id,name,unit,description,createdAt,updatedAt,code,coverage,timespan,datasetId,sourceId,shortUnit,display,columnOrder,originalMetadata,grapherConfigAdmin,shortName,catalogPath,dimensions,schemaVersion,processingLevel,processingLog,titlePublic,titleVariant,attributionShort,attribution,descriptionShort,descriptionFromProducer,descriptionKey,descriptionProcessing,licenses,license,grapherConfigETL,type,sort,dataChecksum,metadataChecksum 820637,Area needed to meet the global vegetable oil demand with only sesame oil,hectares,"Amount of land that would need to be devoted to grow sesame crops if it was to meet global vegetable oil demand alone. ",2024-02-13 15:54:30,2024-03-15 19:23:55,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,sesame_area_to_meet_global_oil_demand,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#sesame_area_to_meet_global_oil_demand,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820636,Area of sesame crops harvested to produce a tonne of sesame oil,hectares per tonne,"Area of sesame crops harvested to produce a tonne of sesame oil. This metric is the inverse of oil yields, and represents the amount of land that would need to be devoted to grow a given crop to produce one tonne of oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:30,2024-03-15 19:23:55,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,hectares/tonne,"{""unit"": ""hectares per tonne"", ""shortUnit"": ""hectares/tonne""}",0,,,sesame_hectares_per_tonne,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#sesame_hectares_per_tonne,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820635,Area needed to meet the global vegetable oil demand with only cottonseed oil,hectares,"Amount of land that would need to be devoted to grow cottonseed crops if it was to meet global vegetable oil demand alone. ",2024-02-13 15:54:30,2024-03-15 19:23:54,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,cottonseed_area_to_meet_global_oil_demand,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#cottonseed_area_to_meet_global_oil_demand,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820634,Sesame oil yield per crop,tonnes per hectare,"Average amount of sesame oil produced per hectare of sesame crops harvested. Note that this calculates the oil yield per hectare, which is different from the yield of the total crop, because not all of the crop can be used for oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:30,2024-03-15 19:23:54,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,tonnes/ha,"{""unit"": ""tonnes per hectare"", ""shortUnit"": ""tonnes/ha""}",0,,,sesame_tonnes_per_hectare,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#sesame_tonnes_per_hectare,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820633,Cottonseed oil yield per crop,tonnes per hectare,"Average amount of cottonseed oil produced per hectare of cottonseed crops harvested. Note that this calculates the oil yield per hectare, which is different from the yield of the total crop, because not all of the crop can be used for oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:30,2024-03-15 19:23:54,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,tonnes/ha,"{""unit"": ""tonnes per hectare"", ""shortUnit"": ""tonnes/ha""}",0,,,cottonseed_tonnes_per_hectare,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#cottonseed_tonnes_per_hectare,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820632,Area of cottonseed crops harvested to produce a tonne of cottonseed oil,hectares per tonne,"Area of cottonseed crops harvested to produce a tonne of cottonseed oil. This metric is the inverse of oil yields, and represents the amount of land that would need to be devoted to grow a given crop to produce one tonne of oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:30,2024-03-15 19:23:54,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,hectares/tonne,"{""unit"": ""hectares per tonne"", ""shortUnit"": ""hectares/tonne""}",0,,,cottonseed_hectares_per_tonne,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#cottonseed_hectares_per_tonne,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820631,Area needed to meet the global vegetable oil demand with only groundnut oil,hectares,"Amount of land that would need to be devoted to grow groundnut crops if it was to meet global vegetable oil demand alone. ",2024-02-13 15:54:30,2024-03-15 19:23:54,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,groundnut_area_to_meet_global_oil_demand,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#groundnut_area_to_meet_global_oil_demand,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820630,Area of groundnut crops harvested to produce a tonne of groundnut oil,hectares per tonne,"Area of groundnut crops harvested to produce a tonne of groundnut oil. This metric is the inverse of oil yields, and represents the amount of land that would need to be devoted to grow a given crop to produce one tonne of oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:30,2024-03-15 19:23:54,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,hectares/tonne,"{""unit"": ""hectares per tonne"", ""shortUnit"": ""hectares/tonne""}",0,,,groundnut_hectares_per_tonne,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#groundnut_hectares_per_tonne,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820629,Groundnut oil yield per crop,tonnes per hectare,"Average amount of groundnut oil produced per hectare of groundnut crops harvested. Note that this calculates the oil yield per hectare, which is different from the yield of the total crop, because not all of the crop can be used for oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:30,2024-03-15 19:23:54,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,tonnes/ha,"{""unit"": ""tonnes per hectare"", ""shortUnit"": ""tonnes/ha""}",0,,,groundnut_tonnes_per_hectare,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#groundnut_tonnes_per_hectare,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820628,Area of coconut crops harvested to produce a tonne of coconut oil,hectares per tonne,"Area of coconut crops harvested to produce a tonne of coconut oil. This metric is the inverse of oil yields, and represents the amount of land that would need to be devoted to grow a given crop to produce one tonne of oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:30,2024-03-15 19:23:54,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,hectares/tonne,"{""unit"": ""hectares per tonne"", ""shortUnit"": ""hectares/tonne""}",0,,,coconut_hectares_per_tonne,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#coconut_hectares_per_tonne,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820627,Area needed to meet the global vegetable oil demand with only coconut oil,hectares,"Amount of land that would need to be devoted to grow coconut crops if it was to meet global vegetable oil demand alone. ",2024-02-13 15:54:30,2024-03-15 19:23:54,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,coconut_area_to_meet_global_oil_demand,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#coconut_area_to_meet_global_oil_demand,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820626,Area needed to meet the global vegetable oil demand with only olive oil,hectares,"Amount of land that would need to be devoted to grow olive crops if it was to meet global vegetable oil demand alone. ",2024-02-13 15:54:30,2024-03-15 19:23:53,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,olive_area_to_meet_global_oil_demand,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#olive_area_to_meet_global_oil_demand,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820625,Coconut oil yield per crop,tonnes per hectare,"Average amount of coconut oil produced per hectare of coconut crops harvested. Note that this calculates the oil yield per hectare, which is different from the yield of the total crop, because not all of the crop can be used for oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:29,2024-03-15 19:23:54,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,tonnes/ha,"{""unit"": ""tonnes per hectare"", ""shortUnit"": ""tonnes/ha""}",0,,,coconut_tonnes_per_hectare,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#coconut_tonnes_per_hectare,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820624,Area of olive crops harvested to produce a tonne of olive oil,hectares per tonne,"Area of olive crops harvested to produce a tonne of olive oil. This metric is the inverse of oil yields, and represents the amount of land that would need to be devoted to grow a given crop to produce one tonne of oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:29,2024-03-15 19:23:53,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,hectares/tonne,"{""unit"": ""hectares per tonne"", ""shortUnit"": ""hectares/tonne""}",0,,,olive_hectares_per_tonne,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#olive_hectares_per_tonne,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820623,Olive oil yield per crop,tonnes per hectare,"Average amount of olive oil produced per hectare of olive crops harvested. Note that this calculates the oil yield per hectare, which is different from the yield of the total crop, because not all of the crop can be used for oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:29,2024-03-15 19:23:53,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,tonnes/ha,"{""unit"": ""tonnes per hectare"", ""shortUnit"": ""tonnes/ha""}",0,,,olive_tonnes_per_hectare,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#olive_tonnes_per_hectare,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820622,Area needed to meet the global vegetable oil demand with only soybean oil,hectares,"Amount of land that would need to be devoted to grow soybean crops if it was to meet global vegetable oil demand alone. ",2024-02-13 15:54:29,2024-03-15 19:23:53,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,soybean_area_to_meet_global_oil_demand,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#soybean_area_to_meet_global_oil_demand,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820621,Area of soybean crops harvested to produce a tonne of soybean oil,hectares per tonne,"Area of soybean crops harvested to produce a tonne of soybean oil. This metric is the inverse of oil yields, and represents the amount of land that would need to be devoted to grow a given crop to produce one tonne of oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:29,2024-03-15 19:23:53,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,hectares/tonne,"{""unit"": ""hectares per tonne"", ""shortUnit"": ""hectares/tonne""}",0,,,soybean_hectares_per_tonne,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#soybean_hectares_per_tonne,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820620,Soybean oil yield per crop,tonnes per hectare,"Average amount of soybean oil produced per hectare of soybean crops harvested. Note that this calculates the oil yield per hectare, which is different from the yield of the total crop, because not all of the crop can be used for oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:29,2024-03-15 19:23:53,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,tonnes/ha,"{""unit"": ""tonnes per hectare"", ""shortUnit"": ""tonnes/ha""}",0,,,soybean_tonnes_per_hectare,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#soybean_tonnes_per_hectare,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820619,Area needed to meet the global vegetable oil demand with only rapeseed oil,hectares,"Amount of land that would need to be devoted to grow rapeseed crops if it was to meet global vegetable oil demand alone. ",2024-02-13 15:54:29,2024-03-15 19:23:53,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,rapeseed_area_to_meet_global_oil_demand,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#rapeseed_area_to_meet_global_oil_demand,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820618,Area of rapeseed crops harvested to produce a tonne of rapeseed oil,hectares per tonne,"Area of rapeseed crops harvested to produce a tonne of rapeseed oil. This metric is the inverse of oil yields, and represents the amount of land that would need to be devoted to grow a given crop to produce one tonne of oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:29,2024-03-15 19:23:53,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,hectares/tonne,"{""unit"": ""hectares per tonne"", ""shortUnit"": ""hectares/tonne""}",0,,,rapeseed_hectares_per_tonne,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#rapeseed_hectares_per_tonne,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820617,Rapeseed oil yield per crop,tonnes per hectare,"Average amount of rapeseed oil produced per hectare of rapeseed crops harvested. Note that this calculates the oil yield per hectare, which is different from the yield of the total crop, because not all of the crop can be used for oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:29,2024-03-15 19:23:53,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,tonnes/ha,"{""unit"": ""tonnes per hectare"", ""shortUnit"": ""tonnes/ha""}",0,,,rapeseed_tonnes_per_hectare,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#rapeseed_tonnes_per_hectare,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820616,Area needed to meet the global vegetable oil demand with only palm oil,hectares,"Amount of land that would need to be devoted to grow palm fruit crops if it was to meet global vegetable oil demand alone. Palm oil includes palm kernel oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:29,2024-03-15 19:23:52,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,palm_area_to_meet_global_oil_demand,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#palm_area_to_meet_global_oil_demand,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820615,Area of sunflower crops harvested to produce a tonne of sunflower oil,hectares per tonne,"Area of sunflower crops harvested to produce a tonne of sunflower oil. This metric is the inverse of oil yields, and represents the amount of land that would need to be devoted to grow a given crop to produce one tonne of oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:29,2024-03-15 19:23:52,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,hectares/tonne,"{""unit"": ""hectares per tonne"", ""shortUnit"": ""hectares/tonne""}",0,,,sunflower_hectares_per_tonne,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#sunflower_hectares_per_tonne,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820614,Area needed to meet the global vegetable oil demand with only sunflower oil,hectares,"Amount of land that would need to be devoted to grow sunflower crops if it was to meet global vegetable oil demand alone. ",2024-02-13 15:54:28,2024-03-15 19:23:52,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,sunflower_area_to_meet_global_oil_demand,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#sunflower_area_to_meet_global_oil_demand,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820613,Sunflower oil yield per crop,tonnes per hectare,"Average amount of sunflower oil produced per hectare of sunflower crops harvested. Note that this calculates the oil yield per hectare, which is different from the yield of the total crop, because not all of the crop can be used for oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:28,2024-03-15 19:23:52,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,tonnes/ha,"{""unit"": ""tonnes per hectare"", ""shortUnit"": ""tonnes/ha""}",0,,,sunflower_tonnes_per_hectare,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#sunflower_tonnes_per_hectare,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820612,Area of palm fruit crops harvested to produce a tonne of palm oil,hectares per tonne,"Area of palm fruit crops harvested to produce a tonne of palm oil. This metric is the inverse of oil yields, and represents the amount of land that would need to be devoted to grow a given crop to produce one tonne of oil. Palm oil includes palm kernel oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:28,2024-03-15 19:23:52,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,hectares/tonne,"{""unit"": ""hectares per tonne"", ""shortUnit"": ""hectares/tonne""}",0,,,palm_hectares_per_tonne,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#palm_hectares_per_tonne,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820611,Global production of vegetable oils,tonnes,"Amount of vegetable oils produced worldwide. ",2024-02-13 15:54:28,2024-03-15 19:23:52,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,vegetable_oils_production,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#vegetable_oils_production,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820610,Palm oil yield per crop,tonnes per hectare,"Average amount of palm oil produced per hectare of palm fruit crops harvested. Note that this calculates the oil yield per hectare, which is different from the yield of the total crop, because not all of the crop can be used for oil. Palm oil includes palm kernel oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:28,2024-03-15 19:23:52,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,tonnes/ha,"{""unit"": ""tonnes per hectare"", ""shortUnit"": ""tonnes/ha""}",0,,,palm_tonnes_per_hectare,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#palm_tonnes_per_hectare,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820609,Area harvested for palm fruit crops,hectares,"Land area used to harvest palm fruit crops. Palm oil includes palm kernel oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:28,2024-03-15 19:23:52,,,1961-2021,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,palm_area,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#palm_area,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820608,Area harvested for sesame crops,hectares,"Land area used to harvest sesame crops. ",2024-02-13 15:54:28,2024-03-15 19:23:52,,,1961-2021,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,sesame_area,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#sesame_area,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820607,Area harvested for rapeseed crops,hectares,"Land area used to harvest rapeseed crops. ",2024-02-13 15:54:28,2024-03-15 19:23:52,,,1961-2021,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,rapeseed_area,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#rapeseed_area,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820606,Area harvested for coconut crops,hectares,"Land area used to harvest coconut crops. ",2024-02-13 15:54:28,2024-03-15 19:23:52,,,1961-2021,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,coconut_area,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#coconut_area,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820605,Area harvested for olive crops,hectares,"Land area used to harvest olive crops. ",2024-02-13 15:54:28,2024-03-15 19:23:51,,,1961-2021,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,olive_area,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#olive_area,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820604,Area harvested for groundnut crops,hectares,"Land area used to harvest groundnut crops. ",2024-02-13 15:54:28,2024-03-15 19:23:51,,,1961-2021,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,groundnut_area,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#groundnut_area,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820603,Area harvested for cottonseed crops,hectares,"Land area used to harvest cottonseed crops. ",2024-02-13 15:54:28,2024-03-15 19:23:51,,,1961-2021,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,cottonseed_area,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#cottonseed_area,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820602,Area harvested for soybean crops,hectares,"Land area used to harvest soybean crops. ",2024-02-13 15:54:28,2024-03-15 19:23:51,,,1961-2021,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,soybean_area,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#soybean_area,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820601,Area harvested for sunflower crops,hectares,"Land area used to harvest sunflower crops. ",2024-02-13 15:54:27,2024-03-15 19:23:51,,,1961-2021,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,sunflower_area,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#sunflower_area,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820600,Production of rapeseed oil,tonnes,"Amount of rapeseed oil produced. ",2024-02-13 15:54:27,2024-03-15 19:23:51,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,rapeseed_production,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#rapeseed_production,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820599,Production of palm oil,tonnes,"Amount of palm oil produced. Palm oil includes palm kernel oil. ",2024-02-13 15:54:27,2024-03-15 19:23:51,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,palm_production,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#palm_production,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820598,Production of sesame oil,tonnes,"Amount of sesame oil produced. ",2024-02-13 15:54:27,2024-03-15 19:23:51,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,sesame_production,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#sesame_production,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820597,Production of cottonseed oil,tonnes,"Amount of cottonseed oil produced. ",2024-02-13 15:54:27,2024-03-15 19:23:51,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,cottonseed_production,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#cottonseed_production,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820596,Production of olive oil,tonnes,"Amount of olive oil produced. ",2024-02-13 15:54:27,2024-03-15 19:23:50,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,olive_production,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#olive_production,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820595,Production of coconut oil,tonnes,"Amount of coconut oil produced. ",2024-02-13 15:54:27,2024-03-15 19:23:50,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,coconut_production,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#coconut_production,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820594,Production of groundnut oil,tonnes,"Amount of groundnut oil produced. ",2024-02-13 15:54:27,2024-03-15 19:23:50,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,groundnut_production,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#groundnut_production,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820593,Production of soybean oil,tonnes,"Amount of soybean oil produced. ",2024-02-13 15:54:27,2024-03-15 19:23:50,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,soybean_production,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#soybean_production,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820592,Production of sunflower oil,tonnes,"Amount of sunflower oil produced. ",2024-02-13 15:54:27,2024-03-15 19:23:50,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,sunflower_production,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/vegetable_oil_yields#sunflower_production,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820591,Percentage of overexploited fish stocks,%,"Fish stock are subpopulations of a particular species of fish which have common parameters such as location, growth and mortality which define their population dynamics. Fish stocks are overexploited when fish catch exceeds the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) - the rate at which fish populations can regenerate. ",2024-02-13 15:54:26,2024-03-15 19:23:50,,,1974-2019,6383,30053,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,,,overexploited_fish,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/share_of_sustainable_and_overexploited_fish#overexploited_fish,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820590,Percentage of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels,%,"Fish stock are subpopulations of a particular species of fish which have common parameters such as location, growth and mortality which define their population dynamics. Fish stocks are within biologically sustainable levels when fish catch does not exceed the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) - the rate at which fish populations can regenerate. ",2024-02-13 15:54:26,2024-03-15 19:23:50,,,1974-2019,6383,30053,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,,,sustainable_fish,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/share_of_sustainable_and_overexploited_fish#sustainable_fish,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820589,Wheat used for biofuels in US,tonnes,,2024-02-13 15:54:26,2024-03-15 19:23:50,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,wheat_other_uses_us,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/maize_and_wheat_in_the_context_of_the_ukraine_war#wheat_other_uses_us,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820588,Wheat used for biofuels in UK,tonnes,,2024-02-13 15:54:26,2024-03-15 19:23:50,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,wheat_other_uses_uk,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/maize_and_wheat_in_the_context_of_the_ukraine_war#wheat_other_uses_uk,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820587,Wheat used for biofuels in EU,tonnes,,2024-02-13 15:54:26,2024-03-15 19:23:50,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,wheat_other_uses_eu,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/maize_and_wheat_in_the_context_of_the_ukraine_war#wheat_other_uses_eu,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820586,Wheat exported by Ukraine,tonnes,,2024-02-13 15:54:26,2024-03-15 19:23:50,,,1992-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,wheat_exports_ukraine,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/maize_and_wheat_in_the_context_of_the_ukraine_war#wheat_exports_ukraine,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820585,Wheat exported by Russia,tonnes,,2024-02-13 15:54:26,2024-03-15 19:23:50,,,1992-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,wheat_exports_russia,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/maize_and_wheat_in_the_context_of_the_ukraine_war#wheat_exports_russia,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820584,Wheat used for animal feed in US,tonnes,,2024-02-13 15:54:26,2024-03-15 19:23:50,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,wheat_animal_feed_us,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/maize_and_wheat_in_the_context_of_the_ukraine_war#wheat_animal_feed_us,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820583,Wheat used for animal feed in UK,tonnes,,2024-02-13 15:54:26,2024-03-15 19:23:50,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,wheat_animal_feed_uk,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/maize_and_wheat_in_the_context_of_the_ukraine_war#wheat_animal_feed_uk,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820582,Wheat used for animal feed in EU,tonnes,,2024-02-13 15:54:26,2024-03-15 19:23:50,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,wheat_animal_feed_eu,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/maize_and_wheat_in_the_context_of_the_ukraine_war#wheat_animal_feed_eu,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820581,Maize used for biofuels in US,tonnes,,2024-02-13 15:54:26,2024-03-15 19:23:50,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,maize_other_uses_us,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/maize_and_wheat_in_the_context_of_the_ukraine_war#maize_other_uses_us,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820580,Maize used for biofuels in UK,tonnes,,2024-02-13 15:54:26,2024-03-15 19:23:50,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,maize_other_uses_uk,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/maize_and_wheat_in_the_context_of_the_ukraine_war#maize_other_uses_uk,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820579,Maize used for biofuels in EU,tonnes,,2024-02-13 15:54:26,2024-03-15 19:23:49,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,maize_other_uses_eu,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/maize_and_wheat_in_the_context_of_the_ukraine_war#maize_other_uses_eu,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820578,Maize exported by Ukraine,tonnes,,2024-02-13 15:54:26,2024-03-15 19:23:49,,,1992-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,maize_exports_ukraine,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/maize_and_wheat_in_the_context_of_the_ukraine_war#maize_exports_ukraine,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820577,Maize exported by Russia,tonnes,,2024-02-13 15:54:25,2024-03-15 19:23:49,,,1992-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,maize_exports_russia,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/maize_and_wheat_in_the_context_of_the_ukraine_war#maize_exports_russia,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820576,Maize used for animal feed in US,tonnes,,2024-02-13 15:54:25,2024-03-15 19:23:49,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,maize_animal_feed_us,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/maize_and_wheat_in_the_context_of_the_ukraine_war#maize_animal_feed_us,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820575,Maize used for animal feed in UK,tonnes,,2024-02-13 15:54:25,2024-03-15 19:23:49,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,maize_animal_feed_uk,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/maize_and_wheat_in_the_context_of_the_ukraine_war#maize_animal_feed_uk,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820574,Maize used for animal feed in EU,tonnes,,2024-02-13 15:54:25,2024-03-15 19:23:49,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,maize_animal_feed_eu,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/maize_and_wheat_in_the_context_of_the_ukraine_war#maize_animal_feed_eu,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820573,Share of the daily caloric intake that comes from vegetal protein,%,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:25,2024-03-15 19:23:49,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,,,share_of_energy_from_vegetal_protein,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#share_of_energy_from_vegetal_protein,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820572,Daily caloric intake per person that comes from vegetal protein,kilocalories per day per capita,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:25,2024-03-15 19:23:49,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,kcal,"{""unit"": ""kilocalories per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal""}",0,,,energy_from_vegetal_protein,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#energy_from_vegetal_protein,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820571,Share of the daily caloric intake that comes from animal protein,%,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:25,2024-03-15 19:23:49,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,,,share_of_energy_from_animal_protein,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#share_of_energy_from_animal_protein,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820570,Daily caloric intake per person that comes from animal protein,kilocalories per day per capita,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:24,2024-03-15 19:23:48,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,kcal,"{""unit"": ""kilocalories per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal""}",0,,,energy_from_animal_protein,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#energy_from_animal_protein,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820569,Share of the daily caloric intake that comes from carbohydrates,%,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:24,2024-03-15 19:23:48,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,,,share_of_energy_from_carbohydrates,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#share_of_energy_from_carbohydrates,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820568,Share of the daily caloric intake that comes from protein,%,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:24,2024-03-15 19:23:48,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,,,share_of_energy_from_protein,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#share_of_energy_from_protein,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820567,Share of the daily caloric intake that comes from fat,%,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:24,2024-03-15 19:23:48,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,,,share_of_energy_from_fat,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#share_of_energy_from_fat,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820566,Daily carbohydrates intake per person,grams per day per capita,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:24,2024-03-15 19:23:48,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,g,"{""unit"": ""grams per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""g""}",0,,,total_carbohydrates,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#total_carbohydrates,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820565,Daily caloric intake per person from carbohydrates,kilocalories per day per capita,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:23,2024-03-15 19:23:48,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,kcal,"{""unit"": ""kilocalories per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal""}",0,,,total_energy_from_carbohydrates,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#total_energy_from_carbohydrates,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820564,Daily caloric intake per person from fat,kilocalories per day per capita,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:23,2024-03-15 19:23:47,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,kcal,"{""unit"": ""kilocalories per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal""}",0,,,total_energy_from_fat,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#total_energy_from_fat,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820563,Daily caloric intake per person from protein,kilocalories per day per capita,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:23,2024-03-15 19:23:47,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,kcal,"{""unit"": ""kilocalories per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal""}",0,,,total_energy_from_protein,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#total_energy_from_protein,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820562,Daily protein intake from animal products,grams per day per capita,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:23,2024-03-15 19:23:47,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,g,"{""unit"": ""grams per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""g""}",0,,,protein_from_animal_products,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#protein_from_animal_products,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820561,Daily protein intake per person from vegetal products,grams per day per capita,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:23,2024-03-15 19:23:47,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,g,"{""unit"": ""grams per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""g""}",0,,,protein_from_vegetal_products,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#protein_from_vegetal_products,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820560,Daily protein intake per person,grams per day per capita,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:22,2024-03-15 19:23:47,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,g,"{""unit"": ""grams per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""g""}",0,,,total_protein,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#total_protein,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820559,Daily fat intake per person from animal products,grams per day per capita,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:22,2024-03-15 19:23:46,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,g,"{""unit"": ""grams per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""g""}",0,,,fat_from_animal_products,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#fat_from_animal_products,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820558,Daily fat intake per person from vegetal products,grams per day per capita,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:22,2024-03-15 19:23:46,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,g,"{""unit"": ""grams per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""g""}",0,,,fat_from_vegetal_products,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#fat_from_vegetal_products,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820557,Daily fat intake per person,grams per day per capita,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:22,2024-03-15 19:23:46,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,g,"{""unit"": ""grams per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""g""}",0,,,total_fat,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#total_fat,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820556,Daily caloric intake per person from animal products,kilocalories per day per capita,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:22,2024-03-15 19:23:46,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,kcal,"{""unit"": ""kilocalories per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal""}",0,,,energy_from_animal_products,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#energy_from_animal_products,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820555,Daily caloric intake per person from vegetal products,kilocalories per day per capita,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:21,2024-03-15 19:23:46,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,kcal,"{""unit"": ""kilocalories per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal""}",0,,,energy_from_vegetal_products,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#energy_from_vegetal_products,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820554,Daily caloric intake per person,kilocalories per day per capita,"The FAO provide annual figures from 1961 by country on daily caloric supply, fat supply (in grams), and protein supply (in grams). To calculate the daily per capita supply of carbohydrates, we assume an energy density by macronutrient of 4 kcal per gram of both protein and carbohydrate and 9 kcal per gram of fat (based on established nutritional guidelines reported by the FAO). The daily supply of carbohydrates is therefore calculated as: ((Daily supply of kcal)-(Daily supply of protein * 4 + Daily supply of fat * 9)) / 4 The quantity of calories from each macronutrient is then calculated based on the energy density figures given above (e.g. calories from protein is calculated by multiplying the daily supply of protein in grams by 4). For an explanation of these conversion factors, see ""Chapter 3: Calculation Of The Energy Content Of Foods - Energy Conversion Factors"", available at: The share of calories derived from each macronutrient is then calculated by dividing the number of calories derived from a given macronutrient by the total daily caloric supply. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs and dairy products, and fish & seafood. ",2024-02-13 15:54:21,2024-03-15 19:23:46,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,kcal,"{""unit"": ""kilocalories per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal""}",0,,,total_energy,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/macronutrient_compositions#total_energy,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820553,Percentage reduction in area needed due to crop yield increases,hectares,"Land spared since 1961 due to the increase of crop yields, as a percentage of the total land that would be necessary if crop yields had not increased since then. ",2024-02-13 15:54:21,2024-03-15 19:23:46,,,1961-2021,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,spared_land__pct,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/land_spared_by_increased_crop_yields#spared_land__pct,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820552,Land spared due to crop yield increases,hectares,"Land spared since 1961 due to the increase of crop yields. This area is calculated as the cropland area that would be necessary if crop yields stagnated in 1961 (the total production on a given year divided by the crop yield of 1961), minus the true cropland area on a given year. ",2024-02-13 15:54:21,2024-03-15 19:23:46,,,1961-2021,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,spared_land,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/land_spared_by_increased_crop_yields#spared_land,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820551,Cropland area needed if yields stagnated in 1961,hectares,"Total cropland area that would be necessary if crop yields stagnated in 1961. This area is calculated by dividing the total production on a given year by the crop yield of 1961. ",2024-02-13 15:54:21,2024-03-15 19:23:46,,,1961-2021,6383,30053,ha,"{""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,area_with_yield_of_1961,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/land_spared_by_increased_crop_yields#area_with_yield_of_1961,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820550,Per-capita production of meat in each country,tonnes per person,,2024-02-13 15:54:21,2024-03-15 19:23:45,,,1961-2021,6383,30053,t/person,"{""unit"": ""tonnes per person"", ""shortUnit"": ""t/person""}",0,,,production_per_capita,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/hypothetical_meat_consumption#production_per_capita,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820549,Hypothetical global meat demand if everyone ate like the average citizen of a given country,tonnes,"Hypothetical global meat demand if everyone in the world ate the same quantity as the average citizen of a given country. This is a hypothetical variable derived by Our World in Data which answers the question: ""What would global meat production have to be if everyone in the world consumed the average per capita amount of a given country?"". For example: ""How much meat would we need to produce if everyone in the world consumed the same amount of meat as the average UK citizen?"". This was derived by multiplying global population by per capita meat supply of a given country. ",2024-02-13 15:54:20,2024-03-15 19:23:45,,,1961-2021,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,production_global_hypothetical,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/hypothetical_meat_consumption#production_global_hypothetical,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820548,Total amount of meat produced worldwide,tonnes,,2024-02-13 15:54:20,2024-03-15 19:23:45,,,1961-2021,6383,30053,t,"{""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,,,production_global,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/hypothetical_meat_consumption#production_global,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820547,Number of slaughtered animals per person in each country,animals per person,,2024-02-13 15:54:20,2024-03-15 19:23:45,,,1961-2021,6383,30053,,"{""unit"": ""animals per person""}",0,,,animals_per_capita,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/hypothetical_meat_consumption#animals_per_capita,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820546,World population,people,,2024-02-13 15:54:19,2024-03-15 19:23:45,,,1961-2021,6383,30053,,"{""unit"": ""people""}",0,,,global_population,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/hypothetical_meat_consumption#global_population,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820545,Hypothetical number of slaughtered animals if everyone ate like the average citizen of a given country,animals,"Hypothetical number of slaughtered animals worldwide if everyone in the world ate the same quantity as the average citizen of a given country. This is a hypothetical variable derived by Our World in Data which answers the question: ""How many animals would need to be slaughtered if everyone in the world consumed the average per capita amount of a given country?"". For example: ""How many animals would need to be slaughtered if everyone in the world consumed the same amount of meat as the average UK citizen?"". This was derived by multiplying global population by the per capita number of slaughtered animals of a given country. ",2024-02-13 15:54:19,2024-03-15 19:23:45,,,1961-2021,6383,30053,,"{""unit"": ""animals""}",0,,,animals_global_hypothetical,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/hypothetical_meat_consumption#animals_global_hypothetical,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820544,Number of slaughtered animals to produce meat worldwide,animals,,2024-02-13 15:54:19,2024-03-15 19:23:44,,,1961-2021,6383,30053,,"{""unit"": ""animals""}",0,,,animals_global,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/hypothetical_meat_consumption#animals_global,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820543,Daily caloric intake per person from other commodities,kilocalories per day per capita,"Data represents the average daily per capita supply of calories from the full range of commodities, grouped by food categories. Note that these figures do not correct for waste at the household/consumption level so may not directly reflect the quantity of food finally consumed by a given individual. Specific food commodities have been grouped into higher-level categories. Food group 'Other' includes the FAO item groups: 'Stimulants', 'Spices', 'Miscellaneous group', 'Offals group', 'Aquatic Products, Other'.",2024-02-13 15:54:19,2024-03-15 19:23:44,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,kcal,"{""unit"": ""kilocalories per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal""}",0,,,other,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/food_available_for_consumption#other,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820542,Daily caloric intake per person from alcoholic beverages,kilocalories per day per capita,"Data represents the average daily per capita supply of calories from the full range of commodities, grouped by food categories. Note that these figures do not correct for waste at the household/consumption level so may not directly reflect the quantity of food finally consumed by a given individual. Specific food commodities have been grouped into higher-level categories. Food group 'Alcoholic beverages' includes the FAO item groups: 'Alcoholic Beverages'.",2024-02-13 15:54:19,2024-03-15 19:23:44,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,kcal,"{""unit"": ""kilocalories per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal""}",0,,,alcoholic_beverages,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/food_available_for_consumption#alcoholic_beverages,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820541,Daily caloric intake per person from dairy and eggs,kilocalories per day per capita,"Data represents the average daily per capita supply of calories from the full range of commodities, grouped by food categories. Note that these figures do not correct for waste at the household/consumption level so may not directly reflect the quantity of food finally consumed by a given individual. Specific food commodities have been grouped into higher-level categories. Food group 'Dairy and eggs' includes the FAO item groups: 'Milk', 'Eggs'.",2024-02-13 15:54:19,2024-03-15 19:23:44,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,kcal,"{""unit"": ""kilocalories per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal""}",0,,,dairy_and_eggs,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/food_available_for_consumption#dairy_and_eggs,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820540,Daily caloric intake per person from meat,kilocalories per day per capita,"Data represents the average daily per capita supply of calories from the full range of commodities, grouped by food categories. Note that these figures do not correct for waste at the household/consumption level so may not directly reflect the quantity of food finally consumed by a given individual. Specific food commodities have been grouped into higher-level categories. Food group 'Meat' includes the FAO item groups: 'Meat, total', 'Fish and seafood'.",2024-02-13 15:54:18,2024-03-15 19:23:44,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,kcal,"{""unit"": ""kilocalories per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal""}",0,,,meat,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/food_available_for_consumption#meat,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820539,Daily caloric intake per person from sugar,kilocalories per day per capita,"Data represents the average daily per capita supply of calories from the full range of commodities, grouped by food categories. Note that these figures do not correct for waste at the household/consumption level so may not directly reflect the quantity of food finally consumed by a given individual. Specific food commodities have been grouped into higher-level categories. Food group 'Sugar' includes the FAO item groups: 'Sugar & Sweeteners', 'Sugar crops'.",2024-02-13 15:54:18,2024-03-15 19:23:44,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,kcal,"{""unit"": ""kilocalories per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal""}",0,,,sugar,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/food_available_for_consumption#sugar,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,, 820538,Daily caloric intake per person from oils and fats,kilocalories per day per capita,"Data represents the average daily per capita supply of calories from the full range of commodities, grouped by food categories. Note that these figures do not correct for waste at the household/consumption level so may not directly reflect the quantity of food finally consumed by a given individual. Specific food commodities have been grouped into higher-level categories. Food group 'Oils and fats' includes the FAO item groups: 'Treenuts', 'Oilcrops', 'Vegetable Oils', 'Animal fats group'.",2024-02-13 15:54:18,2024-03-15 19:23:44,,,1961-2020,6383,30053,kcal,"{""unit"": ""kilocalories per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal""}",0,,,oils_and_fats,grapher/faostat/2023-06-12/additional_variables/food_available_for_consumption#oils_and_fats,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,,,,