variables: 98641
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id | name | unit | description | createdAt | updatedAt | code | coverage | timespan | datasetId | sourceId | shortUnit | display | columnOrder | originalMetadata | grapherConfigAdmin | shortName | catalogPath | dimensions | schemaVersion | processingLevel | processingLog | titlePublic | titleVariant | attributionShort | attribution | descriptionShort | descriptionFromProducer | descriptionKey | descriptionProcessing | licenses | license | grapherConfigETL | type | sort | dataChecksum | metadataChecksum |
98641 | Public sector theft | How often do public sector employees steal, embezzle, or misappropriate public funds or other state resources for personal or family use? | 2018-10-03 13:26:02 | 2023-06-15 05:05:42 | v2exthftps | 3073 | 16137 | {} |
410 | { "responses": "0: Constantly. Public sector employees act as though all public resources were their personal or family property. <br>1: Often. Public sector employees are responsible stewards of selected public resources but treat the rest like personal property.<br>2: About half the time. Public sector employees are about as likely to be responsible stewards of selected public resources as they are to treat them like personal property.<br>3: Occasionally. Public sector employees are responsible stewards of most public resources but treat selected others like personal property.<br>4: Never, or hardly ever. Public sector employees are almost always responsible stewards of public resources and keep them separate from personal or family property.", "dataRelease": "1-8.", "indicatorCode": "v2exthftps", "indicatorName": "Public sector theft", "longDefinition": "When responding to this question, we would like you to think about a typical person employed by the public sector, excluding the military. If you think there are large discrepancies between branches of the public sector, between the national/federal and subnational/state level, or between the core bureaucracy and employees working with public service delivery, please try to average them out before stating your response.", "variableSource": "Pemstein, Dan, Kyle L. Marquardt, Eitan Tzelgov, Yi-Ting Wang, Joshua Krusell, and Farhad Miri (2018). \"The V-Dem Measurement Model: Latent Variable Analysis for Cross-National and Cross-Temporal Expert-Coded Data\", V-Dem Working Paper Series (21); Coppedge, Michael, John Gerring, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Staffan I. Lindberg, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Jan Teorell, David Altman, Michael Bernhard, Agnes Cornell, M. Steven Fish, Haakon Gjerl\u00f8w, Adam Glynn, Allen Hicken, Joshua Krusell, Anna L\u00fchrmann, Kyle L. Marquardt, Kelly McMann, Valeriya Mechkova, Moa Olin, Pamela Paxton, Daniel Pemstein, Brigitte Seim, Rachel Sigman, Jeffrey Staton, Aksel Sundtr\u00f6m, Eitan Tzelgov, Luca Uberti, Yi-ting Wang, Tore Wig, and Daniel Ziblatt (2018). \"V-Dem Codebook v8\" Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Project; Coppedge, Michael, John Gerring, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Staffan I. Lindberg, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Jan Teorell, David Altman, Michael Bernhard, M. Steven Fish, Agnes Cornell, Sirianne Dahlum, Haakon Gjerl\u00f8w, Adam Glynn, Allen Hicken, Joshua Krusell, Anna L\u00fchrmann, Kyle L. Marquardt, Kelly McMann, Valeriya Mechkova, Juraj Medzihorsky, Moa Olin, Pamela Paxton, Daniel Pemstein, Josefine Pernes, Johannes von R\u00f6mer, Brigitte Seim, Rachel Sigman, Jeffrey Staton, Natalia Stepanova, Aksel Sundstr\u00f6m, Eitan Tzelgov, Yi-ting Wang, Tore Wig, Steven Wilson, and Daniel Ziblatt. 2018. \"V-Dem [Country-Year/Country-Date] Dataset v8\". Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Project.", "shortDefinition": "How often do public sector employees steal, embezzle, or misappropriate public funds or other state resources for personal or family use?", "aggregationMethod": "" } |
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