id,name,unit,description,createdAt,updatedAt,code,coverage,timespan,datasetId,sourceId,shortUnit,display,columnOrder,originalMetadata,grapherConfigAdmin,shortName,catalogPath,dimensions,schemaVersion,processingLevel,processingLog,titlePublic,titleVariant,attributionShort,attribution,descriptionShort,descriptionFromProducer,descriptionKey,descriptionProcessing,licenses,license,grapherConfigETL,type,sort,dataChecksum,metadataChecksum 140687,Trade Indices - Food Excl Fish - 1982 - Import Value Index (2004-2006 = 100) - 462 - index,index,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:20,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1982 - 462 - index,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140686,Trade Indices - Food Excl Fish - 1982 - Import Value Base Period Quantity - 64 - 1000 $,1000 $,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:20,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1982 - 64 - 1000 $,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140685,Trade Indices - Food Excl Fish - 1982 - Import Value Base Period Price - 65 - 1000 $,1000 $,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:19,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1982 - 65 - 1000 $,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140684,Trade Indices - Food Excl Fish - 1982 - Import Unit/Value Index (2004-2006 = 100) - 464 - index,index,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:19,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1982 - 464 - index,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140683,Trade Indices - Food Excl Fish - 1982 - Import Quantity Index (2004-2006 = 100) - 465 - index,index,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:19,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1982 - 465 - index,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140682,Trade Indices - Food Excl Fish - 1982 - Export Value Index (2004-2006 = 100) - 492 - index,index,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:19,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1982 - 492 - index,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140681,Trade Indices - Food Excl Fish - 1982 - Export Value Base Quantity - 94 - 1000 $,1000 $,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:19,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1982 - 94 - 1000 $,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140680,Trade Indices - Food Excl Fish - 1982 - Export Value Base Price - 95 - 1000 $,1000 $,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:19,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1982 - 95 - 1000 $,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140679,Trade Indices - Food Excl Fish - 1982 - Export Unit/Value Index (2004-2006 = 100) - 494 - index,index,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:19,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1982 - 494 - index,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140678,Trade Indices - Food Excl Fish - 1982 - Export Quantity Index (2004-2006 = 100) - 495 - index,index,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:19,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1982 - 495 - index,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140677,"Trade Indices - Agricult.Products, Total - 1882 - Import Value Index (2004-2006 = 100) - 462 - index",index,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:19,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1882 - 462 - index,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140676,"Trade Indices - Agricult.Products, Total - 1882 - Import Value Base Period Quantity - 64 - 1000 $",1000 $,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:19,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1882 - 64 - 1000 $,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140675,"Trade Indices - Agricult.Products, Total - 1882 - Import Value Base Period Price - 65 - 1000 $",1000 $,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:19,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1882 - 65 - 1000 $,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140674,"Trade Indices - Agricult.Products, Total - 1882 - Import Unit/Value Index (2004-2006 = 100) - 464 - index",index,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:19,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1882 - 464 - index,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140673,"Trade Indices - Agricult.Products, Total - 1882 - Import Quantity Index (2004-2006 = 100) - 465 - index",index,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:19,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1882 - 465 - index,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140672,"Trade Indices - Agricult.Products, Total - 1882 - Export Value Index (2004-2006 = 100) - 492 - index",index,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:19,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1882 - 492 - index,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140671,"Trade Indices - Agricult.Products, Total - 1882 - Export Value Base Quantity - 94 - 1000 $",1000 $,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:19,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1882 - 94 - 1000 $,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140670,"Trade Indices - Agricult.Products, Total - 1882 - Export Value Base Price - 95 - 1000 $",1000 $,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:19,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1882 - 95 - 1000 $,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140669,"Trade Indices - Agricult.Products, Total - 1882 - Export Unit/Value Index (2004-2006 = 100) - 494 - index",index,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:19,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1882 - 494 - index,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 140668,"Trade Indices - Agricult.Products, Total - 1882 - Export Quantity Index (2004-2006 = 100) - 495 - index",index,"The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected, processed and disseminated by FAO according to the standard International Merchandise Trade Statistics Methodology. The data is mainly provided by UNSD, Eurostat, and other national authorities as needed. This source data is checked for outliers, trade partner data is used for non-reporting countries or missing cells, and data on food aid is added to take into account total cross-border trade flows. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value. The trade database includes all food and agricultural products imported/exported annually by all the countries in the world.",2020-02-14 03:24:19,2023-06-15 05:05:42,TI - 1882 - 495 - index,,,5057,17788,,{},0,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,