variables: 821617
Data license: CC-BY
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id | name | unit | description | createdAt | updatedAt | code | coverage | timespan | datasetId | sourceId | shortUnit | display | columnOrder | originalMetadata | grapherConfigAdmin | shortName | catalogPath | dimensions | schemaVersion | processingLevel | processingLog | titlePublic | titleVariant | attributionShort | attribution | descriptionShort | descriptionFromProducer | descriptionKey | descriptionProcessing | licenses | license | grapherConfigETL | type | sort | dataChecksum | metadataChecksum |
821617 | 15-19 years old total alcohol consumption in litres of pure alcohol - Sex: female | rate | 2024-03-06 13:50:57 | 2024-07-25 23:12:58 | 2010-2010 | 6403 | { "unit": "rate" } |
0 | _15_19_years_old_total_alcohol_consumption_in_litres_of_pure_alcohol__sex_female | grapher/who/2024-01-03/gho/_15_19_years_old_total_alcohol_consumption_in_litres_of_pure_alcohol#_15_19_years_old_total_alcohol_consumption_in_litres_of_pure_alcohol__sex_female | { "filters": [ { "name": "sex", "value": "female" } ], "originalName": "15-19 years old total alcohol consumption in litres of pure alcohol", "originalShortName": "_15_19_years_old_total_alcohol_consumption_in_litres_of_pure_alcohol" } |
2 | Total APC is defined as the total (sum of three-year average recorded and three-year average unrecorded APC, adjusted for three-year average tourist consumption) amount of alcohol consumed per adult (15+ years) over a calendar year, in litres of pure alcohol. Recorded alcohol consumption refers to official statistics (production, import, export, and sales or taxation data), while the unrecorded alcohol consumption refers to alcohol which is not taxed and is outside the usual system of governmental control. Tourist consumption takes into account tourists visiting the country and inhabitants visiting other countries. Positive figures denote alcohol consumption of outbound tourists being greater than alcohol consumption by inbound tourists, negative numbers the opposite. Tourist consumption is based on UN tourist statistics. | ##### Rationale The total alcohol per capita consumption (APC) comprises both the recorded and the unrecorded APC, which together provide a more accurate estimate of the level of alcohol consumption in a country, and as a result, portray trends of alcohol consumption in the adult population (15 years of age and older) in a more precise way. Drinking alcohol can associated with developing alcohol use disorder or dependence and higher risk of mental and behavioural disorders. It is a major risk for liver cirrhosis, some cancers and cardiovascular diseases as well as injuries resulting from violence and accidents. Beyond health consequences, the harmful use of alcohol brings significant social and economic losses to individuals, their families and society at large. ##### Definition Total APC is defined as the total (sum of three-year average recorded and three-year average unrecorded APC, adjusted for three-year average tourist consumption) amount of alcohol consumed per adult (15+ years) over a calendar year, in litres of pure alcohol. Recorded alcohol consumption refers to official statistics (production, import, export, and sales or taxation data), while the unrecorded alcohol consumption refers to alcohol which is not taxed and is outside the usual system of governmental control. Tourist consumption takes into account tourists visiting the country and inhabitants visiting other countries. Positive figures denote alcohol consumption of outbound tourists being greater than alcohol consumption by inbound tourists, negative numbers the opposite. Tourist consumption is based on UN tourist statistics. ##### Method of measurement See measurement method for recorded APC, unrecorded APC, and tourist APC. ##### Method of estimation Sum of recorded and unrecorded APC, adjusted for tourist consumption. | [] |
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