variables: 821304
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id | name | unit | description | createdAt | updatedAt | code | coverage | timespan | datasetId | sourceId | shortUnit | display | columnOrder | originalMetadata | grapherConfigAdmin | shortName | catalogPath | dimensions | schemaVersion | processingLevel | processingLog | titlePublic | titleVariant | attributionShort | attribution | descriptionShort | descriptionFromProducer | descriptionKey | descriptionProcessing | licenses | license | grapherConfigETL | type | sort | dataChecksum | metadataChecksum |
821304 | Health expenditure (as a share of total expenditure) - Enterprise financing schemes | % | 2024-02-27 16:11:53 | 2024-07-08 17:22:28 | 1970-2022 | 6398 | % | { "name": "Health expenditure (% of total health expenditure) - Enterprise financing schemes", "unit": "%", "shortUnit": "%", "tolerance": 5, "numDecimalPlaces": 1 } |
0 | share_expenditure__financing_scheme_enterprise_financing_schemes | grapher/oecd/2024-02-23/health_expenditure/health_expenditure#share_expenditure__financing_scheme_enterprise_financing_schemes | { "filters": [ { "name": "financing_scheme", "value": "Enterprise financing schemes" } ], "originalName": "Health expenditure (as a share of total expenditure) - Enterprise financing schemes", "originalShortName": "share_expenditure" } |
2 | minor | Health expenditure (as a share of total expenditure) - Enterprise financing schemes | Health expenditure in enterprise financing schemes divided by the total health expenditure, expressed as a percentage. Includes primarily arrangements where enterprises directly provide or finance health services for their employees, without the involvement of an insurance-type scheme. | This category includes primarily arrangements where enterprises directly provide or finance health services for their employees (such as occupational health services), without the involvement of an insurance-type scheme. Therefore, this excludes employer-based insurance schemes. Enterprise financing schemes have the following characteristics: - Mode of participation: voluntary choice of particular enterprise/corporation, with coverage based on employment at the firm (e.g. compulsory occupational health care); - Benefit entitlement: non-contributory, discretionary with regard to the type of services, though may sometimes be specified by law; - Basic method for fund-raising: voluntary choice of the firm to use its revenues for this purpose; - Mechanism and extent of pooling funds: at an individual enterprise level. Compared to SHA 1.0, the change is in the label (and hence the definition) so that it better reflects the content of the data. The label in the SHA 1.0 Manual is: “Corporations (other than health insurance)”. This label is not accurate, as corporations may provide revenues to other financing schemes, for example, they may pay insurance contributions or voluntary insurance premiums. The revised category better reflects the actual role of the enterprises accounted under this category (as financing schemes). A distinction between two sub-categories is proposed: enterprise financing schemes (except health care providers); and Health care providers.. Under the special category of Health care providers financing schemes (HF.2.3.2) health care providers finance part of the services they provide to their patients from their own sources (that are additional sources to the payment they receive from the financing schemes). These are “imputed” expenditures included in health accounts in order to obtain an adequate estimation of the value of the services consumed by individuals. In fact, payments are made for the factors of health care provision by the providers or suppliers of these factors (e.g. pharmaceuticals), as the payment by the purchasers does not cover the full costs of providing the services concerned. For an adequate estimate of the value of the services concerned, these specific items are estimated and accounted as expenditure by Health care providers financing schemes (HF.2.3.2), and the revenues are accounted as FS. 6.2. Other revenues from corporations n.e.c. These specific sources may be as follows: - Health care providers may have special revenues from economic activities other than the provision of health services (for example, lending premises, providing laundry or catering services for other institutions, or private hospitals may have revenues from interest, etc.) and they may use these revenues to cover the costs of health services they provide. - A private hospital may incur a loss in one year. To balance revenues and expenditure, the hospital may take out a loan from a commercial bank to be repaid in subsequent periods. - In some countries, a public hospital may accumulate arrears (unpaid bills) towards suppliers of pharmaceuticals (or other material resources). The increase in these arrears in the given accounting period can, in fact, be interpreted as additional financing raised by the provider. | [] |
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