variables: 158641
Data license: CC-BY
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id | name | unit | description | createdAt | updatedAt | code | coverage | timespan | datasetId | sourceId | shortUnit | display | columnOrder | originalMetadata | grapherConfigAdmin | shortName | catalogPath | dimensions | schemaVersion | processingLevel | processingLog | titlePublic | titleVariant | attributionShort | attribution | descriptionShort | descriptionFromProducer | descriptionKey | descriptionProcessing | licenses | license | grapherConfigETL | type | sort | dataChecksum | metadataChecksum |
158641 | Trademark applications, total | Trademark applications filed are applications to register a trademark with a national or regional Intellectual Property (IP) office. A trademark is a distinctive sign which identifies certain goods or services as those produced or provided by a specific person or enterprise. A trademark provides protection to the owner of the mark by ensuring the exclusive right to use it to identify goods or services, or to authorize another to use it in return for payment. The period of protection varies, but a trademark can be renewed indefinitely beyond the time limit on payment of additional fees. Limitations and exceptions: Detailed components of trademark filings are available at the World Bank at Data includes applications filed by direct residents (domestic applicants filing directly at a given national or regional intellectual property [IP] office); direct nonresident (foreign applicants filing directly at a given national or regional IP office); aggregate direct (applicants not identified as direct resident or direct nonresident by the national or regional office); and Madrid (designations received by the national or regional IP office based on international applications filed via the World Intellectual Property Organization-administered Madrid System). Data are based on information supplied to World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) by IP offices in annual surveys, supplemented by data in national IP office reports. Data may be missing for some offices or periods. Trademark registrations are exclusive rights, issued to an applicant by an IP office. For example, registrations are issued to applicants to make use of and exploit their trademark or industrial design for a limited period of time and can, in some cases, particularly in the case of trademarks, be renewed indefinitely. Statistical concept and methodology: A trademark is a distinctive sign identifying goods or services as produced or provided by a specific person or enterprise. A trademark protects the owner of the mark by ensuring exclusive right to use it to identify goods or services or to authorize another to use it. The period of protection varies, but a trademark can be renewed indefinitely for an additional fee. | 2021-08-10 01:59:14 | 2023-06-15 05:05:42 | IP.TMK.TOTL | 1980-2019 | 5357 | 18849 | {} |
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