variables: 900026
Data license: CC-BY
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id | name | unit | description | createdAt | updatedAt | code | coverage | timespan | datasetId | sourceId | shortUnit | display | columnOrder | originalMetadata | grapherConfigAdmin | shortName | catalogPath | dimensions | schemaVersion | processingLevel | processingLog | titlePublic | titleVariant | attributionShort | attribution | descriptionShort | descriptionFromProducer | descriptionKey | descriptionProcessing | licenses | license | grapherConfigETL | type | sort | dataChecksum | metadataChecksum |
900026 | Political regime (inc. ambiguous categories) | 2024-04-23 09:12:38 | 2024-07-25 23:13:42 | 1789-2023 | 6481 | { "numDecimalPlaces": 0 } |
0 | regime_amb_row_owid | grapher/democracy/2024-03-07/vdem/vdem#regime_amb_row_owid | 2 | Political regime | inc. ambiguous categories | Political regime of a country using the Regimes of the World classification by political scientists Anna Lührmann, Marcus Tannenberg and Staffan Lindberg, including ambiguous categories. | [ "It distinguishes between closed autocracies (score 0), electoral autocracies (score 3), electoral democracies (score 6), and liberal democracies (score 9) as the main types.", "In closed autocracies, citizens do not have the right to either choose the chief executive of the government or the legislature through multi-party elections.", "In electoral autocracies, citizens have the right to choose the chief executive and the legislature through multi-party elections; but they lack some freedoms, such as the freedoms of association or expression, that make the elections meaningful, free, and fair.", "In electoral democracies, citizens have the right to participate in meaningful, free and fair, and multi-party elections.", "In liberal democracies, citizens have further individual and minority rights, are equal before the law, and the actions of the executive are constrained by the legislative and the courts.", "It further includes intermediate categories for closed autocracies that may be electoral autocracies (score 1), electoral autocracies that may be closed autocracies (score 2), electoral autocracies that may be electoral democracies (score 4), electoral democracies that may be electoral autocracies (score 5), electoral democracies that may be liberal democracies (score 7) and liberal democracies that may be electoral democracies (score 8)." ] |
While RoW covers the years since 1900, we use V-Dem's historical data from 1789 to 1899 to expand the classification's coverage back in time. We expand the years covered by V-Dem further: To expand the time coverage of today's countries and include more of the period when they were still non-sovereign territories, we identified the historical entity they were a part of and used that regime's data whenever available For example, V-Dem only provides regime data since Bangladesh's independence in 1971. There is, however, regime data for Pakistan and the colony of India, both of which the current territory of Bangladesh was a part. We, therefore, use the regime data of Pakistan for Bangladesh from 1947 to 1970, and the regime data of India from 1789 to 1946. We did so for all countries with a past or current population of more than one million. | int | [] |
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