id,name,unit,description,createdAt,updatedAt,code,coverage,timespan,datasetId,sourceId,shortUnit,display,columnOrder,originalMetadata,grapherConfigAdmin,shortName,catalogPath,dimensions,schemaVersion,processingLevel,processingLog,titlePublic,titleVariant,attributionShort,attribution,descriptionShort,descriptionFromProducer,descriptionKey,descriptionProcessing,licenses,license,grapherConfigETL,type,sort,dataChecksum,metadataChecksum 486368,Yoghurt | 00000891 || Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000462 || index,index,"A fermented milk food. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Import c.i.f. (cost, insurance and freight) all expressed in US dollars.For countries which report import values on an f.o.b. (free on board) basis, these are adjusted to approximate c.i.f. values (by a standard factor of 112 percent). Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:49,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1963-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Yoghurt - Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,yoghurt_00000891_import_value_index_2014_2016_100_000462_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486367,Yoghurt | 00000891 || Import Value Base Period Quantity | 000064 || 1000 dollars,1000 dollars,A fermented milk food.,2022-08-23 19:30:49,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1963-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Yoghurt - Import Value Base Period Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,yoghurt_00000891_import_value_base_period_quantity_000064_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486366,Yoghurt | 00000891 || Import Value Base Period Price | 000065 || 1000 dollars,1000 dollars,A fermented milk food.,2022-08-23 19:30:49,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1963-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Yoghurt - Import Value Base Period Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,yoghurt_00000891_import_value_base_period_price_000065_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486365,Yoghurt | 00000891 || Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000464 || index,index,"A fermented milk food. Unit value indices represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:49,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1963-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Yoghurt - Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,yoghurt_00000891_import_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000464_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486364,Yoghurt | 00000891 || Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000465 || index,index,"A fermented milk food. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:48,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1963-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Yoghurt - Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,yoghurt_00000891_import_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000465_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486363,Yoghurt | 00000891 || Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000492 || index,index,"A fermented milk food. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Export f.o.b (free on board) all expressed in US dollars. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:48,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Yoghurt - Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,yoghurt_00000891_export_value_index_2014_2016_100_000492_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486362,Yoghurt | 00000891 || Export Value Base Quantity | 000094 || 1000 dollars,1000 dollars,A fermented milk food.,2022-08-23 19:30:48,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Yoghurt - Export Value Base Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,yoghurt_00000891_export_value_base_quantity_000094_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486361,Yoghurt | 00000891 || Export Value Base Price | 000095 || 1000 dollars,1000 dollars,A fermented milk food.,2022-08-23 19:30:48,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Yoghurt - Export Value Base Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,yoghurt_00000891_export_value_base_price_000095_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486360,Yoghurt | 00000891 || Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000494 || index,index,"A fermented milk food. Unit value indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:48,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Yoghurt - Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,yoghurt_00000891_export_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000494_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486359,Yoghurt | 00000891 || Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000495 || index,index,"A fermented milk food. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:47,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Yoghurt - Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,yoghurt_00000891_export_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000495_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486358,"Wool, greasy | 00000987 || Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000462 || index",index,"A natural fibre taken from sheep or lambs. Includes fleece-washed, shorn and pulled wool (from slaughtered animals), but does not include carded or combed wool. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Import c.i.f. (cost, insurance and freight) all expressed in US dollars.For countries which report import values on an f.o.b. (free on board) basis, these are adjusted to approximate c.i.f. values (by a standard factor of 112 percent). Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:47,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wool, greasy - Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wool_greasy_00000987_import_value_index_2014_2016_100_000462_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486357,"Wool, greasy | 00000987 || Import Value Base Period Quantity | 000064 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,"A natural fibre taken from sheep or lambs. Includes fleece-washed, shorn and pulled wool (from slaughtered animals), but does not include carded or combed wool.",2022-08-23 19:30:47,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Wool, greasy - Import Value Base Period Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,wool_greasy_00000987_import_value_base_period_quantity_000064_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486356,"Wool, greasy | 00000987 || Import Value Base Period Price | 000065 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,"A natural fibre taken from sheep or lambs. Includes fleece-washed, shorn and pulled wool (from slaughtered animals), but does not include carded or combed wool.",2022-08-23 19:30:47,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Wool, greasy - Import Value Base Period Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,wool_greasy_00000987_import_value_base_period_price_000065_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486355,"Wool, greasy | 00000987 || Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000464 || index",index,"A natural fibre taken from sheep or lambs. Includes fleece-washed, shorn and pulled wool (from slaughtered animals), but does not include carded or combed wool. Unit value indices represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:47,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wool, greasy - Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wool_greasy_00000987_import_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000464_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486354,"Wool, greasy | 00000987 || Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000465 || index",index,"A natural fibre taken from sheep or lambs. Includes fleece-washed, shorn and pulled wool (from slaughtered animals), but does not include carded or combed wool. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wool, greasy - Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wool_greasy_00000987_import_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000465_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486353,"Wool, greasy | 00000987 || Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000492 || index",index,"A natural fibre taken from sheep or lambs. Includes fleece-washed, shorn and pulled wool (from slaughtered animals), but does not include carded or combed wool. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Export f.o.b (free on board) all expressed in US dollars. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wool, greasy - Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wool_greasy_00000987_export_value_index_2014_2016_100_000492_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486352,"Wool, greasy | 00000987 || Export Value Base Quantity | 000094 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,"A natural fibre taken from sheep or lambs. Includes fleece-washed, shorn and pulled wool (from slaughtered animals), but does not include carded or combed wool.",2022-08-23 19:30:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Wool, greasy - Export Value Base Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,wool_greasy_00000987_export_value_base_quantity_000094_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486351,"Wool, greasy | 00000987 || Export Value Base Price | 000095 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,"A natural fibre taken from sheep or lambs. Includes fleece-washed, shorn and pulled wool (from slaughtered animals), but does not include carded or combed wool.",2022-08-23 19:30:46,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Wool, greasy - Export Value Base Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,wool_greasy_00000987_export_value_base_price_000095_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486350,"Wool, greasy | 00000987 || Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000494 || index",index,"A natural fibre taken from sheep or lambs. Includes fleece-washed, shorn and pulled wool (from slaughtered animals), but does not include carded or combed wool. Unit value indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:45,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wool, greasy - Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wool_greasy_00000987_export_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000494_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486349,"Wool, greasy | 00000987 || Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000495 || index",index,"A natural fibre taken from sheep or lambs. Includes fleece-washed, shorn and pulled wool (from slaughtered animals), but does not include carded or combed wool. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:45,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wool, greasy - Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wool_greasy_00000987_export_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000495_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486348,"Wool, degreased | 00000988 || Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000462 || index",index,"Includes scoured and carbonized, but does not include carded or combed wool. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Import c.i.f. (cost, insurance and freight) all expressed in US dollars.For countries which report import values on an f.o.b. (free on board) basis, these are adjusted to approximate c.i.f. values (by a standard factor of 112 percent). Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:45,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wool, degreased - Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wool_degreased_00000988_import_value_index_2014_2016_100_000462_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486347,"Wool, degreased | 00000988 || Import Value Base Period Quantity | 000064 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,"Includes scoured and carbonized, but does not include carded or combed wool.",2022-08-23 19:30:45,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Wool, degreased - Import Value Base Period Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,wool_degreased_00000988_import_value_base_period_quantity_000064_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486346,"Wool, degreased | 00000988 || Import Value Base Period Price | 000065 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,"Includes scoured and carbonized, but does not include carded or combed wool.",2022-08-23 19:30:45,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Wool, degreased - Import Value Base Period Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,wool_degreased_00000988_import_value_base_period_price_000065_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486345,"Wool, degreased | 00000988 || Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000464 || index",index,"Includes scoured and carbonized, but does not include carded or combed wool. Unit value indices represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:44,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wool, degreased - Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wool_degreased_00000988_import_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000464_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486344,"Wool, degreased | 00000988 || Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000465 || index",index,"Includes scoured and carbonized, but does not include carded or combed wool. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:44,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wool, degreased - Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wool_degreased_00000988_import_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000465_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486343,"Wool, degreased | 00000988 || Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000492 || index",index,"Includes scoured and carbonized, but does not include carded or combed wool. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Export f.o.b (free on board) all expressed in US dollars. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:44,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wool, degreased - Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wool_degreased_00000988_export_value_index_2014_2016_100_000492_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486342,"Wool, degreased | 00000988 || Export Value Base Quantity | 000094 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,"Includes scoured and carbonized, but does not include carded or combed wool.",2022-08-23 19:30:44,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Wool, degreased - Export Value Base Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,wool_degreased_00000988_export_value_base_quantity_000094_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486341,"Wool, degreased | 00000988 || Export Value Base Price | 000095 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,"Includes scoured and carbonized, but does not include carded or combed wool.",2022-08-23 19:30:43,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Wool, degreased - Export Value Base Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,wool_degreased_00000988_export_value_base_price_000095_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486340,"Wool, degreased | 00000988 || Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000494 || index",index,"Includes scoured and carbonized, but does not include carded or combed wool. Unit value indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:43,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wool, degreased - Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wool_degreased_00000988_export_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000494_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486339,"Wool, degreased | 00000988 || Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000495 || index",index,"Includes scoured and carbonized, but does not include carded or combed wool. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:43,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wool, degreased - Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wool_degreased_00000988_export_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000495_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486338,Wine | 00000564 || Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000462 || index,index,"Wines of fresh grapes of all qualities, including sparkling, fortified and dessert wines. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Import c.i.f. (cost, insurance and freight) all expressed in US dollars.For countries which report import values on an f.o.b. (free on board) basis, these are adjusted to approximate c.i.f. values (by a standard factor of 112 percent). Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:43,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wine - Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wine_00000564_import_value_index_2014_2016_100_000462_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486337,Wine | 00000564 || Import Value Base Period Quantity | 000064 || 1000 dollars,1000 dollars,"Wines of fresh grapes of all qualities, including sparkling, fortified and dessert wines.",2022-08-23 19:30:42,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Wine - Import Value Base Period Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,wine_00000564_import_value_base_period_quantity_000064_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486336,Wine | 00000564 || Import Value Base Period Price | 000065 || 1000 dollars,1000 dollars,"Wines of fresh grapes of all qualities, including sparkling, fortified and dessert wines.",2022-08-23 19:30:42,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Wine - Import Value Base Period Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,wine_00000564_import_value_base_period_price_000065_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486335,Wine | 00000564 || Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000464 || index,index,"Wines of fresh grapes of all qualities, including sparkling, fortified and dessert wines. Unit value indices represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:42,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wine - Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wine_00000564_import_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000464_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486334,Wine | 00000564 || Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000465 || index,index,"Wines of fresh grapes of all qualities, including sparkling, fortified and dessert wines. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:42,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wine - Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wine_00000564_import_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000465_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486333,Wine | 00000564 || Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000492 || index,index,"Wines of fresh grapes of all qualities, including sparkling, fortified and dessert wines. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Export f.o.b (free on board) all expressed in US dollars. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wine - Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wine_00000564_export_value_index_2014_2016_100_000492_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486332,Wine | 00000564 || Export Value Base Quantity | 000094 || 1000 dollars,1000 dollars,"Wines of fresh grapes of all qualities, including sparkling, fortified and dessert wines.",2022-08-23 19:30:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Wine - Export Value Base Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,wine_00000564_export_value_base_quantity_000094_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486331,Wine | 00000564 || Export Value Base Price | 000095 || 1000 dollars,1000 dollars,"Wines of fresh grapes of all qualities, including sparkling, fortified and dessert wines.",2022-08-23 19:30:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Wine - Export Value Base Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,wine_00000564_export_value_base_price_000095_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486330,Wine | 00000564 || Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000494 || index,index,"Wines of fresh grapes of all qualities, including sparkling, fortified and dessert wines. Unit value indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:41,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wine - Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wine_00000564_export_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000494_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486329,Wine | 00000564 || Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000495 || index,index,"Wines of fresh grapes of all qualities, including sparkling, fortified and dessert wines. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:40,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wine - Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wine_00000564_export_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000495_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486328,"Whey, dry | 00000900 || Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000462 || index",index,"Used in both food and animal feed. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Import c.i.f. (cost, insurance and freight) all expressed in US dollars.For countries which report import values on an f.o.b. (free on board) basis, these are adjusted to approximate c.i.f. values (by a standard factor of 112 percent). Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:40,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Whey, dry - Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,whey_dry_00000900_import_value_index_2014_2016_100_000462_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486327,"Whey, dry | 00000900 || Import Value Base Period Quantity | 000064 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,Used in both food and animal feed.,2022-08-23 19:30:40,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Whey, dry - Import Value Base Period Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,whey_dry_00000900_import_value_base_period_quantity_000064_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486326,"Whey, dry | 00000900 || Import Value Base Period Price | 000065 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,Used in both food and animal feed.,2022-08-23 19:30:40,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Whey, dry - Import Value Base Period Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,whey_dry_00000900_import_value_base_period_price_000065_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486325,"Whey, dry | 00000900 || Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000464 || index",index,"Used in both food and animal feed. Unit value indices represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:39,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Whey, dry - Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,whey_dry_00000900_import_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000464_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486324,"Whey, dry | 00000900 || Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000465 || index",index,"Used in both food and animal feed. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:39,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Whey, dry - Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,whey_dry_00000900_import_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000465_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486323,"Whey, dry | 00000900 || Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000492 || index",index,"Used in both food and animal feed. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Export f.o.b (free on board) all expressed in US dollars. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:39,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Whey, dry - Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,whey_dry_00000900_export_value_index_2014_2016_100_000492_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486322,"Whey, dry | 00000900 || Export Value Base Quantity | 000094 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,Used in both food and animal feed.,2022-08-23 19:30:39,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Whey, dry - Export Value Base Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,whey_dry_00000900_export_value_base_quantity_000094_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486321,"Whey, dry | 00000900 || Export Value Base Price | 000095 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,Used in both food and animal feed.,2022-08-23 19:30:38,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Whey, dry - Export Value Base Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,whey_dry_00000900_export_value_base_price_000095_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486320,"Whey, dry | 00000900 || Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000494 || index",index,"Used in both food and animal feed. Unit value indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:38,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Whey, dry - Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,whey_dry_00000900_export_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000494_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486319,"Whey, dry | 00000900 || Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000495 || index",index,"Used in both food and animal feed. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:38,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Whey, dry - Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,whey_dry_00000900_export_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000495_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486318,Wheat | 00000015 || Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000462 || index,index,"Triticum spp.: common (T. aestivum) durum (T. durum) spelt (T. spelta). Common and durum wheat are the main types. Among common wheat, the main varieties are spring and winter, hard and soft, and red and white. At the national level, different varieties should be reported separately, reflecting their different uses. Used mainly for human food. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Import c.i.f. (cost, insurance and freight) all expressed in US dollars.For countries which report import values on an f.o.b. (free on board) basis, these are adjusted to approximate c.i.f. values (by a standard factor of 112 percent). Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:38,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wheat_00000015_import_value_index_2014_2016_100_000462_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486317,Wheat | 00000015 || Import Value Base Period Quantity | 000064 || 1000 dollars,1000 dollars,"Triticum spp.: common (T. aestivum) durum (T. durum) spelt (T. spelta). Common and durum wheat are the main types. Among common wheat, the main varieties are spring and winter, hard and soft, and red and white. At the national level, different varieties should be reported separately, reflecting their different uses. Used mainly for human food.",2022-08-23 19:30:38,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Import Value Base Period Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,wheat_00000015_import_value_base_period_quantity_000064_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486316,Wheat | 00000015 || Import Value Base Period Price | 000065 || 1000 dollars,1000 dollars,"Triticum spp.: common (T. aestivum) durum (T. durum) spelt (T. spelta). Common and durum wheat are the main types. Among common wheat, the main varieties are spring and winter, hard and soft, and red and white. At the national level, different varieties should be reported separately, reflecting their different uses. Used mainly for human food.",2022-08-23 19:30:37,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Import Value Base Period Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,wheat_00000015_import_value_base_period_price_000065_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486315,Wheat | 00000015 || Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000464 || index,index,"Triticum spp.: common (T. aestivum) durum (T. durum) spelt (T. spelta). Common and durum wheat are the main types. Among common wheat, the main varieties are spring and winter, hard and soft, and red and white. At the national level, different varieties should be reported separately, reflecting their different uses. Used mainly for human food. Unit value indices represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:37,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wheat_00000015_import_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000464_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486314,Wheat | 00000015 || Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000465 || index,index,"Triticum spp.: common (T. aestivum) durum (T. durum) spelt (T. spelta). Common and durum wheat are the main types. Among common wheat, the main varieties are spring and winter, hard and soft, and red and white. At the national level, different varieties should be reported separately, reflecting their different uses. Used mainly for human food. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:37,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wheat_00000015_import_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000465_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486313,Wheat | 00000015 || Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000492 || index,index,"Triticum spp.: common (T. aestivum) durum (T. durum) spelt (T. spelta). Common and durum wheat are the main types. Among common wheat, the main varieties are spring and winter, hard and soft, and red and white. At the national level, different varieties should be reported separately, reflecting their different uses. Used mainly for human food. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Export f.o.b (free on board) all expressed in US dollars. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:36,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wheat_00000015_export_value_index_2014_2016_100_000492_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486312,Wheat | 00000015 || Export Value Base Quantity | 000094 || 1000 dollars,1000 dollars,"Triticum spp.: common (T. aestivum) durum (T. durum) spelt (T. spelta). Common and durum wheat are the main types. Among common wheat, the main varieties are spring and winter, hard and soft, and red and white. At the national level, different varieties should be reported separately, reflecting their different uses. Used mainly for human food.",2022-08-23 19:30:36,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Export Value Base Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,wheat_00000015_export_value_base_quantity_000094_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486311,Wheat | 00000015 || Export Value Base Price | 000095 || 1000 dollars,1000 dollars,"Triticum spp.: common (T. aestivum) durum (T. durum) spelt (T. spelta). Common and durum wheat are the main types. Among common wheat, the main varieties are spring and winter, hard and soft, and red and white. At the national level, different varieties should be reported separately, reflecting their different uses. Used mainly for human food.",2022-08-23 19:30:36,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Export Value Base Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,wheat_00000015_export_value_base_price_000095_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486310,Wheat | 00000015 || Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000494 || index,index,"Triticum spp.: common (T. aestivum) durum (T. durum) spelt (T. spelta). Common and durum wheat are the main types. Among common wheat, the main varieties are spring and winter, hard and soft, and red and white. At the national level, different varieties should be reported separately, reflecting their different uses. Used mainly for human food. Unit value indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:36,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wheat_00000015_export_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000494_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486309,Wheat | 00000015 || Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000495 || index,index,"Triticum spp.: common (T. aestivum) durum (T. durum) spelt (T. spelta). Common and durum wheat are the main types. Among common wheat, the main varieties are spring and winter, hard and soft, and red and white. At the national level, different varieties should be reported separately, reflecting their different uses. Used mainly for human food. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:36,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Wheat - Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,wheat_00000015_export_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000495_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486308,"Walnuts, shelled | 00000232 || Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000462 || index",index,"Around 53% of the weight in shell. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Import c.i.f. (cost, insurance and freight) all expressed in US dollars.For countries which report import values on an f.o.b. (free on board) basis, these are adjusted to approximate c.i.f. values (by a standard factor of 112 percent). Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:35,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Walnuts, shelled - Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,walnuts_shelled_00000232_import_value_index_2014_2016_100_000462_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486307,"Walnuts, shelled | 00000232 || Import Value Base Period Quantity | 000064 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,Around 53% of the weight in shell.,2022-08-23 19:30:35,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Walnuts, shelled - Import Value Base Period Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,walnuts_shelled_00000232_import_value_base_period_quantity_000064_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486306,"Walnuts, shelled | 00000232 || Import Value Base Period Price | 000065 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,Around 53% of the weight in shell.,2022-08-23 19:30:35,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Walnuts, shelled - Import Value Base Period Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,walnuts_shelled_00000232_import_value_base_period_price_000065_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486305,"Walnuts, shelled | 00000232 || Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000464 || index",index,"Around 53% of the weight in shell. Unit value indices represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:34,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Walnuts, shelled - Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,walnuts_shelled_00000232_import_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000464_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486304,"Walnuts, shelled | 00000232 || Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000465 || index",index,"Around 53% of the weight in shell. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:34,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Walnuts, shelled - Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,walnuts_shelled_00000232_import_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000465_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486303,"Walnuts, shelled | 00000232 || Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000492 || index",index,"Around 53% of the weight in shell. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Export f.o.b (free on board) all expressed in US dollars. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:34,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Walnuts, shelled - Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,walnuts_shelled_00000232_export_value_index_2014_2016_100_000492_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486302,"Walnuts, shelled | 00000232 || Export Value Base Quantity | 000094 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,Around 53% of the weight in shell.,2022-08-23 19:30:34,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Walnuts, shelled - Export Value Base Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,walnuts_shelled_00000232_export_value_base_quantity_000094_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486301,"Walnuts, shelled | 00000232 || Export Value Base Price | 000095 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,Around 53% of the weight in shell.,2022-08-23 19:30:33,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Walnuts, shelled - Export Value Base Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,walnuts_shelled_00000232_export_value_base_price_000095_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486300,"Walnuts, shelled | 00000232 || Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000494 || index",index,"Around 53% of the weight in shell. Unit value indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:33,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Walnuts, shelled - Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,walnuts_shelled_00000232_export_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000494_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486299,"Walnuts, shelled | 00000232 || Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000495 || index",index,"Around 53% of the weight in shell. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:33,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Walnuts, shelled - Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,walnuts_shelled_00000232_export_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000495_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486298,"Vegetables, preserved nes | 00000472 || Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000462 || index",index,"Vegetables prepared or preserved o/t by vinegar and which have not been frozen. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Import c.i.f. (cost, insurance and freight) all expressed in US dollars.For countries which report import values on an f.o.b. (free on board) basis, these are adjusted to approximate c.i.f. values (by a standard factor of 112 percent). Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:33,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, preserved nes - Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_preserved_nes_00000472_import_value_index_2014_2016_100_000462_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486297,"Vegetables, preserved nes | 00000472 || Import Value Base Period Quantity | 000064 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,Vegetables prepared or preserved o/t by vinegar and which have not been frozen.,2022-08-23 19:30:32,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, preserved nes - Import Value Base Period Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,vegetables_preserved_nes_00000472_import_value_base_period_quantity_000064_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486296,"Vegetables, preserved nes | 00000472 || Import Value Base Period Price | 000065 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,Vegetables prepared or preserved o/t by vinegar and which have not been frozen.,2022-08-23 19:30:32,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, preserved nes - Import Value Base Period Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,vegetables_preserved_nes_00000472_import_value_base_period_price_000065_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486295,"Vegetables, preserved nes | 00000472 || Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000464 || index",index,"Vegetables prepared or preserved o/t by vinegar and which have not been frozen. Unit value indices represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:32,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, preserved nes - Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_preserved_nes_00000472_import_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000464_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486294,"Vegetables, preserved nes | 00000472 || Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000465 || index",index,"Vegetables prepared or preserved o/t by vinegar and which have not been frozen. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:31,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, preserved nes - Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_preserved_nes_00000472_import_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000465_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486293,"Vegetables, preserved nes | 00000472 || Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000492 || index",index,"Vegetables prepared or preserved o/t by vinegar and which have not been frozen. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Export f.o.b (free on board) all expressed in US dollars. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:31,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, preserved nes - Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_preserved_nes_00000472_export_value_index_2014_2016_100_000492_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486292,"Vegetables, preserved nes | 00000472 || Export Value Base Quantity | 000094 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,Vegetables prepared or preserved o/t by vinegar and which have not been frozen.,2022-08-23 19:30:31,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, preserved nes - Export Value Base Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,vegetables_preserved_nes_00000472_export_value_base_quantity_000094_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486291,"Vegetables, preserved nes | 00000472 || Export Value Base Price | 000095 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,Vegetables prepared or preserved o/t by vinegar and which have not been frozen.,2022-08-23 19:30:30,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, preserved nes - Export Value Base Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,vegetables_preserved_nes_00000472_export_value_base_price_000095_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486290,"Vegetables, preserved nes | 00000472 || Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000494 || index",index,"Vegetables prepared or preserved o/t by vinegar and which have not been frozen. Unit value indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:30,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, preserved nes - Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_preserved_nes_00000472_export_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000494_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486289,"Vegetables, preserved nes | 00000472 || Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000495 || index",index,"Vegetables prepared or preserved o/t by vinegar and which have not been frozen. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:30,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, preserved nes - Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_preserved_nes_00000472_export_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000495_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486288,"Vegetables, frozen | 00000473 || Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000462 || index",index,"Vegetables, either uncooked, or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, and then frozen. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Import c.i.f. (cost, insurance and freight) all expressed in US dollars.For countries which report import values on an f.o.b. (free on board) basis, these are adjusted to approximate c.i.f. values (by a standard factor of 112 percent). Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:30,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, frozen - Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_frozen_00000473_import_value_index_2014_2016_100_000462_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486287,"Vegetables, frozen | 00000473 || Import Value Base Period Quantity | 000064 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,"Vegetables, either uncooked, or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, and then frozen.",2022-08-23 19:30:29,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, frozen - Import Value Base Period Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,vegetables_frozen_00000473_import_value_base_period_quantity_000064_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486286,"Vegetables, frozen | 00000473 || Import Value Base Period Price | 000065 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,"Vegetables, either uncooked, or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, and then frozen.",2022-08-23 19:30:29,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, frozen - Import Value Base Period Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,vegetables_frozen_00000473_import_value_base_period_price_000065_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486285,"Vegetables, frozen | 00000473 || Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000464 || index",index,"Vegetables, either uncooked, or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, and then frozen. Unit value indices represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:29,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, frozen - Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_frozen_00000473_import_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000464_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486284,"Vegetables, frozen | 00000473 || Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000465 || index",index,"Vegetables, either uncooked, or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, and then frozen. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:28,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, frozen - Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_frozen_00000473_import_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000465_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486283,"Vegetables, frozen | 00000473 || Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000492 || index",index,"Vegetables, either uncooked, or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, and then frozen. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Export f.o.b (free on board) all expressed in US dollars. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:28,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, frozen - Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_frozen_00000473_export_value_index_2014_2016_100_000492_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486282,"Vegetables, frozen | 00000473 || Export Value Base Quantity | 000094 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,"Vegetables, either uncooked, or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, and then frozen.",2022-08-23 19:30:28,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, frozen - Export Value Base Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,vegetables_frozen_00000473_export_value_base_quantity_000094_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486281,"Vegetables, frozen | 00000473 || Export Value Base Price | 000095 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,"Vegetables, either uncooked, or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, and then frozen.",2022-08-23 19:30:28,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, frozen - Export Value Base Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,vegetables_frozen_00000473_export_value_base_price_000095_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486280,"Vegetables, frozen | 00000473 || Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000494 || index",index,"Vegetables, either uncooked, or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, and then frozen. Unit value indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:27,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, frozen - Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_frozen_00000473_export_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000494_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486279,"Vegetables, frozen | 00000473 || Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000495 || index",index,"Vegetables, either uncooked, or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, and then frozen. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:27,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, frozen - Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_frozen_00000473_export_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000495_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486278,"Vegetables, fresh nes | 00000463 || Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000462 || index",index,"Including inter alia: bamboo shoots (Bambusa spp.); beets, chards (Beta vulgaris); capers (Capparis spinosa); cardoons (Cynara cardunculus); celery (Apium graveolens); chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium); cress (Lepidium sativum); fennel (Foeniculum vulgare); horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia); marjoram, sweet (Majorana hortensis); oyster plant (Tragopogon porrifolius); parsley (Petroselinum crispum); parsnips (Pastinaca sativa); radish (Raphanus sativus); rhubarb (Rheum spp.); rutabagas, swedes (Brassica napus); savory (Satureja hortensis); scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica); sorrel (Rumex acetosa); soybean sprouts tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus); watercress (Nasturtium officinale). Other vegetables that are not identified separately because of their minor relevance at the international level. Because of their limited local importance, some countries report vegetables under this heading that are classified individually by FAO. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Import c.i.f. (cost, insurance and freight) all expressed in US dollars.For countries which report import values on an f.o.b. (free on board) basis, these are adjusted to approximate c.i.f. values (by a standard factor of 112 percent). Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:27,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, fresh nes - Import Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_fresh_nes_00000463_import_value_index_2014_2016_100_000462_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486277,"Vegetables, fresh nes | 00000463 || Import Value Base Period Quantity | 000064 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,"Including inter alia: bamboo shoots (Bambusa spp.); beets, chards (Beta vulgaris); capers (Capparis spinosa); cardoons (Cynara cardunculus); celery (Apium graveolens); chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium); cress (Lepidium sativum); fennel (Foeniculum vulgare); horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia); marjoram, sweet (Majorana hortensis); oyster plant (Tragopogon porrifolius); parsley (Petroselinum crispum); parsnips (Pastinaca sativa); radish (Raphanus sativus); rhubarb (Rheum spp.); rutabagas, swedes (Brassica napus); savory (Satureja hortensis); scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica); sorrel (Rumex acetosa); soybean sprouts tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus); watercress (Nasturtium officinale). Other vegetables that are not identified separately because of their minor relevance at the international level. Because of their limited local importance, some countries report vegetables under this heading that are classified individually by FAO.",2022-08-23 19:30:27,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, fresh nes - Import Value Base Period Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,vegetables_fresh_nes_00000463_import_value_base_period_quantity_000064_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486276,"Vegetables, fresh nes | 00000463 || Import Value Base Period Price | 000065 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,"Including inter alia: bamboo shoots (Bambusa spp.); beets, chards (Beta vulgaris); capers (Capparis spinosa); cardoons (Cynara cardunculus); celery (Apium graveolens); chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium); cress (Lepidium sativum); fennel (Foeniculum vulgare); horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia); marjoram, sweet (Majorana hortensis); oyster plant (Tragopogon porrifolius); parsley (Petroselinum crispum); parsnips (Pastinaca sativa); radish (Raphanus sativus); rhubarb (Rheum spp.); rutabagas, swedes (Brassica napus); savory (Satureja hortensis); scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica); sorrel (Rumex acetosa); soybean sprouts tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus); watercress (Nasturtium officinale). Other vegetables that are not identified separately because of their minor relevance at the international level. Because of their limited local importance, some countries report vegetables under this heading that are classified individually by FAO.",2022-08-23 19:30:26,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, fresh nes - Import Value Base Period Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,vegetables_fresh_nes_00000463_import_value_base_period_price_000065_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486275,"Vegetables, fresh nes | 00000463 || Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000464 || index",index,"Including inter alia: bamboo shoots (Bambusa spp.); beets, chards (Beta vulgaris); capers (Capparis spinosa); cardoons (Cynara cardunculus); celery (Apium graveolens); chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium); cress (Lepidium sativum); fennel (Foeniculum vulgare); horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia); marjoram, sweet (Majorana hortensis); oyster plant (Tragopogon porrifolius); parsley (Petroselinum crispum); parsnips (Pastinaca sativa); radish (Raphanus sativus); rhubarb (Rheum spp.); rutabagas, swedes (Brassica napus); savory (Satureja hortensis); scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica); sorrel (Rumex acetosa); soybean sprouts tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus); watercress (Nasturtium officinale). Other vegetables that are not identified separately because of their minor relevance at the international level. Because of their limited local importance, some countries report vegetables under this heading that are classified individually by FAO. Unit value indices represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:26,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, fresh nes - Import Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_fresh_nes_00000463_import_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000464_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486274,"Vegetables, fresh nes | 00000463 || Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000465 || index",index,"Including inter alia: bamboo shoots (Bambusa spp.); beets, chards (Beta vulgaris); capers (Capparis spinosa); cardoons (Cynara cardunculus); celery (Apium graveolens); chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium); cress (Lepidium sativum); fennel (Foeniculum vulgare); horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia); marjoram, sweet (Majorana hortensis); oyster plant (Tragopogon porrifolius); parsley (Petroselinum crispum); parsnips (Pastinaca sativa); radish (Raphanus sativus); rhubarb (Rheum spp.); rutabagas, swedes (Brassica napus); savory (Satureja hortensis); scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica); sorrel (Rumex acetosa); soybean sprouts tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus); watercress (Nasturtium officinale). Other vegetables that are not identified separately because of their minor relevance at the international level. Because of their limited local importance, some countries report vegetables under this heading that are classified individually by FAO. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:26,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, fresh nes - Import Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_fresh_nes_00000463_import_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000465_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486273,"Vegetables, fresh nes | 00000463 || Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000492 || index",index,"Including inter alia: bamboo shoots (Bambusa spp.); beets, chards (Beta vulgaris); capers (Capparis spinosa); cardoons (Cynara cardunculus); celery (Apium graveolens); chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium); cress (Lepidium sativum); fennel (Foeniculum vulgare); horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia); marjoram, sweet (Majorana hortensis); oyster plant (Tragopogon porrifolius); parsley (Petroselinum crispum); parsnips (Pastinaca sativa); radish (Raphanus sativus); rhubarb (Rheum spp.); rutabagas, swedes (Brassica napus); savory (Satureja hortensis); scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica); sorrel (Rumex acetosa); soybean sprouts tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus); watercress (Nasturtium officinale). Other vegetables that are not identified separately because of their minor relevance at the international level. Because of their limited local importance, some countries report vegetables under this heading that are classified individually by FAO. Value indices represent the change in the current values of Export f.o.b (free on board) all expressed in US dollars. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:25,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, fresh nes - Export Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_fresh_nes_00000463_export_value_index_2014_2016_100_000492_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486272,"Vegetables, fresh nes | 00000463 || Export Value Base Quantity | 000094 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,"Including inter alia: bamboo shoots (Bambusa spp.); beets, chards (Beta vulgaris); capers (Capparis spinosa); cardoons (Cynara cardunculus); celery (Apium graveolens); chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium); cress (Lepidium sativum); fennel (Foeniculum vulgare); horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia); marjoram, sweet (Majorana hortensis); oyster plant (Tragopogon porrifolius); parsley (Petroselinum crispum); parsnips (Pastinaca sativa); radish (Raphanus sativus); rhubarb (Rheum spp.); rutabagas, swedes (Brassica napus); savory (Satureja hortensis); scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica); sorrel (Rumex acetosa); soybean sprouts tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus); watercress (Nasturtium officinale). Other vegetables that are not identified separately because of their minor relevance at the international level. Because of their limited local importance, some countries report vegetables under this heading that are classified individually by FAO.",2022-08-23 19:30:25,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, fresh nes - Export Value Base Quantity (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,vegetables_fresh_nes_00000463_export_value_base_quantity_000094_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486271,"Vegetables, fresh nes | 00000463 || Export Value Base Price | 000095 || 1000 dollars",1000 dollars,"Including inter alia: bamboo shoots (Bambusa spp.); beets, chards (Beta vulgaris); capers (Capparis spinosa); cardoons (Cynara cardunculus); celery (Apium graveolens); chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium); cress (Lepidium sativum); fennel (Foeniculum vulgare); horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia); marjoram, sweet (Majorana hortensis); oyster plant (Tragopogon porrifolius); parsley (Petroselinum crispum); parsnips (Pastinaca sativa); radish (Raphanus sativus); rhubarb (Rheum spp.); rutabagas, swedes (Brassica napus); savory (Satureja hortensis); scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica); sorrel (Rumex acetosa); soybean sprouts tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus); watercress (Nasturtium officinale). Other vegetables that are not identified separately because of their minor relevance at the international level. Because of their limited local importance, some countries report vegetables under this heading that are classified individually by FAO.",2022-08-23 19:30:25,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,1000 $,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, fresh nes - Export Value Base Price (1000 dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 $""}",0,{},,vegetables_fresh_nes_00000463_export_value_base_price_000095_1000_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486270,"Vegetables, fresh nes | 00000463 || Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000494 || index",index,"Including inter alia: bamboo shoots (Bambusa spp.); beets, chards (Beta vulgaris); capers (Capparis spinosa); cardoons (Cynara cardunculus); celery (Apium graveolens); chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium); cress (Lepidium sativum); fennel (Foeniculum vulgare); horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia); marjoram, sweet (Majorana hortensis); oyster plant (Tragopogon porrifolius); parsley (Petroselinum crispum); parsnips (Pastinaca sativa); radish (Raphanus sativus); rhubarb (Rheum spp.); rutabagas, swedes (Brassica napus); savory (Satureja hortensis); scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica); sorrel (Rumex acetosa); soybean sprouts tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus); watercress (Nasturtium officinale). Other vegetables that are not identified separately because of their minor relevance at the international level. Because of their limited local importance, some countries report vegetables under this heading that are classified individually by FAO. Unit value indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the quantity-weighted unit values of products traded between countries. The weights are the quantity averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type.Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:24,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, fresh nes - Export Unit/Value Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_fresh_nes_00000463_export_unit_value_index_2014_2016_100_000494_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 486269,"Vegetables, fresh nes | 00000463 || Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) | 000495 || index",index,"Including inter alia: bamboo shoots (Bambusa spp.); beets, chards (Beta vulgaris); capers (Capparis spinosa); cardoons (Cynara cardunculus); celery (Apium graveolens); chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium); cress (Lepidium sativum); fennel (Foeniculum vulgare); horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia); marjoram, sweet (Majorana hortensis); oyster plant (Tragopogon porrifolius); parsley (Petroselinum crispum); parsnips (Pastinaca sativa); radish (Raphanus sativus); rhubarb (Rheum spp.); rutabagas, swedes (Brassica napus); savory (Satureja hortensis); scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica); sorrel (Rumex acetosa); soybean sprouts tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus); watercress (Nasturtium officinale). Other vegetables that are not identified separately because of their minor relevance at the international level. Because of their limited local importance, some countries report vegetables under this heading that are classified individually by FAO. Quantity indices for the aggregate agricultural and aggregate food products represent the changes in the price-weighted sum of quantities of products traded between countries. The weights are the unit value averages of 1989-1991. The formulas used are of the Laspeyres type. Indices for food products include commodities that are considered edible and contain nutrients, except for animal feed products and alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea are also excluded because, although edible, they have practically no nutritive value. Source: FAO Statistics Division",2022-08-23 19:30:24,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,1961-2020,5699,26722,index,"{""name"": ""Vegetables, fresh nes - Export Quantity Index (2014-2016 = 100) (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,vegetables_fresh_nes_00000463_export_quantity_index_2014_2016_100_000495_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,