id,name,unit,description,createdAt,updatedAt,code,coverage,timespan,datasetId,sourceId,shortUnit,display,columnOrder,originalMetadata,grapherConfigAdmin,shortName,catalogPath,dimensions,schemaVersion,processingLevel,processingLog,titlePublic,titleVariant,attributionShort,attribution,descriptionShort,descriptionFromProducer,descriptionKey,descriptionProcessing,licenses,license,grapherConfigETL,type,sort,dataChecksum,metadataChecksum 490594,Yautia (cocoyam) | 00000135 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Xanthosoma spp.; malanga, new cocoyam, ocumo, tannia (X. sagittifolium). Several plants are included in this group, some with edible tubers and others with edible stems (also called aroids). Yautia is grown mainly in the Caribbean and is used for food. Trade data cover both fresh and dried yautia.",2022-08-23 19:49:49,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Yautia (cocoyam) - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,yautia_cocoyam_00000135_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490593,Yautia (cocoyam) | 00000135 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Xanthosoma spp.; malanga, new cocoyam, ocumo, tannia (X. sagittifolium). Several plants are included in this group, some with edible tubers and others with edible stems (also called aroids). Yautia is grown mainly in the Caribbean and is used for food. Trade data cover both fresh and dried yautia. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:49,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Yautia (cocoyam) - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,yautia_cocoyam_00000135_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490592,Yams | 00000137 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Dioscorea spp.. The principal edible yams are widely grown throughout the tropics. A starchy staple foodstuff, normally eaten as a vegetable, boiled, baked or fried. In West Africa they are consumed mainly as ""fufu"", a stiff glutinous dough. Trade data cover both fresh and dried yams. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:49,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Yams - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,yams_00000137_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490591,Yams | 00000137 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Dioscorea spp.. The principal edible yams are widely grown throughout the tropics. A starchy staple foodstuff, normally eaten as a vegetable, boiled, baked or fried. In West Africa they are consumed mainly as ""fufu"", a stiff glutinous dough. Trade data cover both fresh and dried yams.",2022-08-23 19:49:49,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Yams - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,yams_00000137_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490590,"Wool, greasy | 00000987 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index",index,"A natural fibre taken from sheep or lambs. Includes fleece-washed, shorn and pulled wool (from slaughtered animals), but does not include carded or combed wool. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:49,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Wool, greasy - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wool_greasy_00000987_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490589,Wheat | 00000015 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Triticum spp.: common (T. aestivum) durum (T. durum) spelt (T. spelta). Common and durum wheat are the main types. Among common wheat, the main varieties are spring and winter, hard and soft, and red and white. At the national level, different varieties should be reported separately, reflecting their different uses. Used mainly for human food. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:49,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wheat_00000015_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490588,Wheat | 00000015 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Triticum spp.: common (T. aestivum) durum (T. durum) spelt (T. spelta). Common and durum wheat are the main types. Among common wheat, the main varieties are spring and winter, hard and soft, and red and white. At the national level, different varieties should be reported separately, reflecting their different uses. Used mainly for human food.",2022-08-23 19:49:49,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wheat_00000015_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490587,"Wool, greasy | 00000987 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index",index,"A natural fibre taken from sheep or lambs. Includes fleece-washed, shorn and pulled wool (from slaughtered animals), but does not include carded or combed wool.",2022-08-23 19:49:49,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Wool, greasy - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wool_greasy_00000987_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490586,Watermelons | 00000567 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Citrullus vulgaris. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:49,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Watermelons - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,watermelons_00000567_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490585,Watermelons | 00000567 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,Citrullus vulgaris.,2022-08-23 19:49:49,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Watermelons - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,watermelons_00000567_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490584,"Walnuts, with shell | 00000222 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index",index,"Jugland spp.: J. regia. Produced in temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere, particularly in the United States. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:48,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Walnuts, with shell - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,walnuts_with_shell_00000222_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490583,"Walnuts, with shell | 00000222 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index",index,"Jugland spp.: J. regia. Produced in temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere, particularly in the United States.",2022-08-23 19:49:48,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Walnuts, with shell - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,walnuts_with_shell_00000222_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490582,Vetches | 00000205 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Spring/common vetch (Vicia sativa). Used mainly for animal feed. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:48,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Vetches - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vetches_00000205_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490581,Vetches | 00000205 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,Spring/common vetch (Vicia sativa). Used mainly for animal feed.,2022-08-23 19:49:48,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Vetches - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vetches_00000205_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490580,"Vegetables, leguminous nes | 00000420 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index",index,"Vicia faba. For shelling. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:48,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, leguminous nes - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_leguminous_nes_00000420_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490579,"Vegetables, leguminous nes | 00000420 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index",index,Vicia faba. For shelling.,2022-08-23 19:49:48,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, leguminous nes - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_leguminous_nes_00000420_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490578,"Vegetables, fresh nes | 00000463 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index",index,"Including inter alia: bamboo shoots (Bambusa spp.); beets, chards (Beta vulgaris); capers (Capparis spinosa); cardoons (Cynara cardunculus); celery (Apium graveolens); chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium); cress (Lepidium sativum); fennel (Foeniculum vulgare); horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia); marjoram, sweet (Majorana hortensis); oyster plant (Tragopogon porrifolius); parsley (Petroselinum crispum); parsnips (Pastinaca sativa); radish (Raphanus sativus); rhubarb (Rheum spp.); rutabagas, swedes (Brassica napus); savory (Satureja hortensis); scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica); sorrel (Rumex acetosa); soybean sprouts tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus); watercress (Nasturtium officinale). Other vegetables that are not identified separately because of their minor relevance at the international level. Because of their limited local importance, some countries report vegetables under this heading that are classified individually by FAO. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:48,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, fresh nes - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_fresh_nes_00000463_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490577,"Vegetables, fresh nes | 00000463 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index",index,"Including inter alia: bamboo shoots (Bambusa spp.); beets, chards (Beta vulgaris); capers (Capparis spinosa); cardoons (Cynara cardunculus); celery (Apium graveolens); chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium); cress (Lepidium sativum); fennel (Foeniculum vulgare); horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia); marjoram, sweet (Majorana hortensis); oyster plant (Tragopogon porrifolius); parsley (Petroselinum crispum); parsnips (Pastinaca sativa); radish (Raphanus sativus); rhubarb (Rheum spp.); rutabagas, swedes (Brassica napus); savory (Satureja hortensis); scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica); sorrel (Rumex acetosa); soybean sprouts tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus); watercress (Nasturtium officinale). Other vegetables that are not identified separately because of their minor relevance at the international level. Because of their limited local importance, some countries report vegetables under this heading that are classified individually by FAO.",2022-08-23 19:49:48,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, fresh nes - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_fresh_nes_00000463_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490576,Vegetables and Fruit Primary | 00001739 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,,2022-08-23 19:49:48,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables and Fruit Primary - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_and_fruit_primary_00001739_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490575,Vegetables and Fruit Primary | 00001739 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:48,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables and Fruit Primary - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_and_fruit_primary_00001739_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490574,Vanilla | 00000692 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Vanilla planifolia; V. pompona. The fruit (or bean) of a climbing plant of the orchid family. Includes whole, crushed or ground. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:47,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Vanilla - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vanilla_00000692_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490573,Vanilla | 00000692 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Vanilla planifolia; V. pompona. The fruit (or bean) of a climbing plant of the orchid family. Includes whole, crushed or ground.",2022-08-23 19:49:47,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Vanilla - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vanilla_00000692_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490572,Tung nuts | 00000275 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Aleurites cordata; A. fordii. Valued mainly for their oil. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:47,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Tung nuts - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,tung_nuts_00000275_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490571,Tung nuts | 00000275 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,Aleurites cordata; A. fordii. Valued mainly for their oil.,2022-08-23 19:49:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Tung nuts - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,tung_nuts_00000275_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490570,Triticale | 00000097 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"A minor cereal that is a cross between wheat and rye, combining the quality and yield of wheat with the hardiness of rye. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1975-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Triticale - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,triticale_00000097_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490569,Triticale | 00000097 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"A minor cereal that is a cross between wheat and rye, combining the quality and yield of wheat with the hardiness of rye.",2022-08-23 19:49:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1975-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Triticale - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,triticale_00000097_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490568,Tomatoes | 00000388 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Lycopersicon esculentum. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Tomatoes - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,tomatoes_00000388_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490567,Tomatoes | 00000388 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,Lycopersicon esculentum.,2022-08-23 19:49:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Tomatoes - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,tomatoes_00000388_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490566,"Tobacco, unmanufactured | 00000826 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index",index,"Nicotiana tabacum. Unmanufactured dry tobacco, including refuse that is not stemmed or stripped, or is partly or wholly stemmed or stripped. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Tobacco, unmanufactured - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,tobacco_unmanufactured_00000826_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490565,"Tobacco, unmanufactured | 00000826 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index",index,"Nicotiana tabacum. Unmanufactured dry tobacco, including refuse that is not stemmed or stripped, or is partly or wholly stemmed or stripped.",2022-08-23 19:49:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Tobacco, unmanufactured - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,tobacco_unmanufactured_00000826_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490564,Tea | 00000667 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Camellia sinensis; Thea sinensis; Thea assaamica. Includes green tea (unfermented), black tea (fermented), and partially fermented tea. Excludes green tea eaten as a vegetable. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Tea - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,tea_00000667_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490563,Taro (cocoyam) | 00000136 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Dasheen, eddoe, taro, old cocoyam(Colocasia esculenta). Aroids cultivated for their edible starchy corms or underground stems. Taro is grown throughout the tropics for food. Trade data cover both fresh and dried taro.",2022-08-23 19:49:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Taro (cocoyam) - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,taro_cocoyam_00000136_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490562,Taro (cocoyam) | 00000136 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Dasheen, eddoe, taro, old cocoyam(Colocasia esculenta). Aroids cultivated for their edible starchy corms or underground stems. Taro is grown throughout the tropics for food. Trade data cover both fresh and dried taro. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Taro (cocoyam) - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,taro_cocoyam_00000136_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490561,Tea | 00000667 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Camellia sinensis; Thea sinensis; Thea assaamica. Includes green tea (unfermented), black tea (fermented), and partially fermented tea. Excludes green tea eaten as a vegetable.",2022-08-23 19:49:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Tea - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,tea_00000667_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490560,"Tangerines, mandarins, clementines, satsumas | 00000495 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index",index,"Mandarin, tangerine (Citrus reticulata); clementine, satsuma (C. unshiu). Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Tangerines, mandarins, clementines, satsumas - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,tangerines_mandarins_clementines_satsumas_00000495_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490559,"Tangerines, mandarins, clementines, satsumas | 00000495 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index",index,"Mandarin, tangerine (Citrus reticulata); clementine, satsuma (C. unshiu).",2022-08-23 19:49:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Tangerines, mandarins, clementines, satsumas - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,tangerines_mandarins_clementines_satsumas_00000495_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490558,Sweet potatoes | 00000122 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Ipomoea batatas. A seasonal crop grown in tropical and subtropical regions. Used mainly for human food. Trade data cover fresh and dried tubers, whether or not sliced or in the form or pellets. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Sweet potatoes - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,sweet_potatoes_00000122_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490557,Sweet potatoes | 00000122 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Ipomoea batatas. A seasonal crop grown in tropical and subtropical regions. Used mainly for human food. Trade data cover fresh and dried tubers, whether or not sliced or in the form or pellets.",2022-08-23 19:49:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Sweet potatoes - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,sweet_potatoes_00000122_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490556,Sunflower seed | 00000267 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Helianthus annuus. Valued mainly for its oil. Minor uses include as a human food and as feed for birds. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Sunflower seed - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,sunflower_seed_00000267_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490555,Sunflower seed | 00000267 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,Helianthus annuus. Valued mainly for its oil. Minor uses include as a human food and as feed for birds.,2022-08-23 19:49:45,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Sunflower seed - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,sunflower_seed_00000267_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490554,Sugar crops nes | 00000161 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Including inter alia: sugar maple (Acer saccharum); sweet sorghum (Sorghum saccharatum); sugar palm (Arenga saccharifera). Includes minor sugar crops of local importance. In the case of saps, production is to be expressed in liquid equivalent. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:44,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Sugar crops nes - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,sugar_crops_nes_00000161_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490553,Sugar crops nes | 00000161 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Including inter alia: sugar maple (Acer saccharum); sweet sorghum (Sorghum saccharatum); sugar palm (Arenga saccharifera). Includes minor sugar crops of local importance. In the case of saps, production is to be expressed in liquid equivalent.",2022-08-23 19:49:44,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Sugar crops nes - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,sugar_crops_nes_00000161_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490552,Sugar cane | 00000156 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Saccharum officinarum. In some producing countries, marginal quantities of sugar cane are consumed, either directly as food or in the form of juice. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:44,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Sugar cane - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,sugar_cane_00000156_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490551,Sugar beet | 00000157 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Beta vulgaris var. altissima. In some producing countries, marginal quantities are consumed, either directly as food or in the preparation of jams. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:44,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Sugar beet - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,sugar_beet_00000157_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490550,Sugar cane | 00000156 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Saccharum officinarum. In some producing countries, marginal quantities of sugar cane are consumed, either directly as food or in the form of juice.",2022-08-23 19:49:44,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Sugar cane - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,sugar_cane_00000156_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490549,Sugar beet | 00000157 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Beta vulgaris var. altissima. In some producing countries, marginal quantities are consumed, either directly as food or in the preparation of jams.",2022-08-23 19:49:44,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Sugar beet - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,sugar_beet_00000157_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490548,Sugar Crops Primary | 00001723 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Sugar Crops and Sweeteners and derived products: In addition to providing the source for the manufacture of sugar, SUGAR CROPS are used to produce alcohol and ethanol. In certain countries, sugar cane is eaten raw in minor quantities. It also is used in the preparation of juices and for animal feed. There are two major sugar crops: sugar beets and sugar cane. However, sugar and syrups are also produced from the sap of certain species of maple trees, from sweet sorghum when cultivated explicitly for making syrup and from sugar palm. Sugar beets that are cultivated solely as a fodder crop and red or garden beets that are classified as vegetable crops are excluded from the FAO list of sugar crops. Sugar cane is a perennial grass (replanted at intervals using pieces of the cane stalks) that is cultivated mainly in the tropics. Sugar beet is an annual crop that is propagated by the seeds of the flowers. It is cultivated in cooler climates than sugar cane, mainly above the 35th parallel of the Northern Hemisphere. Both sugar beets and sugar cane have high water content, accounting for about 75 percent of the total weight of the plants. The sugar content of sugar cane ranges from 10 to 15 percent of the total weight, while that of sugar beets is between 13 and 18 percent. The protein and fat content of both beets and cane is almost nil. Production data on sugar beets and sugar cane relate to the harvested crop, free of soil, plant tops and leaves. FAO lists three primary sugar crops. Under the name SWEETENERS, FAO includes products used for sweetening that are derived from sugar crops, cereals, fruits or milk, or that are produced by insects. This category includes a wide variety of monosaccharide (glucose and fructose) and disaccharides (sucrose and saccharose). They exist either in a crystallized state as sugar, or in thick liquid form as syrups. The traditional sources of sugar are sugar cane and sugar beets. But in recent years, ever larger quantities of cereals (mainly maize) have been used to produce sweeteners derived from starch. OTHER DERIVED PRODUCTS. In addition to sugar, molasses is also obtained with various degrees of sugar content. The by-product obtained from the extraction of sugar is called bagasse in the case of sugar cane, and beet pulp in the case of sugar beets.",2022-08-23 19:49:44,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Sugar Crops Primary - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,sugar_crops_primary_00001723_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490547,Sugar Crops Primary | 00001723 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Sugar Crops and Sweeteners and derived products: In addition to providing the source for the manufacture of sugar, SUGAR CROPS are used to produce alcohol and ethanol. In certain countries, sugar cane is eaten raw in minor quantities. It also is used in the preparation of juices and for animal feed. There are two major sugar crops: sugar beets and sugar cane. However, sugar and syrups are also produced from the sap of certain species of maple trees, from sweet sorghum when cultivated explicitly for making syrup and from sugar palm. Sugar beets that are cultivated solely as a fodder crop and red or garden beets that are classified as vegetable crops are excluded from the FAO list of sugar crops. Sugar cane is a perennial grass (replanted at intervals using pieces of the cane stalks) that is cultivated mainly in the tropics. Sugar beet is an annual crop that is propagated by the seeds of the flowers. It is cultivated in cooler climates than sugar cane, mainly above the 35th parallel of the Northern Hemisphere. Both sugar beets and sugar cane have high water content, accounting for about 75 percent of the total weight of the plants. The sugar content of sugar cane ranges from 10 to 15 percent of the total weight, while that of sugar beets is between 13 and 18 percent. The protein and fat content of both beets and cane is almost nil. Production data on sugar beets and sugar cane relate to the harvested crop, free of soil, plant tops and leaves. FAO lists three primary sugar crops. Under the name SWEETENERS, FAO includes products used for sweetening that are derived from sugar crops, cereals, fruits or milk, or that are produced by insects. This category includes a wide variety of monosaccharide (glucose and fructose) and disaccharides (sucrose and saccharose). They exist either in a crystallized state as sugar, or in thick liquid form as syrups. The traditional sources of sugar are sugar cane and sugar beets. But in recent years, ever larger quantities of cereals (mainly maize) have been used to produce sweeteners derived from starch. OTHER DERIVED PRODUCTS. In addition to sugar, molasses is also obtained with various degrees of sugar content. The by-product obtained from the extraction of sugar is called bagasse in the case of sugar cane, and beet pulp in the case of sugar beets. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:44,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Sugar Crops Primary - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,sugar_crops_primary_00001723_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490546,String beans | 00000423 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,Phaseolus vulgaris; Vigna spp. Not for shelling.,2022-08-23 19:49:44,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""String beans - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,string_beans_00000423_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490545,String beans | 00000423 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Phaseolus vulgaris; Vigna spp. Not for shelling. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:44,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""String beans - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,string_beans_00000423_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490544,Strawberries | 00000544 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Fragaria spp.. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:43,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Strawberries - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,strawberries_00000544_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490543,Strawberries | 00000544 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,Fragaria spp..,2022-08-23 19:49:43,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Strawberries - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,strawberries_00000544_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490542,Spinach | 00000373 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Spinacia oleracea. Trade figures may include New Zealand spinach (Tetragonia espansa) and orache (garden) spinach (Atriplex hortensis). Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:43,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Spinach - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,spinach_00000373_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490541,Spices nes | 00000723 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Including inter alia: bay leaves (Laurus nobilis); dill seed (Anethum graveolens); fenugreek seed (Trigonella foenum-graecum); saffron (Crocus sativus); thyme (Thymus vulgaris); turmeric (Curcuma longa). Other spices that are not identified separately because of their minor relevance at the international level. Because of their limited local importance, some countries report spices under this heading that are classified individually by FAO. This heading also includes curry powder and other mixtures of different spices.",2022-08-23 19:49:43,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Spices nes - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,spices_nes_00000723_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490540,Spices nes | 00000723 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Including inter alia: bay leaves (Laurus nobilis); dill seed (Anethum graveolens); fenugreek seed (Trigonella foenum-graecum); saffron (Crocus sativus); thyme (Thymus vulgaris); turmeric (Curcuma longa). Other spices that are not identified separately because of their minor relevance at the international level. Because of their limited local importance, some countries report spices under this heading that are classified individually by FAO. This heading also includes curry powder and other mixtures of different spices. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:43,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Spices nes - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,spices_nes_00000723_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490539,Spinach | 00000373 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,Spinacia oleracea. Trade figures may include New Zealand spinach (Tetragonia espansa) and orache (garden) spinach (Atriplex hortensis).,2022-08-23 19:49:43,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Spinach - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,spinach_00000373_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490538,Soybeans | 00000236 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Glycine soja. The most important oil crop. Also widely consumed as a bean and in the form of various derived products because of its high protein content, e.g. soya milk, meat, etc. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:43,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Soybeans - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,soybeans_00000236_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490537,Soybeans | 00000236 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Glycine soja. The most important oil crop. Also widely consumed as a bean and in the form of various derived products because of its high protein content, e.g. soya milk, meat, etc.",2022-08-23 19:49:43,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Soybeans - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,soybeans_00000236_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490536,Sorghum | 00000083 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Sorghum spp.: guinea corn (S. guineense); common, milo, feterita, kaffir corn (S. vulgare); durra, jowar, kaoliang (S. dura). A cereal that has both food and feed uses. Sorghum is a major food grain in most of Africa, where it is also used in traditional beer brewing. It is desirable to report hybrid and other varieties separately. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:43,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Sorghum - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,sorghum_00000083_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490535,Sorghum | 00000083 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Sorghum spp.: guinea corn (S. guineense); common, milo, feterita, kaffir corn (S. vulgare); durra, jowar, kaoliang (S. dura). A cereal that has both food and feed uses. Sorghum is a major food grain in most of Africa, where it is also used in traditional beer brewing. It is desirable to report hybrid and other varieties separately.",2022-08-23 19:49:43,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Sorghum - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,sorghum_00000083_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490534,Sisal | 00000789 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Agave sisalana. Sisal fibre is obtained from the leaves of the plant. It also is used as an ornamental plant. Trade data cover fibres that are raw, prepared for spinning, and tow and waste, including yarn waste and garnetted stock. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:42,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Sisal - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,sisal_00000789_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490533,Sisal | 00000789 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Agave sisalana. Sisal fibre is obtained from the leaves of the plant. It also is used as an ornamental plant. Trade data cover fibres that are raw, prepared for spinning, and tow and waste, including yarn waste and garnetted stock.",2022-08-23 19:49:42,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Sisal - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,sisal_00000789_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490532,"Silk-worm cocoons, reelable | 00001185 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index",index,"Silkworm cocoons suitable for reeling. Foreign trade data are expressed in silk equivalent, which is 25% of their weight. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:42,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Silk-worm cocoons, reelable - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,silk_worm_cocoons_reelable_00001185_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490531,"Silk-worm cocoons, reelable | 00001185 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index",index,"Silkworm cocoons suitable for reeling. Foreign trade data are expressed in silk equivalent, which is 25% of their weight.",2022-08-23 19:49:42,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Silk-worm cocoons, reelable - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,silk_worm_cocoons_reelable_00001185_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490530,Sesame seed | 00000289 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Sesamum indicum. Valued for its oil, but also as a food, either raw or roasted, as well as in bakery products and other food preparations. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Sesame seed - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,sesame_seed_00000289_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490529,Sesame seed | 00000289 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Sesamum indicum. Valued for its oil, but also as a food, either raw or roasted, as well as in bakery products and other food preparations.",2022-08-23 19:49:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Sesame seed - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,sesame_seed_00000289_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490528,Seed cotton | 00000328 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Gossypium spp.: Unginned cotton. Grown for both seed and for fibre. FAO considers cottonseed, cotton lint and linters to be primary products. Lint content ranges from 30 to 40%, seed 55 to 65%, and linters 2 to 5% though they are not always separated. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Seed cotton - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,seed_cotton_00000328_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490527,Seed cotton | 00000328 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Gossypium spp.: Unginned cotton. Grown for both seed and for fibre. FAO considers cottonseed, cotton lint and linters to be primary products. Lint content ranges from 30 to 40%, seed 55 to 65%, and linters 2 to 5% though they are not always separated.",2022-08-23 19:49:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Seed cotton - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,seed_cotton_00000328_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490526,Safflower seed | 00000280 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Carthamus tinctorius. Valued mainly for its oil. Minor uses include as a human food and as poultry feed. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Safflower seed - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,safflower_seed_00000280_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490525,Safflower seed | 00000280 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,Carthamus tinctorius. Valued mainly for its oil. Minor uses include as a human food and as poultry feed.,2022-08-23 19:49:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Safflower seed - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,safflower_seed_00000280_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490524,Rye | 00000071 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Secale cereale. A grain that is tolerant of poor soils, high latitudes and altitudes. Mainly used in making bread, whisky and beer. When fed to livestock, it is generally mixed with other grains. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Rye - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,rye_00000071_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490523,Rye | 00000071 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Secale cereale. A grain that is tolerant of poor soils, high latitudes and altitudes. Mainly used in making bread, whisky and beer. When fed to livestock, it is generally mixed with other grains.",2022-08-23 19:49:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Rye - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,rye_00000071_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490522,"Rubber, natural | 00000836 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index",index,"Hevea brasiliensis Latex. The liquid secreted by the rubber tree. Includes stabilized or concentrated latex and prevulcanized rubber latex. In trade figures, liquid weight is converted to dry weight at 60%. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Rubber, natural - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,rubber_natural_00000836_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490521,"Rubber, natural | 00000836 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index",index,"Hevea brasiliensis Latex. The liquid secreted by the rubber tree. Includes stabilized or concentrated latex and prevulcanized rubber latex. In trade figures, liquid weight is converted to dry weight at 60%.",2022-08-23 19:49:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Rubber, natural - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,rubber_natural_00000836_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490520,Roots and tubers nes | 00000149 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Including inter alia: arracacha (Arracacoa xanthorrhiza); arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea); chufa (Cyperus esculentus); sago palm (Metroxylon spp.); oca and ullucu (Oxalis tuberosa and Ullucus tuberosus); yam bean, jicama (Pachyrxhizus erosus, P. angulatus); mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum); Jerusalem artichoke, topinambur (Helianthus tuberosus). Other tubers, roots or rhizomes, fresh, that are not identified separately because of their minor relevance at the international level. Because of their limited local importance, some countries report roots and tubers under this commodity heading that are classified individually by FAO. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Roots and tubers nes - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,roots_and_tubers_nes_00000149_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490519,Roots and tubers nes | 00000149 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Including inter alia: arracacha (Arracacoa xanthorrhiza); arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea); chufa (Cyperus esculentus); sago palm (Metroxylon spp.); oca and ullucu (Oxalis tuberosa and Ullucus tuberosus); yam bean, jicama (Pachyrxhizus erosus, P. angulatus); mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum); Jerusalem artichoke, topinambur (Helianthus tuberosus). Other tubers, roots or rhizomes, fresh, that are not identified separately because of their minor relevance at the international level. Because of their limited local importance, some countries report roots and tubers under this commodity heading that are classified individually by FAO.",2022-08-23 19:49:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Roots and tubers nes - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,roots_and_tubers_nes_00000149_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490518,"Roots and Tubers, Total | 00001720 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index",index,"Roots and Tubers are plants yielding starchy roots, tubers, rhizomes, corms and stems. They are used mainly for human food (as such or in processed form), for animal feed and for manufacturing starch, alcohol and fermented beverages including beer. The denomination ""roots and tubers"" excludes crops which are cultivated mainly for feed (mangolds, swedes) or for processing into sugar (sugar beets), and those classified as ""roots, bulb and tuberous vegetables"" (onions, garlic and beets). It does include starch and the starchy pith and flour obtained from the trunk of the sago palm and the stem of the Abyssinian banana (Musa ensete). Certain root crops, notably bitter cassava, contain toxic substances, particularly in the skins. As a result, certain processes must be undertaken to make the product safe for human consumption. Apart from their high water content (70-80 percent), these crops contain mainly carbohydrates (largely starches that account for 16-24 percent of their total weight) with very little protein and fat (0-2 percent each). Methods of propagating root crops vary. A live potato tuber or seed must be planted but only part of the live yam tuber and a piece of the stalk (not the root) in the case of cassava. Production data of root crops should be reported in terms of clean weight, i.e. free of earth and mud. FAO distinguishes among seven primary root and tuber crops. The code and name of each one appears in the list that follows, along with its botanical name, or names, and a short description. The processed products of roots and tubers are listed together with their parent primary crops. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Roots and Tubers, Total - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,roots_and_tubers_total_00001720_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490517,"Roots and Tubers, Total | 00001720 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index",index,"Roots and Tubers are plants yielding starchy roots, tubers, rhizomes, corms and stems. They are used mainly for human food (as such or in processed form), for animal feed and for manufacturing starch, alcohol and fermented beverages including beer. The denomination ""roots and tubers"" excludes crops which are cultivated mainly for feed (mangolds, swedes) or for processing into sugar (sugar beets), and those classified as ""roots, bulb and tuberous vegetables"" (onions, garlic and beets). It does include starch and the starchy pith and flour obtained from the trunk of the sago palm and the stem of the Abyssinian banana (Musa ensete). Certain root crops, notably bitter cassava, contain toxic substances, particularly in the skins. As a result, certain processes must be undertaken to make the product safe for human consumption. Apart from their high water content (70-80 percent), these crops contain mainly carbohydrates (largely starches that account for 16-24 percent of their total weight) with very little protein and fat (0-2 percent each). Methods of propagating root crops vary. A live potato tuber or seed must be planted but only part of the live yam tuber and a piece of the stalk (not the root) in the case of cassava. Production data of root crops should be reported in terms of clean weight, i.e. free of earth and mud. FAO distinguishes among seven primary root and tuber crops. The code and name of each one appears in the list that follows, along with its botanical name, or names, and a short description. The processed products of roots and tubers are listed together with their parent primary crops.",2022-08-23 19:49:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Roots and Tubers, Total - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,roots_and_tubers_total_00001720_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490516,"Rice, paddy | 00000027 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index",index,"Oryza spp., mainly oryza sativa. Rice grain after threshing and winnowing. Also known as rice in the husk and rough rice. Used mainly for human food. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Rice, paddy - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,rice_paddy_00000027_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490515,"Rice, paddy | 00000027 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index",index,"Oryza spp., mainly oryza sativa. Rice grain after threshing and winnowing. Also known as rice in the husk and rough rice. Used mainly for human food.",2022-08-23 19:49:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Rice, paddy - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,rice_paddy_00000027_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490514,Raspberries | 00000547 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Ubus idaeus. Trade data may include blackberries, mulberries and loganberries (a cross between the raspberry and blackberry). Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:40,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Raspberries - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,raspberries_00000547_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490513,Raspberries | 00000547 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Ubus idaeus. Trade data may include blackberries, mulberries and loganberries (a cross between the raspberry and blackberry).",2022-08-23 19:49:40,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Raspberries - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,raspberries_00000547_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490512,Rapeseed | 00000270 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Brassica napus var. oleifera. Valued mainly for its oil. Older varieties are rich in Erucic acid, which is considered unhealthy. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:40,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Rapeseed - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,rapeseed_00000270_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490511,Rapeseed | 00000270 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Brassica napus var. oleifera. Valued mainly for its oil. Older varieties are rich in Erucic acid, which is considered unhealthy.",2022-08-23 19:49:40,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Rapeseed - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,rapeseed_00000270_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490510,Ramie | 00000788 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"China grass, white ramie (Boehmeria nivea); rhea, green ramie (B. tenacissima). Ramie fibre is obtained from the bast of the plant. For trade coverage see 780. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:39,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Ramie - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,ramie_00000788_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490509,Ramie | 00000788 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"China grass, white ramie (Boehmeria nivea); rhea, green ramie (B. tenacissima). Ramie fibre is obtained from the bast of the plant. For trade coverage see 780.",2022-08-23 19:49:39,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Ramie - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,ramie_00000788_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490508,Quinoa | 00000092 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Chenopodium quinoa (Chenopodiaceae). A minor cereal, which tolerates high altitudes, quinoa is cultivated primarily in andean countries. Used for food and to make chicha, a fermented beverage. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:39,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Quinoa - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,quinoa_00000092_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490507,Quinoa | 00000092 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Chenopodium quinoa (Chenopodiaceae). A minor cereal, which tolerates high altitudes, quinoa is cultivated primarily in andean countries. Used for food and to make chicha, a fermented beverage.",2022-08-23 19:49:39,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Quinoa - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,quinoa_00000092_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490506,Quinces | 00000523 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Cydonia oblonga; C. vulgaris; C. japonica. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:39,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Quinces - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,quinces_00000523_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490505,Quinces | 00000523 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,Cydonia oblonga; C. vulgaris; C. japonica.,2022-08-23 19:49:39,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Quinces - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,quinces_00000523_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490504,"Pyrethrum, dried | 00000754 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index",index,"Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium. Includes leaves, stems and flowers. For insecticides, fungicides and similar products.",2022-08-23 19:49:39,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Pyrethrum, dried - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,pyrethrum_dried_00000754_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490503,"Pyrethrum, dried | 00000754 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index",index,"Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium. Includes leaves, stems and flowers. For insecticides, fungicides and similar products. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:39,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Pyrethrum, dried - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,pyrethrum_dried_00000754_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490502,"Pumpkins, squash and gourds | 00000394 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index",index,"Cucurbita spp. Includes marrows. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:39,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Pumpkins, squash and gourds - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,pumpkins_squash_and_gourds_00000394_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490501,Potatoes | 00000116 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Solanum tuberosum Irish potato. A seasonal crop grown in temperate zones all over the world, but primarily in the northern hemisphere. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:38,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Potatoes - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,potatoes_00000116_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490500,Pulses nes | 00000211 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Including inter alia: lablab or hyacinth bean (Dolichos spp.); jack or sword bean (Canavalia spp.); winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus); guar bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba); velvet bean (Stizolobium spp.); yam bean (Pachyrrhizus erosus);. Vigna spp. other than those included in 176 and 195 Other pulses that are not identified separately because of their minor relevance at the international level. Because of their limited local importance, some countries report pulses under this heading that are classified individually by FAO. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:38,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Pulses nes - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,pulses_nes_00000211_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490499,Pulses nes | 00000211 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Including inter alia: lablab or hyacinth bean (Dolichos spp.); jack or sword bean (Canavalia spp.); winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus); guar bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba); velvet bean (Stizolobium spp.); yam bean (Pachyrrhizus erosus);. Vigna spp. other than those included in 176 and 195 Other pulses that are not identified separately because of their minor relevance at the international level. Because of their limited local importance, some countries report pulses under this heading that are classified individually by FAO.",2022-08-23 19:49:38,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Pulses nes - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,pulses_nes_00000211_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490498,"Pumpkins, squash and gourds | 00000394 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index",index,Cucurbita spp. Includes marrows.,2022-08-23 19:49:38,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Pumpkins, squash and gourds - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,pumpkins_squash_and_gourds_00000394_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490497,Potatoes | 00000116 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Solanum tuberosum Irish potato. A seasonal crop grown in temperate zones all over the world, but primarily in the northern hemisphere.",2022-08-23 19:49:38,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Potatoes - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,potatoes_00000116_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490496,Poppy seed | 00000296 || Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000434 || index,index,"Papaver somniferum. The source of opium, poppy seeds are also used in baking and confectionery. Per caput index ?obtained by dividing Production Index numbers by index of population, or directly from per caput production. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:49:38,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Poppy seed - Gross per capita Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,poppy_seed_00000296_gross_per_capita_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000434_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490495,Poppy seed | 00000296 || Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) | 000432 || index,index,"Papaver somniferum. The source of opium, poppy seeds are also used in baking and confectionery.",2022-08-23 19:49:38,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5706,26729,index,"{""name"": ""Poppy seed - Gross Production Index Number (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,poppy_seed_00000296_gross_production_index_number_2014_2016_100_000432_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,