id,name,unit,description,createdAt,updatedAt,code,coverage,timespan,datasetId,sourceId,shortUnit,display,columnOrder,originalMetadata,grapherConfigAdmin,shortName,catalogPath,dimensions,schemaVersion,processingLevel,processingLog,titlePublic,titleVariant,attributionShort,attribution,descriptionShort,descriptionFromProducer,descriptionKey,descriptionProcessing,licenses,license,grapherConfigETL,type,sort,dataChecksum,metadataChecksum 577034,Male to female suicide death rate ratio,,"These Global Health Estimates represent WHO's best estimates, based on the evidence available up until November 2020, rather than the official estimates of Member States, and have not necessarily been endorsed by Member States. They have been computed using standard categories, definitions and methods to ensure cross-national comparability and may not be the same as official national estimates produced using alternative, potentially equally rigorous, methods. Researchers typically define suicide deaths those which were given death codes in the International Classification for Diseases (ICD) for 'intentional self-harm' (X60–X84 and Y87.0). This includes people who had self-harmed but had not intended to die, and the country may not consider them to be suicide. The process involved extraction of codes X60–X84 and Y87.0 for suicide from the WHO Mortality Database, redistribution of deaths of unknown sex/age and deaths assigned to ill-defined codes, interpolation/extrapolation of number of deaths for missing years, scaling of total deaths by age and sex to WHO all-cause envelopes for 2000–2019, and use of population estimates from the UN Population Division. The male-female suicide ratio is calculated by Our World in Data by dividing the male age-standardized suicide rate by the female age-standardized rate. ",2023-03-22 00:46:49,2024-07-08 17:49:15,,,2000-2019,5917,29567,,"{""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,suicide_rate_male_to_female,grapher/who/2023-03-09/gho_suicides/gho_suicides_ratio#suicide_rate_male_to_female,,1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],33adfad74b9327ee0df09a4b88744340,ee8c96ca290f7433271b1a02d0c0888e 576783,Age-standardized suicide rate - Sex: female,"deaths per 100,000 people","These Global Health Estimates represent WHO's best estimates, based on the evidence available up until November 2020, rather than the official estimates of Member States, and have not necessarily been endorsed by Member States. They have been computed using standard categories, definitions and methods to ensure cross-national comparability and may not be the same as official national estimates produced using alternative, potentially equally rigorous, methods. Researchers typically define suicide deaths those which were given death codes in the International Classification for Diseases (ICD) for 'intentional self-harm' (X60–X84 and Y87.0). This includes people who had self-harmed but had not intended to die, and the country may not consider them to be suicide. The process involved extraction of codes X60–X84 and Y87.0 for suicide from the WHO Mortality Database, redistribution of deaths of unknown sex/age and deaths assigned to ill-defined codes, interpolation/extrapolation of number of deaths for missing years, scaling of total deaths by age and sex to WHO all-cause envelopes for 2000–2019, and use of population estimates from the UN Population Division. ",2023-03-09 17:26:01,2024-07-08 17:49:15,,,2000-2019,5917,29567,,"{""unit"": ""deaths per 100,000 people"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,suicide_rate__sex_female,grapher/who/2023-03-09/gho_suicides/gho_suicides#suicide_rate__sex_female,"{""filters"": [{""name"": ""sex"", ""value"": ""female""}], ""originalName"": ""Age-standardized suicide rate"", ""originalShortName"": ""suicide_rate""}",1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],d1767fa8d0fda57857db7bc756fcdfcb,7b2262754838ea2e76311e66a6f2219a 576782,Age-standardized suicide rate - Sex: male,"deaths per 100,000 people","These Global Health Estimates represent WHO's best estimates, based on the evidence available up until November 2020, rather than the official estimates of Member States, and have not necessarily been endorsed by Member States. They have been computed using standard categories, definitions and methods to ensure cross-national comparability and may not be the same as official national estimates produced using alternative, potentially equally rigorous, methods. Researchers typically define suicide deaths those which were given death codes in the International Classification for Diseases (ICD) for 'intentional self-harm' (X60–X84 and Y87.0). This includes people who had self-harmed but had not intended to die, and the country may not consider them to be suicide. The process involved extraction of codes X60–X84 and Y87.0 for suicide from the WHO Mortality Database, redistribution of deaths of unknown sex/age and deaths assigned to ill-defined codes, interpolation/extrapolation of number of deaths for missing years, scaling of total deaths by age and sex to WHO all-cause envelopes for 2000–2019, and use of population estimates from the UN Population Division. ",2023-03-09 17:26:01,2024-07-08 17:49:15,,,2000-2019,5917,29567,,"{""unit"": ""deaths per 100,000 people"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,suicide_rate__sex_male,grapher/who/2023-03-09/gho_suicides/gho_suicides#suicide_rate__sex_male,"{""filters"": [{""name"": ""sex"", ""value"": ""male""}], ""originalName"": ""Age-standardized suicide rate"", ""originalShortName"": ""suicide_rate""}",1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],b802411cff363e7908e3aa4a3fc8a44d,30696340ae6f3eb57d926a3bb74d40d7 576781,Age-standardized suicide rate - Sex: both sexes,"deaths per 100,000 people","These Global Health Estimates represent WHO's best estimates, based on the evidence available up until November 2020, rather than the official estimates of Member States, and have not necessarily been endorsed by Member States. They have been computed using standard categories, definitions and methods to ensure cross-national comparability and may not be the same as official national estimates produced using alternative, potentially equally rigorous, methods. Researchers typically define suicide deaths those which were given death codes in the International Classification for Diseases (ICD) for 'intentional self-harm' (X60–X84 and Y87.0). This includes people who had self-harmed but had not intended to die, and the country may not consider them to be suicide. The process involved extraction of codes X60–X84 and Y87.0 for suicide from the WHO Mortality Database, redistribution of deaths of unknown sex/age and deaths assigned to ill-defined codes, interpolation/extrapolation of number of deaths for missing years, scaling of total deaths by age and sex to WHO all-cause envelopes for 2000–2019, and use of population estimates from the UN Population Division. ",2023-03-09 17:26:01,2024-07-08 17:49:15,,,2000-2019,5917,29567,,"{""unit"": ""deaths per 100,000 people"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,suicide_rate__sex_both_sexes,grapher/who/2023-03-09/gho_suicides/gho_suicides#suicide_rate__sex_both_sexes,"{""filters"": [{""name"": ""sex"", ""value"": ""both sexes""}], ""originalName"": ""Age-standardized suicide rate"", ""originalShortName"": ""suicide_rate""}",1,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],2e0c549ff2e54556a31732916205ee82,9c31918c221c6265806ad4dc4ed663ca