id,name,unit,description,createdAt,updatedAt,code,coverage,timespan,datasetId,sourceId,shortUnit,display,columnOrder,originalMetadata,grapherConfigAdmin,shortName,catalogPath,dimensions,schemaVersion,processingLevel,processingLog,titlePublic,titleVariant,attributionShort,attribution,descriptionShort,descriptionFromProducer,descriptionKey,descriptionProcessing,licenses,license,grapherConfigETL,type,sort,dataChecksum,metadataChecksum 176447,Landings per unit of fishing power (bottom gear),,,2021-10-01 12:02:54,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,,5389,20633,,"{""name"": ""Bottom trawlers"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t"", ""includeInTable"": true}",0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 176446,Landings per unit of fishing power (trawlers),,,2021-10-01 12:02:54,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,,5389,20633,,"{""name"": ""All trawlers"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t"", ""includeInTable"": true}",0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 176445,Total fishing power (smack units),,"Fishing power is measured using the 'smack unit' as the baseline unit of fishing power (the fishing power of a typical 1880s sail trawler, or sailing smack as they were then called). Fishing power is measured as the number of vessels multiplied by the fishing power of each.",2021-10-01 12:02:54,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,,5389,20633,,"{""name"": ""Fishing power"", ""unit"": ""smack units"", ""includeInTable"": true}",0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 176444,Fishing power - motor trawlers (smack units),,"Fishing power is measured using the 'smack unit' as the baseline unit of fishing power (the fishing power of a typical 1880s sail trawler, or sailing smack as they were then called). Fishing power is measured as the number of vessels multiplied by the fishing power of each.",2021-10-01 12:02:54,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,,5389,20633,,"{""name"": ""Motor trawlers"", ""unit"": ""smack units"", ""includeInTable"": true}",0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 176443,Fishing power - steam trawlers (smack units),,"Fishing power is measured using the 'smack unit' as the baseline unit of fishing power (the fishing power of a typical 1880s sail trawler, or sailing smack as they were then called). Fishing power is measured as the number of vessels multiplied by the fishing power of each.",2021-10-01 12:02:54,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,,5389,20633,,"{""name"": ""Steam trawlers"", ""unit"": ""smack units"", ""includeInTable"": true}",0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 176442,Fishing power - sail trawlers (smack units),,"Fishing power is measured using the 'smack unit' as the baseline unit of fishing power (the fishing power of a typical 1880s sail trawler, or sailing smack as they were then called). Fishing power is measured as the number of vessels multiplied by the fishing power of each.",2021-10-01 12:02:54,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,,5389,20633,,"{""name"": ""Sail trawlers"", ""unit"": ""smack units"", ""includeInTable"": true}",0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 176441,Fish landings by British vessels,,Landings (catch brought back to land) of bottom-living fish (excluding shellfish).,2021-10-01 12:02:54,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,,5389,20633,,"{""name"": ""Fish landings"", ""unit"": ""tonnes"", ""shortUnit"": ""t"", ""includeInTable"": true, ""numDecimalPlaces"": 0}",0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,