id,name,unit,description,createdAt,updatedAt,code,coverage,timespan,datasetId,sourceId,shortUnit,display,columnOrder,originalMetadata,grapherConfigAdmin,shortName,catalogPath,dimensions,schemaVersion,processingLevel,processingLog,titlePublic,titleVariant,attributionShort,attribution,descriptionShort,descriptionFromProducer,descriptionKey,descriptionProcessing,licenses,license,grapherConfigETL,type,sort,dataChecksum,metadataChecksum 489815,Yams | 00002535 || Waste in Supply Chain | 5123pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 137 Yams Amount of the commodity in question lost through wastage (waste) during the year at all stages between the level at which production is recorded and the household, i.e. storage and transportation. Losses occurring before and during harvest are excluded. Waste from both edible and inedible parts of the commodity occurring in the household is also excluded. Quantities lost during the transformation of primary commodities into processed products are taken into account in the assessment of respective extraction/conversion rates. Distribution wastes tend to be considerable in countries with hot humid climate, difficult transportation and inadequate storage or processing facilities. This applies to the more perishable foodstuffs, and especially to those which have to be transported or stored for a long time in a tropical climate. Waste is often estimated as a fixed percentage of availability, the latter being defined as production plus imports plus stock withdrawals. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome. Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:48:09,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Yams - Waste in Supply Chain (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_waste_in_supply_chain_5123pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489814,Yams | 00002535 || Waste in Supply Chain | 005123 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 137 Yams Amount of the commodity in question lost through wastage (waste) during the year at all stages between the level at which production is recorded and the household, i.e. storage and transportation. Losses occurring before and during harvest are excluded. Waste from both edible and inedible parts of the commodity occurring in the household is also excluded. Quantities lost during the transformation of primary commodities into processed products are taken into account in the assessment of respective extraction/conversion rates. Distribution wastes tend to be considerable in countries with hot humid climate, difficult transportation and inadequate storage or processing facilities. This applies to the more perishable foodstuffs, and especially to those which have to be transported or stored for a long time in a tropical climate. Waste is often estimated as a fixed percentage of availability, the latter being defined as production plus imports plus stock withdrawals. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome.",2022-08-23 19:48:09,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Yams - Waste in Supply Chain (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_waste_in_supply_chain_005123_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489813,Yams | 00002535 || Tourist consumption | 005171 || tonnes,tonnes,Default composition: 137 Yams,2022-08-23 19:48:09,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2010-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Yams - Tourist consumption (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_tourist_consumption_005171_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489812,Yams | 00002535 || Stock Variation | 005072 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 137 Yams Comprises changes in stocks occurring during the reference period at all levels between the production and the retail levels, i.e. it comprises changes in government stocks, in stocks with manufacturers, importers, exporters, other wholesale and retail merchants, transport and storage enterprises and in stocks on farms. In actual fact, however, the information available often relates only to stocks held by governments and even these are not available for a number of countries and important commodities. In the absence of information on opening and closing stocks changes in stocks are also used for shifting production from the calendar year in which it is harvested to the year in which it is consumed. Net increases in stocks (add to stock) are generally indicated by the sign ""-"". No sign denotes net decreases (from stock). Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:48:09,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Yams - Stock Variation (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_stock_variation_005072_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489811,Yams | 00002535 || Seed | 005527 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 137 Yams Data include the amounts of the commodity in question set aside for sowing or planting (or generally for reproduction purposes, e.g. sugar cane planted, potatoes for seed, eggs for hatching and fish for bait, whether domestically produced or imported) during the reference period. Account is taken of double or successive sowing or planting whenever it occurs. The data of seed include also, when it is the case, the quantities necessary for sowing or planting the area relating to crops harvested green for fodder or for food.(e.g. green peas, green beans, maize for forage)  Data for seed element are stored in tonnes (t). Whenever official data were not available, seed figures have been estimated either as a percentage of supply (e.g. eggs for hatching) or by multiplying a seed rate with the area under the crop of the subsequent year. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome.",2022-08-23 19:48:08,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Yams - Seed (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_seed_005527_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489810,Yams | 00002535 || Residuals | 005170 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 137 Yams It is defined as the imbalance (positive or negative) in the supply and utilization equation. It occures mainly due to the inconsitencies of national data provided by countries.",2022-08-23 19:48:08,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2010-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Yams - Residuals (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_residuals_005170_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489809,Yams | 00002535 || Production | 005511 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 137 Yams Figures relate to the total domestic production whether inside or outside the agricultural sector, i.e. it includes non-commercial production and production from kitchen gardens. Unless otherwise indicated, production is reported at the farm level for crop and livestock products (i.e. in the case of crops, excluding harvesting losses) and in terms of live weight for fish items (i.e. the actual ex-water weight at the time of the catch). All data shown relate to total meat production from both commercial and farm slaughter. Data are expressed in terms of dressed carcass weight, excluding offal and slaughter fats. Production of beef and buffalo meat includes veal; mutton and goat meat includes meat from lambs and kids; pig meat includes bacon and ham in fresh equivalent. Poultry meat includes meat from all domestic birds and refers, wherever possible, to ready-to-cook weight. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:48:08,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Yams - Production (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_production_005511_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489808,Yams | 00002535 || Other uses | 5154pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 137 Yams Data refer to quantities of commodities used for non-food purposes, e.g. oil for soap. In order not to distort the picture of the national food pattern quantities of the commodity in question consumed mainly by tourists are included here (see also ""Per capita supply""). In addition, this variable covers pet food. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome. Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:48:08,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Yams - Other uses (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_other_uses_5154pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489807,Yams | 00002535 || Other uses | 005154 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 137 Yams Data refer to quantities of commodities used for non-food purposes, e.g. oil for soap. In order not to distort the picture of the national food pattern quantities of the commodity in question consumed mainly by tourists are included here (see also ""Per capita supply""). In addition, this variable covers pet food. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome.",2022-08-23 19:48:07,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Yams - Other uses (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_other_uses_005154_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489806,Yams | 00002535 || Imports | 5611pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 137 Yams Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:48:07,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Yams - Imports (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_imports_5611pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489805,Yams | 00002535 || Imports | 005611 || tonnes,tonnes,Default composition: 137 Yams,2022-08-23 19:48:07,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Yams - Imports (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_imports_005611_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489804,Yams | 00002535 || Food | 5142pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 137 Yams Data refer to the total amount of the commodity available as human food during the reference period. Data include the commodity in question, as well as any commodity derived therefrom as a result of further processing. Food from maize, for example, comprises the amount of maize, maize meal and any other products derived therefrom available for human consumption. Food from milk relates to the amounts of milk as such, as well as the fresh milk equivalent of dairy products. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome. Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:48:07,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Yams - Food (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_food_5142pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489803,Yams | 00002535 || Food | 005142 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 137 Yams Data refer to the total amount of the commodity available as human food during the reference period. Data include the commodity in question, as well as any commodity derived therefrom as a result of further processing. Food from maize, for example, comprises the amount of maize, maize meal and any other products derived therefrom available for human consumption. Food from milk relates to the amounts of milk as such, as well as the fresh milk equivalent of dairy products. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome.",2022-08-23 19:48:06,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Yams - Food (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_food_005142_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489802,Yams | 00002535 || Food available for consumption | 0684pc || grams of fat per day per capita,grams of fat per day per capita,"Default composition: 137 Yams Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO). Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:48:06,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,g/day,"{""name"": ""Yams - Food available for consumption (grams of fat per day per capita)"", ""unit"": ""grams of fat per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""g/day""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_food_available_for_consumption_0684pc_grams_of_fat_per_day_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489801,Yams | 00002535 || Food available for consumption | 0674pc || grams of protein per day per capita,grams of protein per day per capita,"Default composition: 137 Yams Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO). Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:48:06,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,g/day,"{""name"": ""Yams - Food available for consumption (grams of protein per day per capita)"", ""unit"": ""grams of protein per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""g/day""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_food_available_for_consumption_0674pc_grams_of_protein_per_day_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489800,Yams | 00002535 || Food available for consumption | 0664pc || kilocalories per day per capita,kilocalories per day per capita,"Default composition: 137 Yams Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO). Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:48:05,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,kcal/day,"{""name"": ""Yams - Food available for consumption (kilocalories per day per capita)"", ""unit"": ""kilocalories per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal/day""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_food_available_for_consumption_0664pc_kilocalories_per_day_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489799,Yams | 00002535 || Food available for consumption | 0645pc || kilograms per year per capita,kilograms per year per capita,"Default composition: 137 Yams Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO). Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:48:05,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,kg,"{""name"": ""Yams - Food available for consumption (kilograms per year per capita)"", ""unit"": ""kilograms per year per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kg""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_food_available_for_consumption_0645pc_kilograms_per_year_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489798,Yams | 00002535 || Food available for consumption | 000684 || grams of fat per day,grams of fat per day,"Default composition: 137 Yams Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO).",2022-08-23 19:48:05,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,g/day,"{""name"": ""Yams - Food available for consumption (grams of fat per day)"", ""unit"": ""grams of fat per day"", ""shortUnit"": ""g/day""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_food_available_for_consumption_000684_grams_of_fat_per_day,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489797,Yams | 00002535 || Food available for consumption | 000674 || grams of protein per day,grams of protein per day,"Default composition: 137 Yams Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO).",2022-08-23 19:48:05,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,g/day,"{""name"": ""Yams - Food available for consumption (grams of protein per day)"", ""unit"": ""grams of protein per day"", ""shortUnit"": ""g/day""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_food_available_for_consumption_000674_grams_of_protein_per_day,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489796,Yams | 00002535 || Food available for consumption | 000664 || kilocalories per day,kilocalories per day,"Default composition: 137 Yams Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO).",2022-08-23 19:48:04,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,kcal/day,"{""name"": ""Yams - Food available for consumption (kilocalories per day)"", ""unit"": ""kilocalories per day"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal/day""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_food_available_for_consumption_000664_kilocalories_per_day,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489795,Yams | 00002535 || Food available for consumption | 000645 || kilograms per year,kilograms per year,"Default composition: 137 Yams Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO).",2022-08-23 19:48:04,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,kg,"{""name"": ""Yams - Food available for consumption (kilograms per year)"", ""unit"": ""kilograms per year"", ""shortUnit"": ""kg""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_food_available_for_consumption_000645_kilograms_per_year,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489794,Yams | 00002535 || Feed | 5521pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 137 Yams Data refer to the quantity of the commodity in question available for feeding to the livestock and poultry during the reference period, whether domestically produced or imported. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome. Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:48:04,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Yams - Feed (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_feed_5521pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489793,Yams | 00002535 || Feed | 005521 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 137 Yams Data refer to the quantity of the commodity in question available for feeding to the livestock and poultry during the reference period, whether domestically produced or imported. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome.",2022-08-23 19:48:04,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Yams - Feed (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_feed_005521_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489792,Yams | 00002535 || Exports | 5911pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 137 Yams Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:48:03,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Yams - Exports (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_exports_5911pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489791,Yams | 00002535 || Exports | 005911 || tonnes,tonnes,Default composition: 137 Yams,2022-08-23 19:48:03,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Yams - Exports (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_exports_005911_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489790,Yams | 00002535 || Domestic supply | 5301pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 137 Yams Production + imports - exports - changes in stocks (decrease or increase) = supply for domestic utilization in the new methodology. There are various ways of defining supply and, in fact, various concepts are in use. The elements involved are production, imports, exports and changes in stocks (increase or decrease). There is no doubt that production, imports and stock changes (either decrease or increase in stocks) are genuine supply elements. Source: FAO Statistics Division Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:48:03,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Yams - Domestic supply (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_domestic_supply_5301pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489789,Yams | 00002535 || Domestic supply | 005301 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 137 Yams Production + imports - exports - changes in stocks (decrease or increase) = supply for domestic utilization in the new methodology. There are various ways of defining supply and, in fact, various concepts are in use. The elements involved are production, imports, exports and changes in stocks (increase or decrease). There is no doubt that production, imports and stock changes (either decrease or increase in stocks) are genuine supply elements. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:48:03,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Yams - Domestic supply (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,yams_00002535_domestic_supply_005301_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489788,Wine | 00002655 || Waste in Supply Chain | 5123pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Amount of the commodity in question lost through wastage (waste) during the year at all stages between the level at which production is recorded and the household, i.e. storage and transportation. Losses occurring before and during harvest are excluded. Waste from both edible and inedible parts of the commodity occurring in the household is also excluded. Quantities lost during the transformation of primary commodities into processed products are taken into account in the assessment of respective extraction/conversion rates. Distribution wastes tend to be considerable in countries with hot humid climate, difficult transportation and inadequate storage or processing facilities. This applies to the more perishable foodstuffs, and especially to those which have to be transported or stored for a long time in a tropical climate. Waste is often estimated as a fixed percentage of availability, the latter being defined as production plus imports plus stock withdrawals. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome. Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:48:02,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wine - Waste in Supply Chain (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_waste_in_supply_chain_5123pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489787,Wine | 00002655 || Waste in Supply Chain | 005123 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Amount of the commodity in question lost through wastage (waste) during the year at all stages between the level at which production is recorded and the household, i.e. storage and transportation. Losses occurring before and during harvest are excluded. Waste from both edible and inedible parts of the commodity occurring in the household is also excluded. Quantities lost during the transformation of primary commodities into processed products are taken into account in the assessment of respective extraction/conversion rates. Distribution wastes tend to be considerable in countries with hot humid climate, difficult transportation and inadequate storage or processing facilities. This applies to the more perishable foodstuffs, and especially to those which have to be transported or stored for a long time in a tropical climate. Waste is often estimated as a fixed percentage of availability, the latter being defined as production plus imports plus stock withdrawals. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome.",2022-08-23 19:48:02,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wine - Waste in Supply Chain (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_waste_in_supply_chain_005123_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489786,Wine | 00002655 || Tourist consumption | 005171 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar",2022-08-23 19:48:02,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2010-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wine - Tourist consumption (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_tourist_consumption_005171_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489785,Wine | 00002655 || Stock Variation | 005072 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Comprises changes in stocks occurring during the reference period at all levels between the production and the retail levels, i.e. it comprises changes in government stocks, in stocks with manufacturers, importers, exporters, other wholesale and retail merchants, transport and storage enterprises and in stocks on farms. In actual fact, however, the information available often relates only to stocks held by governments and even these are not available for a number of countries and important commodities. In the absence of information on opening and closing stocks changes in stocks are also used for shifting production from the calendar year in which it is harvested to the year in which it is consumed. Net increases in stocks (add to stock) are generally indicated by the sign ""-"". No sign denotes net decreases (from stock). Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:48:02,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wine - Stock Variation (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_stock_variation_005072_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489784,Wine | 00002655 || Residuals | 005170 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar It is defined as the imbalance (positive or negative) in the supply and utilization equation. It occures mainly due to the inconsitencies of national data provided by countries.",2022-08-23 19:48:01,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2010-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wine - Residuals (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_residuals_005170_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489783,Wine | 00002655 || Production | 005511 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Figures relate to the total domestic production whether inside or outside the agricultural sector, i.e. it includes non-commercial production and production from kitchen gardens. Unless otherwise indicated, production is reported at the farm level for crop and livestock products (i.e. in the case of crops, excluding harvesting losses) and in terms of live weight for fish items (i.e. the actual ex-water weight at the time of the catch). All data shown relate to total meat production from both commercial and farm slaughter. Data are expressed in terms of dressed carcass weight, excluding offal and slaughter fats. Production of beef and buffalo meat includes veal; mutton and goat meat includes meat from lambs and kids; pig meat includes bacon and ham in fresh equivalent. Poultry meat includes meat from all domestic birds and refers, wherever possible, to ready-to-cook weight. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:48:01,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wine - Production (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_production_005511_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489782,Wine | 00002655 || Processing | 005131 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar",2022-08-23 19:48:01,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wine - Processing (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_processing_005131_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489781,Wine | 00002655 || Other uses | 5154pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Data refer to quantities of commodities used for non-food purposes, e.g. oil for soap. In order not to distort the picture of the national food pattern quantities of the commodity in question consumed mainly by tourists are included here (see also ""Per capita supply""). In addition, this variable covers pet food. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome. Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:48:01,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wine - Other uses (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_other_uses_5154pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489780,Wine | 00002655 || Other uses | 005154 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Data refer to quantities of commodities used for non-food purposes, e.g. oil for soap. In order not to distort the picture of the national food pattern quantities of the commodity in question consumed mainly by tourists are included here (see also ""Per capita supply""). In addition, this variable covers pet food. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome.",2022-08-23 19:48:00,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wine - Other uses (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_other_uses_005154_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489779,Wine | 00002655 || Imports | 5611pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:48:00,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wine - Imports (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_imports_5611pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489778,Wine | 00002655 || Imports | 005611 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar",2022-08-23 19:48:00,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wine - Imports (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_imports_005611_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489777,Wine | 00002655 || Food | 5142pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Data refer to the total amount of the commodity available as human food during the reference period. Data include the commodity in question, as well as any commodity derived therefrom as a result of further processing. Food from maize, for example, comprises the amount of maize, maize meal and any other products derived therefrom available for human consumption. Food from milk relates to the amounts of milk as such, as well as the fresh milk equivalent of dairy products. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome. Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:59,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wine - Food (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_food_5142pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489776,Wine | 00002655 || Food | 005142 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Data refer to the total amount of the commodity available as human food during the reference period. Data include the commodity in question, as well as any commodity derived therefrom as a result of further processing. Food from maize, for example, comprises the amount of maize, maize meal and any other products derived therefrom available for human consumption. Food from milk relates to the amounts of milk as such, as well as the fresh milk equivalent of dairy products. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome.",2022-08-23 19:47:59,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wine - Food (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_food_005142_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489775,Wine | 00002655 || Food available for consumption | 0684pc || grams of fat per day per capita,grams of fat per day per capita,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO). Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:59,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2010-2019,5703,26726,g/day,"{""name"": ""Wine - Food available for consumption (grams of fat per day per capita)"", ""unit"": ""grams of fat per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""g/day""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_food_available_for_consumption_0684pc_grams_of_fat_per_day_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489774,Wine | 00002655 || Food available for consumption | 0674pc || grams of protein per day per capita,grams of protein per day per capita,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO). Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:58,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,g/day,"{""name"": ""Wine - Food available for consumption (grams of protein per day per capita)"", ""unit"": ""grams of protein per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""g/day""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_food_available_for_consumption_0674pc_grams_of_protein_per_day_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489773,Wine | 00002655 || Food available for consumption | 0664pc || kilocalories per day per capita,kilocalories per day per capita,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO). Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:58,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,kcal/day,"{""name"": ""Wine - Food available for consumption (kilocalories per day per capita)"", ""unit"": ""kilocalories per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal/day""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_food_available_for_consumption_0664pc_kilocalories_per_day_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489772,Wine | 00002655 || Food available for consumption | 0645pc || kilograms per year per capita,kilograms per year per capita,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO). Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:58,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,kg,"{""name"": ""Wine - Food available for consumption (kilograms per year per capita)"", ""unit"": ""kilograms per year per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kg""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_food_available_for_consumption_0645pc_kilograms_per_year_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489771,Wine | 00002655 || Food available for consumption | 000684 || grams of fat per day,grams of fat per day,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO).",2022-08-23 19:47:57,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2010-2019,5703,26726,g/day,"{""name"": ""Wine - Food available for consumption (grams of fat per day)"", ""unit"": ""grams of fat per day"", ""shortUnit"": ""g/day""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_food_available_for_consumption_000684_grams_of_fat_per_day,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489770,Wine | 00002655 || Food available for consumption | 000674 || grams of protein per day,grams of protein per day,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO).",2022-08-23 19:47:57,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,g/day,"{""name"": ""Wine - Food available for consumption (grams of protein per day)"", ""unit"": ""grams of protein per day"", ""shortUnit"": ""g/day""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_food_available_for_consumption_000674_grams_of_protein_per_day,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489769,Wine | 00002655 || Food available for consumption | 000664 || kilocalories per day,kilocalories per day,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO).",2022-08-23 19:47:57,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,kcal/day,"{""name"": ""Wine - Food available for consumption (kilocalories per day)"", ""unit"": ""kilocalories per day"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal/day""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_food_available_for_consumption_000664_kilocalories_per_day,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489768,Wine | 00002655 || Food available for consumption | 000645 || kilograms per year,kilograms per year,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO).",2022-08-23 19:47:56,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,kg,"{""name"": ""Wine - Food available for consumption (kilograms per year)"", ""unit"": ""kilograms per year"", ""shortUnit"": ""kg""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_food_available_for_consumption_000645_kilograms_per_year,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489767,Wine | 00002655 || Exports | 5911pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:56,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wine - Exports (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_exports_5911pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489766,Wine | 00002655 || Exports | 005911 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar",2022-08-23 19:47:56,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wine - Exports (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_exports_005911_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489765,Wine | 00002655 || Domestic supply | 5301pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Production + imports - exports - changes in stocks (decrease or increase) = supply for domestic utilization in the new methodology. There are various ways of defining supply and, in fact, various concepts are in use. The elements involved are production, imports, exports and changes in stocks (increase or decrease). There is no doubt that production, imports and stock changes (either decrease or increase in stocks) are genuine supply elements. Source: FAO Statistics Division Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:55,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wine - Domestic supply (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_domestic_supply_5301pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489764,Wine | 00002655 || Domestic supply | 005301 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 564 Wine, 565 Vermouths & similar Production + imports - exports - changes in stocks (decrease or increase) = supply for domestic utilization in the new methodology. There are various ways of defining supply and, in fact, various concepts are in use. The elements involved are production, imports, exports and changes in stocks (increase or decrease). There is no doubt that production, imports and stock changes (either decrease or increase in stocks) are genuine supply elements. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:47:55,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wine - Domestic supply (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wine_00002655_domestic_supply_005301_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489763,Wheat | 00002511 || Waste in Supply Chain | 5123pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Amount of the commodity in question lost through wastage (waste) during the year at all stages between the level at which production is recorded and the household, i.e. storage and transportation. Losses occurring before and during harvest are excluded. Waste from both edible and inedible parts of the commodity occurring in the household is also excluded. Quantities lost during the transformation of primary commodities into processed products are taken into account in the assessment of respective extraction/conversion rates. Distribution wastes tend to be considerable in countries with hot humid climate, difficult transportation and inadequate storage or processing facilities. This applies to the more perishable foodstuffs, and especially to those which have to be transported or stored for a long time in a tropical climate. Waste is often estimated as a fixed percentage of availability, the latter being defined as production plus imports plus stock withdrawals. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome. Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:55,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Waste in Supply Chain (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_waste_in_supply_chain_5123pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489762,Wheat | 00002511 || Waste in Supply Chain | 005123 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Amount of the commodity in question lost through wastage (waste) during the year at all stages between the level at which production is recorded and the household, i.e. storage and transportation. Losses occurring before and during harvest are excluded. Waste from both edible and inedible parts of the commodity occurring in the household is also excluded. Quantities lost during the transformation of primary commodities into processed products are taken into account in the assessment of respective extraction/conversion rates. Distribution wastes tend to be considerable in countries with hot humid climate, difficult transportation and inadequate storage or processing facilities. This applies to the more perishable foodstuffs, and especially to those which have to be transported or stored for a long time in a tropical climate. Waste is often estimated as a fixed percentage of availability, the latter being defined as production plus imports plus stock withdrawals. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome.",2022-08-23 19:47:54,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Waste in Supply Chain (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_waste_in_supply_chain_005123_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489761,Wheat | 00002511 || Tourist consumption | 005171 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract",2022-08-23 19:47:54,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2010-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Tourist consumption (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_tourist_consumption_005171_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489760,Wheat | 00002511 || Stock Variation | 005072 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Comprises changes in stocks occurring during the reference period at all levels between the production and the retail levels, i.e. it comprises changes in government stocks, in stocks with manufacturers, importers, exporters, other wholesale and retail merchants, transport and storage enterprises and in stocks on farms. In actual fact, however, the information available often relates only to stocks held by governments and even these are not available for a number of countries and important commodities. In the absence of information on opening and closing stocks changes in stocks are also used for shifting production from the calendar year in which it is harvested to the year in which it is consumed. Net increases in stocks (add to stock) are generally indicated by the sign ""-"". No sign denotes net decreases (from stock). Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:47:54,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Stock Variation (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_stock_variation_005072_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489759,Wheat | 00002511 || Seed | 005527 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Data include the amounts of the commodity in question set aside for sowing or planting (or generally for reproduction purposes, e.g. sugar cane planted, potatoes for seed, eggs for hatching and fish for bait, whether domestically produced or imported) during the reference period. Account is taken of double or successive sowing or planting whenever it occurs. The data of seed include also, when it is the case, the quantities necessary for sowing or planting the area relating to crops harvested green for fodder or for food.(e.g. green peas, green beans, maize for forage)  Data for seed element are stored in tonnes (t). Whenever official data were not available, seed figures have been estimated either as a percentage of supply (e.g. eggs for hatching) or by multiplying a seed rate with the area under the crop of the subsequent year. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome.",2022-08-23 19:47:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Seed (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_seed_005527_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489758,Wheat | 00002511 || Residuals | 005170 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract It is defined as the imbalance (positive or negative) in the supply and utilization equation. It occures mainly due to the inconsitencies of national data provided by countries.",2022-08-23 19:47:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2010-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Residuals (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_residuals_005170_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489757,Wheat | 00002511 || Production | 005511 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Figures relate to the total domestic production whether inside or outside the agricultural sector, i.e. it includes non-commercial production and production from kitchen gardens. Unless otherwise indicated, production is reported at the farm level for crop and livestock products (i.e. in the case of crops, excluding harvesting losses) and in terms of live weight for fish items (i.e. the actual ex-water weight at the time of the catch). All data shown relate to total meat production from both commercial and farm slaughter. Data are expressed in terms of dressed carcass weight, excluding offal and slaughter fats. Production of beef and buffalo meat includes veal; mutton and goat meat includes meat from lambs and kids; pig meat includes bacon and ham in fresh equivalent. Poultry meat includes meat from all domestic birds and refers, wherever possible, to ready-to-cook weight. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:47:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Production (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_production_005511_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489756,Wheat | 00002511 || Processing | 005131 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract",2022-08-23 19:47:52,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Processing (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_processing_005131_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489755,Wheat | 00002511 || Other uses | 5154pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Data refer to quantities of commodities used for non-food purposes, e.g. oil for soap. In order not to distort the picture of the national food pattern quantities of the commodity in question consumed mainly by tourists are included here (see also ""Per capita supply""). In addition, this variable covers pet food. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome. Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:52,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Other uses (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_other_uses_5154pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489754,Wheat | 00002511 || Other uses | 005154 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Data refer to quantities of commodities used for non-food purposes, e.g. oil for soap. In order not to distort the picture of the national food pattern quantities of the commodity in question consumed mainly by tourists are included here (see also ""Per capita supply""). In addition, this variable covers pet food. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome.",2022-08-23 19:47:52,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Other uses (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_other_uses_005154_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489753,Wheat | 00002511 || Imports | 5611pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:51,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Imports (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_imports_5611pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489752,Wheat | 00002511 || Imports | 005611 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract",2022-08-23 19:47:51,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Imports (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_imports_005611_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489751,Wheat | 00002511 || Food | 5142pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Data refer to the total amount of the commodity available as human food during the reference period. Data include the commodity in question, as well as any commodity derived therefrom as a result of further processing. Food from maize, for example, comprises the amount of maize, maize meal and any other products derived therefrom available for human consumption. Food from milk relates to the amounts of milk as such, as well as the fresh milk equivalent of dairy products. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome. Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:50,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Food (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_food_5142pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489750,Wheat | 00002511 || Food | 005142 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Data refer to the total amount of the commodity available as human food during the reference period. Data include the commodity in question, as well as any commodity derived therefrom as a result of further processing. Food from maize, for example, comprises the amount of maize, maize meal and any other products derived therefrom available for human consumption. Food from milk relates to the amounts of milk as such, as well as the fresh milk equivalent of dairy products. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome.",2022-08-23 19:47:50,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Food (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_food_005142_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489749,Wheat | 00002511 || Food available for consumption | 0684pc || grams of fat per day per capita,grams of fat per day per capita,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO). Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:50,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,g/day,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Food available for consumption (grams of fat per day per capita)"", ""unit"": ""grams of fat per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""g/day""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_food_available_for_consumption_0684pc_grams_of_fat_per_day_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489748,Wheat | 00002511 || Food available for consumption | 0674pc || grams of protein per day per capita,grams of protein per day per capita,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO). Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:49,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,g/day,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Food available for consumption (grams of protein per day per capita)"", ""unit"": ""grams of protein per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""g/day""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_food_available_for_consumption_0674pc_grams_of_protein_per_day_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489747,Wheat | 00002511 || Food available for consumption | 0664pc || kilocalories per day per capita,kilocalories per day per capita,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO). Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:49,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,kcal/day,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Food available for consumption (kilocalories per day per capita)"", ""unit"": ""kilocalories per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal/day""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_food_available_for_consumption_0664pc_kilocalories_per_day_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489746,Wheat | 00002511 || Food available for consumption | 0645pc || kilograms per year per capita,kilograms per year per capita,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO). Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:49,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,kg,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Food available for consumption (kilograms per year per capita)"", ""unit"": ""kilograms per year per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kg""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_food_available_for_consumption_0645pc_kilograms_per_year_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489745,Wheat | 00002511 || Food available for consumption | 000684 || grams of fat per day,grams of fat per day,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO).",2022-08-23 19:47:48,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,g/day,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Food available for consumption (grams of fat per day)"", ""unit"": ""grams of fat per day"", ""shortUnit"": ""g/day""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_food_available_for_consumption_000684_grams_of_fat_per_day,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489744,Wheat | 00002511 || Food available for consumption | 000674 || grams of protein per day,grams of protein per day,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO).",2022-08-23 19:47:48,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,g/day,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Food available for consumption (grams of protein per day)"", ""unit"": ""grams of protein per day"", ""shortUnit"": ""g/day""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_food_available_for_consumption_000674_grams_of_protein_per_day,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489743,Wheat | 00002511 || Food available for consumption | 000664 || kilocalories per day,kilocalories per day,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO).",2022-08-23 19:47:48,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,kcal/day,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Food available for consumption (kilocalories per day)"", ""unit"": ""kilocalories per day"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal/day""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_food_available_for_consumption_000664_kilocalories_per_day,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489742,Wheat | 00002511 || Food available for consumption | 000645 || kilograms per year,kilograms per year,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO).",2022-08-23 19:47:47,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,kg,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Food available for consumption (kilograms per year)"", ""unit"": ""kilograms per year"", ""shortUnit"": ""kg""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_food_available_for_consumption_000645_kilograms_per_year,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489741,Wheat | 00002511 || Feed | 5521pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Data refer to the quantity of the commodity in question available for feeding to the livestock and poultry during the reference period, whether domestically produced or imported. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome. Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:47,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Feed (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_feed_5521pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489740,Wheat | 00002511 || Feed | 005521 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Data refer to the quantity of the commodity in question available for feeding to the livestock and poultry during the reference period, whether domestically produced or imported. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome.",2022-08-23 19:47:47,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Feed (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_feed_005521_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489739,Wheat | 00002511 || Exports | 5911pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Exports (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_exports_5911pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489738,Wheat | 00002511 || Exports | 005911 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract",2022-08-23 19:47:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Exports (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_exports_005911_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489737,Wheat | 00002511 || Domestic supply | 5301pc || tonnes per capita,tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Production + imports - exports - changes in stocks (decrease or increase) = supply for domestic utilization in the new methodology. There are various ways of defining supply and, in fact, various concepts are in use. The elements involved are production, imports, exports and changes in stocks (increase or decrease). There is no doubt that production, imports and stock changes (either decrease or increase in stocks) are genuine supply elements. Source: FAO Statistics Division Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:45,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Domestic supply (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_domestic_supply_5301pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489736,Wheat | 00002511 || Domestic supply | 005301 || tonnes,tonnes,"Default composition: 15 Wheat, 16 Flour, wheat, 17 Bran, wheat, 18 Macaroni, 19 Germ, wheat, 20 Bread, 21 Bulgur, 22 Pastry, 23 Starch, wheat, 24 Gluten, wheat, 41 Cereals, breakfast, 110 Wafers, 114 Mixes and doughs, 115 Food preparations, flour, malt extract Production + imports - exports - changes in stocks (decrease or increase) = supply for domestic utilization in the new methodology. There are various ways of defining supply and, in fact, various concepts are in use. The elements involved are production, imports, exports and changes in stocks (increase or decrease). There is no doubt that production, imports and stock changes (either decrease or increase in stocks) are genuine supply elements. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:47:45,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Domestic supply (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,wheat_00002511_domestic_supply_005301_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489735,Vegetal Products | 00002903 || Food available for consumption | 0684pc || grams of fat per day per capita,grams of fat per day per capita,"Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO). Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:45,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,g/day,"{""name"": ""Vegetal Products - Food available for consumption (grams of fat per day per capita)"", ""unit"": ""grams of fat per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""g/day""}",0,{},,vegetal_products_00002903_food_available_for_consumption_0684pc_grams_of_fat_per_day_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489734,Vegetal Products | 00002903 || Food available for consumption | 0674pc || grams of protein per day per capita,grams of protein per day per capita,"Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO). Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:44,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,g/day,"{""name"": ""Vegetal Products - Food available for consumption (grams of protein per day per capita)"", ""unit"": ""grams of protein per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""g/day""}",0,{},,vegetal_products_00002903_food_available_for_consumption_0674pc_grams_of_protein_per_day_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489733,Vegetal Products | 00002903 || Food available for consumption | 0664pc || kilocalories per day per capita,kilocalories per day per capita,"Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO). Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:44,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,kcal/day,"{""name"": ""Vegetal Products - Food available for consumption (kilocalories per day per capita)"", ""unit"": ""kilocalories per day per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal/day""}",0,{},,vegetal_products_00002903_food_available_for_consumption_0664pc_kilocalories_per_day_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489732,Vegetal Products | 00002903 || Food available for consumption | 000684 || grams of fat per day,grams of fat per day,"Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO).",2022-08-23 19:47:44,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,g/day,"{""name"": ""Vegetal Products - Food available for consumption (grams of fat per day)"", ""unit"": ""grams of fat per day"", ""shortUnit"": ""g/day""}",0,{},,vegetal_products_00002903_food_available_for_consumption_000684_grams_of_fat_per_day,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489731,Vegetal Products | 00002903 || Food available for consumption | 000674 || grams of protein per day,grams of protein per day,"Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO).",2022-08-23 19:47:43,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,g/day,"{""name"": ""Vegetal Products - Food available for consumption (grams of protein per day)"", ""unit"": ""grams of protein per day"", ""shortUnit"": ""g/day""}",0,{},,vegetal_products_00002903_food_available_for_consumption_000674_grams_of_protein_per_day,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489730,Vegetal Products | 00002903 || Food available for consumption | 000664 || kilocalories per day,kilocalories per day,"Originally given per-capita, and converted into total figures by multiplying by population (given by FAO).",2022-08-23 19:47:43,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,kcal/day,"{""name"": ""Vegetal Products - Food available for consumption (kilocalories per day)"", ""unit"": ""kilocalories per day"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal/day""}",0,{},,vegetal_products_00002903_food_available_for_consumption_000664_kilocalories_per_day,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489729,"Vegetables, other | 00002605 || Waste in Supply Chain | 5123pc || tonnes per capita",tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 358 Cabbages and other brassicas, 366 Artichokes, 367 Asparagus, 372 Lettuce and chicory, 373 Spinach, 378 Cassava leaves, 393 Cauliflowers and broccoli, 394 Pumpkins, squash and gourds, 397 Cucumbers and gherkins, 399 Eggplants (aubergines), 401 Chillies and peppers, green, 402 Onions, shallots, green, 406 Garlic, 407 Leeks, other alliaceous vegetables, 414 Beans, green, 417 Peas, green, 420 Vegetables, leguminous nes, 423 String beans, 426 Carrots and turnips, 430 Okra, 446 Maize, green, 447 Sweet corn frozen, 448 Sweet corn prep or preserved, 449 Mushrooms and truffles, 450 Mushrooms, dried, 451 Mushrooms, canned, 459 Chicory roots, 461 Carobs, 463 Vegetables, fresh nes, 464 Vegetables, dried nes, 465 Vegetables, canned nes, 466 Juice, vegetables nes, 469 Vegetables, dehydrated, 471 Vegetables in vinegar, 472 Vegetables, preserved nes, 473 Vegetables, frozen, 474 Vegetables, temporarily preserved, 475 Vegetables, preserved, frozen, 476 Vegetables, homogenized preparations, 567 Watermelons, 568 Melons, other (inc.cantaloupes), 658 Coffee, substitutes containing coffee Amount of the commodity in question lost through wastage (waste) during the year at all stages between the level at which production is recorded and the household, i.e. storage and transportation. Losses occurring before and during harvest are excluded. Waste from both edible and inedible parts of the commodity occurring in the household is also excluded. Quantities lost during the transformation of primary commodities into processed products are taken into account in the assessment of respective extraction/conversion rates. Distribution wastes tend to be considerable in countries with hot humid climate, difficult transportation and inadequate storage or processing facilities. This applies to the more perishable foodstuffs, and especially to those which have to be transported or stored for a long time in a tropical climate. Waste is often estimated as a fixed percentage of availability, the latter being defined as production plus imports plus stock withdrawals. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome. Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:43,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, other - Waste in Supply Chain (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,vegetables_other_00002605_waste_in_supply_chain_5123pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489728,"Vegetables, other | 00002605 || Waste in Supply Chain | 005123 || tonnes",tonnes,"Default composition: 358 Cabbages and other brassicas, 366 Artichokes, 367 Asparagus, 372 Lettuce and chicory, 373 Spinach, 378 Cassava leaves, 393 Cauliflowers and broccoli, 394 Pumpkins, squash and gourds, 397 Cucumbers and gherkins, 399 Eggplants (aubergines), 401 Chillies and peppers, green, 402 Onions, shallots, green, 406 Garlic, 407 Leeks, other alliaceous vegetables, 414 Beans, green, 417 Peas, green, 420 Vegetables, leguminous nes, 423 String beans, 426 Carrots and turnips, 430 Okra, 446 Maize, green, 447 Sweet corn frozen, 448 Sweet corn prep or preserved, 449 Mushrooms and truffles, 450 Mushrooms, dried, 451 Mushrooms, canned, 459 Chicory roots, 461 Carobs, 463 Vegetables, fresh nes, 464 Vegetables, dried nes, 465 Vegetables, canned nes, 466 Juice, vegetables nes, 469 Vegetables, dehydrated, 471 Vegetables in vinegar, 472 Vegetables, preserved nes, 473 Vegetables, frozen, 474 Vegetables, temporarily preserved, 475 Vegetables, preserved, frozen, 476 Vegetables, homogenized preparations, 567 Watermelons, 568 Melons, other (inc.cantaloupes), 658 Coffee, substitutes containing coffee Amount of the commodity in question lost through wastage (waste) during the year at all stages between the level at which production is recorded and the household, i.e. storage and transportation. Losses occurring before and during harvest are excluded. Waste from both edible and inedible parts of the commodity occurring in the household is also excluded. Quantities lost during the transformation of primary commodities into processed products are taken into account in the assessment of respective extraction/conversion rates. Distribution wastes tend to be considerable in countries with hot humid climate, difficult transportation and inadequate storage or processing facilities. This applies to the more perishable foodstuffs, and especially to those which have to be transported or stored for a long time in a tropical climate. Waste is often estimated as a fixed percentage of availability, the latter being defined as production plus imports plus stock withdrawals. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome.",2022-08-23 19:47:42,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, other - Waste in Supply Chain (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,vegetables_other_00002605_waste_in_supply_chain_005123_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489727,"Vegetables, other | 00002605 || Tourist consumption | 005171 || tonnes",tonnes,"Default composition: 358 Cabbages and other brassicas, 366 Artichokes, 367 Asparagus, 372 Lettuce and chicory, 373 Spinach, 378 Cassava leaves, 393 Cauliflowers and broccoli, 394 Pumpkins, squash and gourds, 397 Cucumbers and gherkins, 399 Eggplants (aubergines), 401 Chillies and peppers, green, 402 Onions, shallots, green, 406 Garlic, 407 Leeks, other alliaceous vegetables, 414 Beans, green, 417 Peas, green, 420 Vegetables, leguminous nes, 423 String beans, 426 Carrots and turnips, 430 Okra, 446 Maize, green, 447 Sweet corn frozen, 448 Sweet corn prep or preserved, 449 Mushrooms and truffles, 450 Mushrooms, dried, 451 Mushrooms, canned, 459 Chicory roots, 461 Carobs, 463 Vegetables, fresh nes, 464 Vegetables, dried nes, 465 Vegetables, canned nes, 466 Juice, vegetables nes, 469 Vegetables, dehydrated, 471 Vegetables in vinegar, 472 Vegetables, preserved nes, 473 Vegetables, frozen, 474 Vegetables, temporarily preserved, 475 Vegetables, preserved, frozen, 476 Vegetables, homogenized preparations, 567 Watermelons, 568 Melons, other (inc.cantaloupes), 658 Coffee, substitutes containing coffee",2022-08-23 19:47:42,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2010-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, other - Tourist consumption (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,vegetables_other_00002605_tourist_consumption_005171_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489726,"Vegetables, other | 00002605 || Stock Variation | 005072 || tonnes",tonnes,"Default composition: 358 Cabbages and other brassicas, 366 Artichokes, 367 Asparagus, 372 Lettuce and chicory, 373 Spinach, 378 Cassava leaves, 393 Cauliflowers and broccoli, 394 Pumpkins, squash and gourds, 397 Cucumbers and gherkins, 399 Eggplants (aubergines), 401 Chillies and peppers, green, 402 Onions, shallots, green, 406 Garlic, 407 Leeks, other alliaceous vegetables, 414 Beans, green, 417 Peas, green, 420 Vegetables, leguminous nes, 423 String beans, 426 Carrots and turnips, 430 Okra, 446 Maize, green, 447 Sweet corn frozen, 448 Sweet corn prep or preserved, 449 Mushrooms and truffles, 450 Mushrooms, dried, 451 Mushrooms, canned, 459 Chicory roots, 461 Carobs, 463 Vegetables, fresh nes, 464 Vegetables, dried nes, 465 Vegetables, canned nes, 466 Juice, vegetables nes, 469 Vegetables, dehydrated, 471 Vegetables in vinegar, 472 Vegetables, preserved nes, 473 Vegetables, frozen, 474 Vegetables, temporarily preserved, 475 Vegetables, preserved, frozen, 476 Vegetables, homogenized preparations, 567 Watermelons, 568 Melons, other (inc.cantaloupes), 658 Coffee, substitutes containing coffee Comprises changes in stocks occurring during the reference period at all levels between the production and the retail levels, i.e. it comprises changes in government stocks, in stocks with manufacturers, importers, exporters, other wholesale and retail merchants, transport and storage enterprises and in stocks on farms. In actual fact, however, the information available often relates only to stocks held by governments and even these are not available for a number of countries and important commodities. In the absence of information on opening and closing stocks changes in stocks are also used for shifting production from the calendar year in which it is harvested to the year in which it is consumed. Net increases in stocks (add to stock) are generally indicated by the sign ""-"". No sign denotes net decreases (from stock). Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:47:42,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, other - Stock Variation (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,vegetables_other_00002605_stock_variation_005072_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489725,"Vegetables, other | 00002605 || Seed | 005527 || tonnes",tonnes,"Default composition: 358 Cabbages and other brassicas, 366 Artichokes, 367 Asparagus, 372 Lettuce and chicory, 373 Spinach, 378 Cassava leaves, 393 Cauliflowers and broccoli, 394 Pumpkins, squash and gourds, 397 Cucumbers and gherkins, 399 Eggplants (aubergines), 401 Chillies and peppers, green, 402 Onions, shallots, green, 406 Garlic, 407 Leeks, other alliaceous vegetables, 414 Beans, green, 417 Peas, green, 420 Vegetables, leguminous nes, 423 String beans, 426 Carrots and turnips, 430 Okra, 446 Maize, green, 447 Sweet corn frozen, 448 Sweet corn prep or preserved, 449 Mushrooms and truffles, 450 Mushrooms, dried, 451 Mushrooms, canned, 459 Chicory roots, 461 Carobs, 463 Vegetables, fresh nes, 464 Vegetables, dried nes, 465 Vegetables, canned nes, 466 Juice, vegetables nes, 469 Vegetables, dehydrated, 471 Vegetables in vinegar, 472 Vegetables, preserved nes, 473 Vegetables, frozen, 474 Vegetables, temporarily preserved, 475 Vegetables, preserved, frozen, 476 Vegetables, homogenized preparations, 567 Watermelons, 568 Melons, other (inc.cantaloupes), 658 Coffee, substitutes containing coffee Data include the amounts of the commodity in question set aside for sowing or planting (or generally for reproduction purposes, e.g. sugar cane planted, potatoes for seed, eggs for hatching and fish for bait, whether domestically produced or imported) during the reference period. Account is taken of double or successive sowing or planting whenever it occurs. The data of seed include also, when it is the case, the quantities necessary for sowing or planting the area relating to crops harvested green for fodder or for food.(e.g. green peas, green beans, maize for forage)  Data for seed element are stored in tonnes (t). Whenever official data were not available, seed figures have been estimated either as a percentage of supply (e.g. eggs for hatching) or by multiplying a seed rate with the area under the crop of the subsequent year. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome.",2022-08-23 19:47:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, other - Seed (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,vegetables_other_00002605_seed_005527_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489724,"Vegetables, other | 00002605 || Residuals | 005170 || tonnes",tonnes,"Default composition: 358 Cabbages and other brassicas, 366 Artichokes, 367 Asparagus, 372 Lettuce and chicory, 373 Spinach, 378 Cassava leaves, 393 Cauliflowers and broccoli, 394 Pumpkins, squash and gourds, 397 Cucumbers and gherkins, 399 Eggplants (aubergines), 401 Chillies and peppers, green, 402 Onions, shallots, green, 406 Garlic, 407 Leeks, other alliaceous vegetables, 414 Beans, green, 417 Peas, green, 420 Vegetables, leguminous nes, 423 String beans, 426 Carrots and turnips, 430 Okra, 446 Maize, green, 447 Sweet corn frozen, 448 Sweet corn prep or preserved, 449 Mushrooms and truffles, 450 Mushrooms, dried, 451 Mushrooms, canned, 459 Chicory roots, 461 Carobs, 463 Vegetables, fresh nes, 464 Vegetables, dried nes, 465 Vegetables, canned nes, 466 Juice, vegetables nes, 469 Vegetables, dehydrated, 471 Vegetables in vinegar, 472 Vegetables, preserved nes, 473 Vegetables, frozen, 474 Vegetables, temporarily preserved, 475 Vegetables, preserved, frozen, 476 Vegetables, homogenized preparations, 567 Watermelons, 568 Melons, other (inc.cantaloupes), 658 Coffee, substitutes containing coffee It is defined as the imbalance (positive or negative) in the supply and utilization equation. It occures mainly due to the inconsitencies of national data provided by countries.",2022-08-23 19:47:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2010-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, other - Residuals (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,vegetables_other_00002605_residuals_005170_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489723,"Vegetables, other | 00002605 || Production | 005511 || tonnes",tonnes,"Default composition: 358 Cabbages and other brassicas, 366 Artichokes, 367 Asparagus, 372 Lettuce and chicory, 373 Spinach, 378 Cassava leaves, 393 Cauliflowers and broccoli, 394 Pumpkins, squash and gourds, 397 Cucumbers and gherkins, 399 Eggplants (aubergines), 401 Chillies and peppers, green, 402 Onions, shallots, green, 406 Garlic, 407 Leeks, other alliaceous vegetables, 414 Beans, green, 417 Peas, green, 420 Vegetables, leguminous nes, 423 String beans, 426 Carrots and turnips, 430 Okra, 446 Maize, green, 447 Sweet corn frozen, 448 Sweet corn prep or preserved, 449 Mushrooms and truffles, 450 Mushrooms, dried, 451 Mushrooms, canned, 459 Chicory roots, 461 Carobs, 463 Vegetables, fresh nes, 464 Vegetables, dried nes, 465 Vegetables, canned nes, 466 Juice, vegetables nes, 469 Vegetables, dehydrated, 471 Vegetables in vinegar, 472 Vegetables, preserved nes, 473 Vegetables, frozen, 474 Vegetables, temporarily preserved, 475 Vegetables, preserved, frozen, 476 Vegetables, homogenized preparations, 567 Watermelons, 568 Melons, other (inc.cantaloupes), 658 Coffee, substitutes containing coffee Figures relate to the total domestic production whether inside or outside the agricultural sector, i.e. it includes non-commercial production and production from kitchen gardens. Unless otherwise indicated, production is reported at the farm level for crop and livestock products (i.e. in the case of crops, excluding harvesting losses) and in terms of live weight for fish items (i.e. the actual ex-water weight at the time of the catch). All data shown relate to total meat production from both commercial and farm slaughter. Data are expressed in terms of dressed carcass weight, excluding offal and slaughter fats. Production of beef and buffalo meat includes veal; mutton and goat meat includes meat from lambs and kids; pig meat includes bacon and ham in fresh equivalent. Poultry meat includes meat from all domestic birds and refers, wherever possible, to ready-to-cook weight. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:47:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, other - Production (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,vegetables_other_00002605_production_005511_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489722,"Vegetables, other | 00002605 || Processing | 005131 || tonnes",tonnes,"Default composition: 358 Cabbages and other brassicas, 366 Artichokes, 367 Asparagus, 372 Lettuce and chicory, 373 Spinach, 378 Cassava leaves, 393 Cauliflowers and broccoli, 394 Pumpkins, squash and gourds, 397 Cucumbers and gherkins, 399 Eggplants (aubergines), 401 Chillies and peppers, green, 402 Onions, shallots, green, 406 Garlic, 407 Leeks, other alliaceous vegetables, 414 Beans, green, 417 Peas, green, 420 Vegetables, leguminous nes, 423 String beans, 426 Carrots and turnips, 430 Okra, 446 Maize, green, 447 Sweet corn frozen, 448 Sweet corn prep or preserved, 449 Mushrooms and truffles, 450 Mushrooms, dried, 451 Mushrooms, canned, 459 Chicory roots, 461 Carobs, 463 Vegetables, fresh nes, 464 Vegetables, dried nes, 465 Vegetables, canned nes, 466 Juice, vegetables nes, 469 Vegetables, dehydrated, 471 Vegetables in vinegar, 472 Vegetables, preserved nes, 473 Vegetables, frozen, 474 Vegetables, temporarily preserved, 475 Vegetables, preserved, frozen, 476 Vegetables, homogenized preparations, 567 Watermelons, 568 Melons, other (inc.cantaloupes), 658 Coffee, substitutes containing coffee",2022-08-23 19:47:40,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, other - Processing (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,vegetables_other_00002605_processing_005131_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489721,"Vegetables, other | 00002605 || Other uses | 5154pc || tonnes per capita",tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 358 Cabbages and other brassicas, 366 Artichokes, 367 Asparagus, 372 Lettuce and chicory, 373 Spinach, 378 Cassava leaves, 393 Cauliflowers and broccoli, 394 Pumpkins, squash and gourds, 397 Cucumbers and gherkins, 399 Eggplants (aubergines), 401 Chillies and peppers, green, 402 Onions, shallots, green, 406 Garlic, 407 Leeks, other alliaceous vegetables, 414 Beans, green, 417 Peas, green, 420 Vegetables, leguminous nes, 423 String beans, 426 Carrots and turnips, 430 Okra, 446 Maize, green, 447 Sweet corn frozen, 448 Sweet corn prep or preserved, 449 Mushrooms and truffles, 450 Mushrooms, dried, 451 Mushrooms, canned, 459 Chicory roots, 461 Carobs, 463 Vegetables, fresh nes, 464 Vegetables, dried nes, 465 Vegetables, canned nes, 466 Juice, vegetables nes, 469 Vegetables, dehydrated, 471 Vegetables in vinegar, 472 Vegetables, preserved nes, 473 Vegetables, frozen, 474 Vegetables, temporarily preserved, 475 Vegetables, preserved, frozen, 476 Vegetables, homogenized preparations, 567 Watermelons, 568 Melons, other (inc.cantaloupes), 658 Coffee, substitutes containing coffee Data refer to quantities of commodities used for non-food purposes, e.g. oil for soap. In order not to distort the picture of the national food pattern quantities of the commodity in question consumed mainly by tourists are included here (see also ""Per capita supply""). In addition, this variable covers pet food. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome. Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:40,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, other - Other uses (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,vegetables_other_00002605_other_uses_5154pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489720,"Vegetables, other | 00002605 || Other uses | 005154 || tonnes",tonnes,"Default composition: 358 Cabbages and other brassicas, 366 Artichokes, 367 Asparagus, 372 Lettuce and chicory, 373 Spinach, 378 Cassava leaves, 393 Cauliflowers and broccoli, 394 Pumpkins, squash and gourds, 397 Cucumbers and gherkins, 399 Eggplants (aubergines), 401 Chillies and peppers, green, 402 Onions, shallots, green, 406 Garlic, 407 Leeks, other alliaceous vegetables, 414 Beans, green, 417 Peas, green, 420 Vegetables, leguminous nes, 423 String beans, 426 Carrots and turnips, 430 Okra, 446 Maize, green, 447 Sweet corn frozen, 448 Sweet corn prep or preserved, 449 Mushrooms and truffles, 450 Mushrooms, dried, 451 Mushrooms, canned, 459 Chicory roots, 461 Carobs, 463 Vegetables, fresh nes, 464 Vegetables, dried nes, 465 Vegetables, canned nes, 466 Juice, vegetables nes, 469 Vegetables, dehydrated, 471 Vegetables in vinegar, 472 Vegetables, preserved nes, 473 Vegetables, frozen, 474 Vegetables, temporarily preserved, 475 Vegetables, preserved, frozen, 476 Vegetables, homogenized preparations, 567 Watermelons, 568 Melons, other (inc.cantaloupes), 658 Coffee, substitutes containing coffee Data refer to quantities of commodities used for non-food purposes, e.g. oil for soap. In order not to distort the picture of the national food pattern quantities of the commodity in question consumed mainly by tourists are included here (see also ""Per capita supply""). In addition, this variable covers pet food. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome.",2022-08-23 19:47:40,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, other - Other uses (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,vegetables_other_00002605_other_uses_005154_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489719,"Vegetables, other | 00002605 || Imports | 5611pc || tonnes per capita",tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 358 Cabbages and other brassicas, 366 Artichokes, 367 Asparagus, 372 Lettuce and chicory, 373 Spinach, 378 Cassava leaves, 393 Cauliflowers and broccoli, 394 Pumpkins, squash and gourds, 397 Cucumbers and gherkins, 399 Eggplants (aubergines), 401 Chillies and peppers, green, 402 Onions, shallots, green, 406 Garlic, 407 Leeks, other alliaceous vegetables, 414 Beans, green, 417 Peas, green, 420 Vegetables, leguminous nes, 423 String beans, 426 Carrots and turnips, 430 Okra, 446 Maize, green, 447 Sweet corn frozen, 448 Sweet corn prep or preserved, 449 Mushrooms and truffles, 450 Mushrooms, dried, 451 Mushrooms, canned, 459 Chicory roots, 461 Carobs, 463 Vegetables, fresh nes, 464 Vegetables, dried nes, 465 Vegetables, canned nes, 466 Juice, vegetables nes, 469 Vegetables, dehydrated, 471 Vegetables in vinegar, 472 Vegetables, preserved nes, 473 Vegetables, frozen, 474 Vegetables, temporarily preserved, 475 Vegetables, preserved, frozen, 476 Vegetables, homogenized preparations, 567 Watermelons, 568 Melons, other (inc.cantaloupes), 658 Coffee, substitutes containing coffee Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:39,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, other - Imports (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,vegetables_other_00002605_imports_5611pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489718,"Vegetables, other | 00002605 || Imports | 005611 || tonnes",tonnes,"Default composition: 358 Cabbages and other brassicas, 366 Artichokes, 367 Asparagus, 372 Lettuce and chicory, 373 Spinach, 378 Cassava leaves, 393 Cauliflowers and broccoli, 394 Pumpkins, squash and gourds, 397 Cucumbers and gherkins, 399 Eggplants (aubergines), 401 Chillies and peppers, green, 402 Onions, shallots, green, 406 Garlic, 407 Leeks, other alliaceous vegetables, 414 Beans, green, 417 Peas, green, 420 Vegetables, leguminous nes, 423 String beans, 426 Carrots and turnips, 430 Okra, 446 Maize, green, 447 Sweet corn frozen, 448 Sweet corn prep or preserved, 449 Mushrooms and truffles, 450 Mushrooms, dried, 451 Mushrooms, canned, 459 Chicory roots, 461 Carobs, 463 Vegetables, fresh nes, 464 Vegetables, dried nes, 465 Vegetables, canned nes, 466 Juice, vegetables nes, 469 Vegetables, dehydrated, 471 Vegetables in vinegar, 472 Vegetables, preserved nes, 473 Vegetables, frozen, 474 Vegetables, temporarily preserved, 475 Vegetables, preserved, frozen, 476 Vegetables, homogenized preparations, 567 Watermelons, 568 Melons, other (inc.cantaloupes), 658 Coffee, substitutes containing coffee",2022-08-23 19:47:39,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, other - Imports (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,vegetables_other_00002605_imports_005611_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489717,"Vegetables, other | 00002605 || Food | 5142pc || tonnes per capita",tonnes per capita,"Default composition: 358 Cabbages and other brassicas, 366 Artichokes, 367 Asparagus, 372 Lettuce and chicory, 373 Spinach, 378 Cassava leaves, 393 Cauliflowers and broccoli, 394 Pumpkins, squash and gourds, 397 Cucumbers and gherkins, 399 Eggplants (aubergines), 401 Chillies and peppers, green, 402 Onions, shallots, green, 406 Garlic, 407 Leeks, other alliaceous vegetables, 414 Beans, green, 417 Peas, green, 420 Vegetables, leguminous nes, 423 String beans, 426 Carrots and turnips, 430 Okra, 446 Maize, green, 447 Sweet corn frozen, 448 Sweet corn prep or preserved, 449 Mushrooms and truffles, 450 Mushrooms, dried, 451 Mushrooms, canned, 459 Chicory roots, 461 Carobs, 463 Vegetables, fresh nes, 464 Vegetables, dried nes, 465 Vegetables, canned nes, 466 Juice, vegetables nes, 469 Vegetables, dehydrated, 471 Vegetables in vinegar, 472 Vegetables, preserved nes, 473 Vegetables, frozen, 474 Vegetables, temporarily preserved, 475 Vegetables, preserved, frozen, 476 Vegetables, homogenized preparations, 567 Watermelons, 568 Melons, other (inc.cantaloupes), 658 Coffee, substitutes containing coffee Data refer to the total amount of the commodity available as human food during the reference period. Data include the commodity in question, as well as any commodity derived therefrom as a result of further processing. Food from maize, for example, comprises the amount of maize, maize meal and any other products derived therefrom available for human consumption. Food from milk relates to the amounts of milk as such, as well as the fresh milk equivalent of dairy products. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome. Per-capita values are obtained by dividing the original values by the population (either provided by FAO or by OWID).",2022-08-23 19:47:39,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, other - Food (tonnes per capita)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes per capita"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,vegetables_other_00002605_food_5142pc_tonnes_per_capita,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 489716,"Vegetables, other | 00002605 || Food | 005142 || tonnes",tonnes,"Default composition: 358 Cabbages and other brassicas, 366 Artichokes, 367 Asparagus, 372 Lettuce and chicory, 373 Spinach, 378 Cassava leaves, 393 Cauliflowers and broccoli, 394 Pumpkins, squash and gourds, 397 Cucumbers and gherkins, 399 Eggplants (aubergines), 401 Chillies and peppers, green, 402 Onions, shallots, green, 406 Garlic, 407 Leeks, other alliaceous vegetables, 414 Beans, green, 417 Peas, green, 420 Vegetables, leguminous nes, 423 String beans, 426 Carrots and turnips, 430 Okra, 446 Maize, green, 447 Sweet corn frozen, 448 Sweet corn prep or preserved, 449 Mushrooms and truffles, 450 Mushrooms, dried, 451 Mushrooms, canned, 459 Chicory roots, 461 Carobs, 463 Vegetables, fresh nes, 464 Vegetables, dried nes, 465 Vegetables, canned nes, 466 Juice, vegetables nes, 469 Vegetables, dehydrated, 471 Vegetables in vinegar, 472 Vegetables, preserved nes, 473 Vegetables, frozen, 474 Vegetables, temporarily preserved, 475 Vegetables, preserved, frozen, 476 Vegetables, homogenized preparations, 567 Watermelons, 568 Melons, other (inc.cantaloupes), 658 Coffee, substitutes containing coffee Data refer to the total amount of the commodity available as human food during the reference period. Data include the commodity in question, as well as any commodity derived therefrom as a result of further processing. Food from maize, for example, comprises the amount of maize, maize meal and any other products derived therefrom available for human consumption. Food from milk relates to the amounts of milk as such, as well as the fresh milk equivalent of dairy products. Source: FAO. 1986. The ICS users' manual. Interlinked computer strorage and processing system of food and agricultural commodity data. Rome.",2022-08-23 19:47:39,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2019,5703,26726,t,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, other - Food (tonnes)"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t""}",0,{},,vegetables_other_00002605_food_005142_tonnes,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,