigation__00006690__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#land_area_equipped_for_irrigation__00006690__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486651 | Land area | 00006601 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Country area excluding area under inland waters and coastal waters. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:44 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 1961-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Land area - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
land_area__00006601__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#land_area__00006601__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486650 | Land area actually irrigated | 00006616 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Land area equipped for irrigation that is actually irrigated in the reference year. It covers both fully controlled and partially controlled irrigation. It refers to the physical area of land irrigated. Therefore, even if the same area is irrigated more than once a year, it should only be counted once. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:44 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2006-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Land area actually irrigated - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
land_area_actually_irrigated__00006616__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#land_area_actually_irrigated__00006616__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486649 | Inland waters used for capture fisheries | 00006771 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Area of inland waters that is used for catching aquatic animals or gathering aquatic plants in the wild. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:44 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2013-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Inland waters used for capture fisheries - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
inland_waters_used_for_capture_fisheries__00006771__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#inland_waters_used_for_capture_fisheries__00006771__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486648 | Forest land | 00006646 || Carbon stock in living biomass | 072151 || million tonnes | million tonnes | Land spanning more than 0.5 hectares with trees higher than 5 metres and a canopy cover of more than 10 per cent, or trees able to reach these thresholds in situ. Excludes land that is predominantly under agricultural or urban land use. Explanatory notes: • Forest land is determined both by the presence of trees and by the absence of other predominant land uses. The trees should be able to reach a minimum height of 5 metres in situ • Includes areas with young trees that have not yet reached but that are expected to reach a canopy cover of 10 per cent and tree height of 5 metres. It also includes areas that are temporarily unstocked owing to clear-cutting as part of a forest management practice or natural disasters, and that are expected to be regenerated within five years. Local conditions may, in exceptional cases, justify the use of a longer time frame • Includes forest roads, firebreaks and other small open areas • May include forest land in national parks, nature reserves and other protected areas, such as those of specific environmental, scientific, historical, cultural or spiritual interest • Includes windbreaks, shelter belts and corridors of trees with an area of more than 0.5 hectares and width of more than 20 metres • Includes abandoned shifting cultivation land with a regeneration of trees that have, or is expected to reach, a canopy cover of 10 per cent and tree height of 5 metres • Includes areas with mangroves in tidal zones, regardless of whether this area is classified as land area or not • Includes areas with bamboo and palms provided that land use, height and canopy cover criteria are met • Some agroforestry systems such as the taungya system, where crops are grown only during the first years of the forest rotation should be classified as forest • Excludes: tree stands in agricultural production systems, such as fruit-tree plantations (→Permanent crops), oil palm plantations, rubber and Christmas trees (→Permanent crops) and agroforestry systems when crops are grown under tree co… | 2022-08-23 19:31:44 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 1990-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | million tonnes | { "name": "Forest land - Carbon stock in living biomass (million tonnes)", "unit": "million tonnes", "shortUnit": "million tonnes" } |
0 | {} |
forest_land__00006646__carbon_stock_in_living_biomass__072151__million_tonnes | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#forest_land__00006646__carbon_stock_in_living_biomass__072151__million_tonnes | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486647 | Forestry area actually irrigated | 00006695 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Land area actually irrigated that is land used for Forestry. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:44 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2013-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Forestry area actually irrigated - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
forestry_area_actually_irrigated__00006695__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#forestry_area_actually_irrigated__00006695__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486646 | Inland waters used for aquac. or holding facilities | 00006767 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Inland water areas that are used for aquaculture facilities including supporting facilities. Aquaculture facilities include enclosures and pens (water areas confined by net, mesh and other barriers allowing uncontrolled water interchange), cages (open or covered enclosed structure constructed with net, mesh or any porous materials allowing natural water interchange), barrages (semi-permanent or seasonal enclosures formed by impervious man-made barriers and appropriate natural features) and rafts, ropes and stakes (raft, long lines or stakes used to culture shellfish and seaweeds). Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:44 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2013-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Inland waters used for aquac. or holding facilities - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
inland_waters_used_for_aquac__or_holding_facilities__00006767__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#inland_waters_used_for_aquac__or_holding_facilities__00006767__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486645 | Forest land | 00006646 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Land spanning more than 0.5 hectares with trees higher than 5 metres and a canopy cover of more than 10 per cent, or trees able to reach these thresholds in situ. Excludes land that is predominantly under agricultural or urban land use. Explanatory notes: • Forest land is determined both by the presence of trees and by the absence of other predominant land uses. The trees should be able to reach a minimum height of 5 metres in situ • Includes areas with young trees that have not yet reached but that are expected to reach a canopy cover of 10 per cent and tree height of 5 metres. It also includes areas that are temporarily unstocked owing to clear-cutting as part of a forest management practice or natural disasters, and that are expected to be regenerated within five years. Local conditions may, in exceptional cases, justify the use of a longer time frame • Includes forest roads, firebreaks and other small open areas • May include forest land in national parks, nature reserves and other protected areas, such as those of specific environmental, scientific, historical, cultural or spiritual interest • Includes windbreaks, shelter belts and corridors of trees with an area of more than 0.5 hectares and width of more than 20 metres • Includes abandoned shifting cultivation land with a regeneration of trees that have, or is expected to reach, a canopy cover of 10 per cent and tree height of 5 metres • Includes areas with mangroves in tidal zones, regardless of whether this area is classified as land area or not • Includes areas with bamboo and palms provided that land use, height and canopy cover criteria are met • Some agroforestry systems such as the taungya system, where crops are grown only during the first years of the forest rotation should be classified as forest • Excludes: tree stands in agricultural production systems, such as fruit-tree plantations (→Permanent crops), oil palm plantations, rubber and Christmas trees (→Permanent crops) and agroforestry systems when crops are grown under tree co… | 2022-08-23 19:31:44 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 1990-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Forest land - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
forest_land__00006646__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#forest_land__00006646__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486644 | Farm buildings & farmyards | 00006775 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Surfaces occupied by dwellings on farms, etc.: dwellings, operating buildings (hangars, barns, cellars, silos), buildings for animal production (stables, cowsheds, pig sheds, sheep pens, poultry yards), farmyards. Excludes buildings for agro-food manufacture and buildings in rural areas for exclusive residential purpose. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:44 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2013-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Farm buildings & farmyards - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
farm_buildings__and__farmyards__00006775__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#farm_buildings__and__farmyards__00006775__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486643 | EEZ used for capture fisheries | 00006645 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Area of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) that is used for catching aquatic animals or gathering aquatic plants in the wild. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2016-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "EEZ used for capture fisheries - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
eez_used_for_capture_fisheries__00006645__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#eez_used_for_capture_fisheries__00006645__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486642 | Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) | 00006643 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Waters beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea, not extending beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured, determined in accordance with part V of UNCLOS (1982). Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 1993-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
exclusive_economic_zone__eez__00006643__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#exclusive_economic_zone__eez__00006643__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486641 | EEZ used for aquac. or holding facilities | 00006644 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Area of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) that used for marine aquaculture facilities including supporting facilities. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2013-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "EEZ used for aquac. or holding facilities - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
eez_used_for_aquac__or_holding_facilities__00006644__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#eez_used_for_aquac__or_holding_facilities__00006644__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486640 | Cropland area under organic agric. | 00006668 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Cropland area certified organic and/or in conversion to organic. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2004-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Cropland area under organic agric. - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
cropland_area_under_organic_agric__00006668__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#cropland_area_under_organic_agric__00006668__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486639 | Cropland | 00006620 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Land used for cultivation of crops. The total of areas under ''Arable land'' and ''Permanent crops''. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 1961-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Cropland - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
cropland__00006620__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#cropland__00006620__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486638 | Cropland area under conventional tillage | 00006664 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Cropland area on which tillage practices involve inversion (turning over) of the soil over the whole area with tillage operations including inversion tillage/ploughing using tillage tools or equipment, such as a mouldboard or disc plough or powered tillage equipment, such as a rotovator. It includes tilllage with traditional ploughs, of either wood or iron, drawn by animal power. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2013-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Cropland area under conventional tillage - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
cropland_area_under_conventional_tillage__00006664__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#cropland_area_under_conventional_tillage__00006664__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486637 | Coastal waters used for aquac. or holding facilities | 00006641 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Area of Coastal waters used for marine aquaculture facilities including supporting facilities. Aquaculture facilities include enclosures and pens (water areas confined by net, mesh and other barriers allowing uncontrolled water interchange), cages (open or covered enclosed structure constructed with net, mesh or any porous materials allowing natural water interchange), barrages (semi-permanent or seasonal enclosures formed by impervious man-made barriers and appropriate natural features) and rafts, ropes and stakes (raft, long lines or stakes used to culture shellfish and seaweeds). This category includes: Oyster beds and other types of shellfish (mussels, clams, abalones and scallops); Bodies of water used for seaweed production; Bodies of water used for fish rearing Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2013-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Coastal waters used for aquac. or holding facilities - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
coastal_waters_used_for_aquac__or_holding_facilities__00006641__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#coastal_waters_used_for_aquac__or_holding_facilities__00006641__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486636 | Country area | 00006600 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Area under national sovereignty. It is the sum of land area, inland waters and coastal waters. It excludes the exclusive economic zone. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 1961-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Country area - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
country_area__00006600__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#country_area__00006600__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486635 | Cropland area under zero or no tillage | 00006666 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Cropland area on which practices do not involve any tillage operations. After the seeding operation, not more than 25 percent of the soil surface is allowed to be disturbed. The soils are always covered, including for the period between harvest and sowing. The stubble is retained and the soil surface is covered by residue mulch or stubble for erosion control. Seeding/planting is done with special no-tillage/direct seeders, which are able to open a narrow slot of the soil (through soil cover), drop the seed and close the slot again. Zero tillage is carried out with implements such as direct planters or hand-jab planters. Seed can be also sown by broad casting into standing vegetation or into small holes in the ground intended for seed placement. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2013-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Cropland area under zero or no tillage - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
cropland_area_under_zero_or_no_tillage__00006666__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#cropland_area_under_zero_or_no_tillage__00006666__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486634 | Cropland area actually irrigated | 00006694 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Agricultural land actually irrigated that is Cropland. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2001-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Cropland area actually irrigated - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
cropland_area_actually_irrigated__00006694__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#cropland_area_actually_irrigated__00006694__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486633 | Cropland area certified organic | 00006669 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Cropland land area certified organic. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2004-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Cropland area certified organic - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
cropland_area_certified_organic__00006669__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#cropland_area_certified_organic__00006669__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486632 | Arable land | 00006621 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | The total of areas under temporary crops, temporary meadows and pastures, and land with temporary fallow. Arable land does not include land that is potentially cultivable but is not normally cultivated. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 1961-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Arable land - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
arable_land__00006621__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#arable_land__00006621__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486631 | Cropland area under conservation tillage | 00006665 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Cropland area on which tillage practices leave plant residues (at least 30-35 percent) on the soil surface for erosion control and moisture conservation. Soil should normally not be inverted but only ripped. Conservation tillage includes: i) Reduced tillage/ minimum tillage, preparing the land with equipment which does not invert the soil and which causes little compaction but which leaves some ripping lines. For this reason, the soil normally remains with a good cover of residues on the surface. Reduced tillage is usually carried out with specialized tined implement, such as a ripper. ii) Strip tillage, which involves strips being tilled to receive the seed, while the soil along the intervening bands is not disturbed and remains covered with residues such as mulch. iii) Ridge tillage, which is a system of ridges and furrows. The ridges may be narrow or wide and the furrows can be parallel to the contour lines or constructed with a slight slope, depending on whether the objective is to conserve moisture or to drain excess moisture. The surface is prepared by scraping off the top of a ridge, with the crops planted into the tops of the ridges formed during cultivation of the previous crop. The soil is covered with residue between the rows until planting. The ridges can be semi-permanent or be constructed each year, which will govern the amount of residue material that remains on the surface. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2013-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Cropland area under conservation tillage - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
cropland_area_under_conservation_tillage__00006665__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#cropland_area_under_conservation_tillage__00006665__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486630 | Coastal waters | 00006773 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Waters located in between the land territory and the outer limit of the territorial sea. They comprise ''Internal waters'' and ''Territorial sea," and where applicable, ''Archipelagic waters." Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 1961-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Coastal waters - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
coastal_waters__00006773__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#coastal_waters__00006773__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486629 | Coastal waters used for capture fisheries | 00006642 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Area of Coastal waters that is used for catching aquatic animals or gathering aquatic plants in the wild. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2013-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Coastal waters used for capture fisheries - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
coastal_waters_used_for_capture_fisheries__00006642__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#coastal_waters_used_for_capture_fisheries__00006642__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486628 | Agriculture | 00006602 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | The total of areas under “Land under temporary crops”, “Land under temporary meadows and pastures”, “Land with temporary fallow”, “Land under permanent crops”, “Land under permanent meadows and pastures”, and “Land under protective cover”. This category includes tilled and fallow land, and naturally grown permanent meadows and pastures used for grazing, animal feeding or agricultural purpose. Scattered land under farm buildings, yards and their annexes, and permanently uncultivated land, such as uncultivated patches, banks, footpaths, ditches, headlands and shoulders are traditionally included. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 1961-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Agriculture - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
agriculture__00006602__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#agriculture__00006602__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486627 | Agriculture area under organic agric. | 00006671 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | 'Agriculture'' area certified organic and/or in conversion to organic. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2004-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Agriculture area under organic agric. - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
agriculture_area_under_organic_agric__00006671__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#agriculture_area_under_organic_agric__00006671__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486626 | Agriculture area actually irrigated | 00006611 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Land area actually irrigated that is Agriculture. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2001-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Agriculture area actually irrigated - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
agriculture_area_actually_irrigated__00006611__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#agriculture_area_actually_irrigated__00006611__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486625 | Agriculture area certified organic | 00006672 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | ''Agriculture'' area certified organic. Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 2004-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Agriculture area certified organic - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
agriculture_area_certified_organic__00006672__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#agriculture_area_certified_organic__00006672__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
486624 | Agricultural land | 00006610 || Area | 005110 || thousand hectares | thousand hectares | Land used for cultivation of crops and animal husbandry. The total of areas under ''Cropland'' and ''Permanent meadows and pastures.'' Extent of surface of land or water. Source: FAO Statistics Division | 2022-08-23 19:31:42 | 2023-10-27 12:25:39 | 1961-2019 | Inputs: Land Use (FAO, 2022-05-17) 5702 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 26725 | 1000 ha | { "name": "Agricultural land - Area (thousand hectares)", "unit": "thousand hectares", "shortUnit": "1000 ha" } |
0 | {} |
agricultural_land__00006610__area__005110__thousand_hectares | grapher/faostat/2022-05-17/faostat_rl/faostat_rl_flat#agricultural_land__00006610__area__005110__thousand_hectares | 1 |
Advanced export
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