variables: 821353
Data license: CC-BY
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id | name | unit | description | createdAt | updatedAt | code | coverage | timespan | datasetId | sourceId | shortUnit | display | columnOrder | originalMetadata | grapherConfigAdmin | shortName | catalogPath | dimensions | schemaVersion | processingLevel | processingLog | titlePublic | titleVariant | attributionShort | attribution | descriptionShort | descriptionFromProducer | descriptionKey | descriptionProcessing | licenses | license | grapherConfigETL | type | sort | dataChecksum | metadataChecksum |
821353 | Health expenditure - Voluntary health insurance schemes | international-$ in 2015 prices | 2024-02-27 16:12:03 | 2024-07-08 17:22:31 | 1970-2022 | 6398 | $ | { "name": "Health expenditure - Voluntary health insurance schemes", "unit": "international-$ in 2015 prices", "shortUnit": "$", "tolerance": 5, "numDecimalPlaces": 0 } |
0 | ppp_dollars__financing_scheme_voluntary_health_insurance_schemes | grapher/oecd/2024-02-23/health_expenditure/health_expenditure#ppp_dollars__financing_scheme_voluntary_health_insurance_schemes | { "filters": [ { "name": "financing_scheme", "value": "Voluntary health insurance schemes" } ], "originalName": "Health expenditure - Voluntary health insurance schemes", "originalShortName": "ppp_dollars" } |
2 | minor | Health expenditure - Voluntary health insurance schemes | Health expenditure in voluntary health insurance schemes. Includes financing arrangements based upon the purchase of a health insurance policy, which is not made compulsory by government. | Voluntary health insurance schemes are based upon the purchase of a health insurance policy, which is not made compulsory by government. Insurance premiums may be directly or indirectly subsidised by the government. Voluntary health insurance (VHI) schemes have the following characteristics: - Mode of participation: voluntary, at the discretion of an individual or a firm; - Benefit entitlement: contributory: based upon the purchase of the voluntary health insurance policy (usually on the basis of a contract); - Basic method for fund-raising: usually non-income-related premiums (often directly or indirectly risk-related); may be directly or indirectly subsidised by the government (e.g. through tax credits); - Mechanism and extent of pooling funds: individual scheme level. Voluntary health insurance is taken up and paid for at the discretion of individuals or firms. Voluntary health insurance may also be purchased by the employer. Premiums may be either risk-rated or community-rated, but in some countries (e.g. France) even income-related. Voluntary insurance is usually purchased from private insurance organisations (both for-profit and non-profit), although in some cases it may also be purchased from public or quasi-public bodies. In several countries enterprises may also have their own insurance arrangements. There are several possible aspects that distinguish different types of voluntary health insurance. These aspects may overlap or may be combined when creating sub-categories of voluntary health insurance. For example, both group policies and individual policies can provide either primary or complementary coverage. The type of coverage, that is, whether the voluntary insurance provides primary coverage or complementary coverage for an individual, is the most important factor for defining the sub-categories. | [ "The data is measured in international-$ at 2015 prices \u2013 this adjusts for inflation and for differences in the cost of living between countries." ] |
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