variables: 816330
Data license: CC-BY
This data as json
id | name | unit | description | createdAt | updatedAt | code | coverage | timespan | datasetId | sourceId | shortUnit | display | columnOrder | originalMetadata | grapherConfigAdmin | shortName | catalogPath | dimensions | schemaVersion | processingLevel | processingLog | titlePublic | titleVariant | attributionShort | attribution | descriptionShort | descriptionFromProducer | descriptionKey | descriptionProcessing | licenses | license | grapherConfigETL | type | sort | dataChecksum | metadataChecksum |
816330 | Modern census first implemented | 2023-11-22 15:17:32 | 2024-07-25 22:53:45 | 1750-1986 | 6296 | { "name": "Modern census first implemented", "tolerance": 5, "numDecimalPlaces": 0 } |
0 | first_moderncensus | grapher/state_capacity/2023-11-20/information_capacity_dataset/information_capacity_dataset#first_moderncensus | 2 | minor | A modern census is defined as a census that meets four requirements: universality, well-defined territory, simultaneity, and individual enumeration. | Dummy variable that takes the value 1 the year a country first implemented a modern census (it is missing otherwise). A modern census meets all three requirements from the census variable plus a fourth one – (4) individual enumeration, which means that the census produces tabular data sets with disaggregated information for each individual. | [] |
float | [] |
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