variables: 821331
Data license: CC-BY
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id | name | unit | description | createdAt | updatedAt | code | coverage | timespan | datasetId | sourceId | shortUnit | display | columnOrder | originalMetadata | grapherConfigAdmin | shortName | catalogPath | dimensions | schemaVersion | processingLevel | processingLog | titlePublic | titleVariant | attributionShort | attribution | descriptionShort | descriptionFromProducer | descriptionKey | descriptionProcessing | licenses | license | grapherConfigETL | type | sort | dataChecksum | metadataChecksum |
821331 | Health expenditure (as a share of GDP) - Social health insurance schemes | % of GDP | 2024-02-27 16:12:01 | 2024-07-08 17:22:30 | 1970-2022 | 6398 | % | { "name": "Health expenditure (% of GDP) - Social health insurance schemes", "unit": "% of GDP", "shortUnit": "%", "tolerance": 5, "numDecimalPlaces": 1 } |
0 | share_gdp__financing_scheme_social_health_insurance_schemes | grapher/oecd/2024-02-23/health_expenditure/health_expenditure#share_gdp__financing_scheme_social_health_insurance_schemes | { "filters": [ { "name": "financing_scheme", "value": "Social health insurance schemes" } ], "originalName": "Health expenditure (as a share of GDP) - Social health insurance schemes", "originalShortName": "share_gdp" } |
2 | minor | Health expenditure (as a share of GDP) - Social health insurance schemes | Health expenditure in social health insurance schemes divided by gross domestic product, expressed as a percentage. Includes financing arrangements that ensure access to health care based on a payment of a non-risk-related contribution by or on behalf of the eligible person. | Social health insurance is a financing arrangement that ensures access to health care based on a payment of a non-risk-related contribution by or on behalf of the eligible person. The social health insurance scheme is established by a specific public law, defining, among others, the eligibility, benefit package and rules for the contribution payment. Social health insurance schemes have the following characteristics: - Mode of participation: mandatory, either for all citizens/residents or for a specific population group defined by law/government regulations (e.g. formal sector employees); - Benefit entitlement: contributory, based on non-risk-related payments made by or on behalf of the insured person. Family members may or may not be covered on the basis of the contributor’s payment. The government may make contributions on behalf of certain defined categories of the population (e.g. pensioners). - Basic method for fund-raising: compulsory non-risk-related health insurance contributions. Insurance contributions may be paid by the government (from the state budget) on behalf of some non-contributing groups of the population, and the government may also provide general subsidies to the scheme. - Mechanism and extent of pooling funds:national, sub-national, or by scheme. With multiple funds, the extent of pooling will depend on risk-equalisation mechanisms across schemes. By using such mechanisms, it is possible to create pooling across schemes. Traditionally, laws on social health insurance define the coverage of persons and the benefit basket to which the insured persons are entitled. Usually (but not necessarily) those who are entitled are also mandated. Entitlement for services originates from the law on social health insurance, which establishes the insurance automatically for all persons who meet the criteria. With some exceptions (e.g. non-residents), no individual contract between the insurance fund and the insured is involved on the basis of their contributions (including made on their behalf). Membership may be legally assigned, usually based on two criteria: 1) professional status or employer; and 2) place of residence. In some countries insurees may have the right to choose an insurance fund. One main characteristic of social insurance schemes is that contributions are not related to risk. Contributions are raised mainly through wage-related (and occasionally income-related) contributions that are shared between employers and employees. There are differences between countries with respect to: the uniformity of the rate; the ratio of employer contributions to employee contributions; the existence of an upper contribution ceiling; the existence of additional non-wage-related revenues; the calculation of contributions for non-waged persons; and the role of general government revenues in funding. This category includes all social insurance schemes that provide health care services, even if their main activity is not health-related (e.g. some pension schemes would fall into this category). Of course, only the health-related spending of these schemes is reported under HF.1.2.1. | [] |
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