id,name,unit,description,createdAt,updatedAt,code,coverage,timespan,datasetId,sourceId,shortUnit,display,columnOrder,originalMetadata,grapherConfigAdmin,shortName,catalogPath,dimensions,schemaVersion,processingLevel,processingLog,titlePublic,titleVariant,attributionShort,attribution,descriptionShort,descriptionFromProducer,descriptionKey,descriptionProcessing,licenses,license,grapherConfigETL,type,sort,dataChecksum,metadataChecksum 954527,Tree cover loss driven by urbanization,hectares,,2024-07-26 14:48:56,2024-07-26 14:48:57,,,2001-2023,6636,,ha,"{""name"": ""Urbanization"", ""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,urbanization,grapher/forests/2024-07-10/tree_cover_loss_by_driver/tree_cover_loss_by_driver#urbanization,,2,major,,,,,,Tree cover loss from urbanization is typically deforestation for expansion of urban centers. This type of tree cover loss usually represents permanent deforestation.,,[],"This indicator is calculated by Our World in Data based on data from the Global Forest Watch. Time-series data of tree cover loss in areas of forest where tree canopy cover was greater than or equal to 30% in 2000 was extracted and cross-referenced with data on the dominant driver of deforestation in each area, based on [Curtis et al 2018]( Values may be slightly different to those shown on Global Forest Watch due to differences in the country boundaries used.",,,"{""note"": ""The method behind this data have changed over time, with a major methodological change occurring in 2015. Be cautious comparing old and new data, especially data from before and after 2015.""}",float,[],07dcf9cce946d152256ea860e3daaf8e,fb0b6674ceae84e7a93b34097ee0aaaf 954526,Tree cover loss driven by wildfire,hectares,,2024-07-26 14:48:56,2024-07-26 14:48:57,,,2001-2023,6636,,ha,"{""name"": ""Wildfire"", ""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,wildfire,grapher/forests/2024-07-10/tree_cover_loss_by_driver/tree_cover_loss_by_driver#wildfire,,2,major,,,,,,"Tree cover loss from wildfire is typically temporary loss, it does not include fire clearing for agriculture. This type of tree cover loss usually represents temporary loss.",,[],"This indicator is calculated by Our World in Data based on data from the Global Forest Watch. Time-series data of tree cover loss in areas of forest where tree canopy cover was greater than or equal to 30% in 2000 was extracted and cross-referenced with data on the dominant driver of deforestation in each area, based on [Curtis et al 2018]( Values may be slightly different to those shown on Global Forest Watch due to differences in the country boundaries used.",,,"{""note"": ""The method behind this data have changed over time, with a major methodological change occurring in 2015. Be cautious comparing old and new data, especially data from before and after 2015.""}",float,[],ab51071cb501763c6aa93dbcd8474666,b66790b9f5bf78082bb23813ff0f2d4a 954525,Tree cover loss driven by shifting agriculture,hectares,,2024-07-26 14:48:56,2024-07-26 14:48:57,,,2001-2023,6636,,ha,"{""name"": ""Shifting agriculture"", ""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,shifting_agriculture,grapher/forests/2024-07-10/tree_cover_loss_by_driver/tree_cover_loss_by_driver#shifting_agriculture,,2,major,,,,,,Tree cover loss from shifting agriculture is typically temporary loss or permanent deforestation due to small- and medium-scale agriculture. This type of tree cover loss usually represents temporary loss.,,[],"This indicator is calculated by Our World in Data based on data from the Global Forest Watch. Time-series data of tree cover loss in areas of forest where tree canopy cover was greater than or equal to 30% in 2000 was extracted and cross-referenced with data on the dominant driver of deforestation in each area, based on [Curtis et al 2018]( Values may be slightly different to those shown on Global Forest Watch due to differences in the country boundaries used.",,,"{""note"": ""The method behind this data have changed over time, with a major methodological change occurring in 2015. Be cautious comparing old and new data, especially data from before and after 2015.""}",float,[],8ab57e7d49e9a53a87b6229b42faf88d,6954ac7cfb94fca21e1bf51028cf2ffb 954524,Tree cover loss driven by forestry,hectares,,2024-07-26 14:48:56,2024-07-26 14:48:57,,,2001-2023,6636,,ha,"{""name"": ""Forestry"", ""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,forestry,grapher/forests/2024-07-10/tree_cover_loss_by_driver/tree_cover_loss_by_driver#forestry,,2,major,,,,,,"Tree cover loss from forestry is typically temporary loss from plantation and natural forest harvesting, with some deforestation of primary forests. This type of tree cover loss usually represents temporary loss.",,[],"This indicator is calculated by Our World in Data based on data from the Global Forest Watch. Time-series data of tree cover loss in areas of forest where tree canopy cover was greater than or equal to 30% in 2000 was extracted and cross-referenced with data on the dominant driver of deforestation in each area, based on [Curtis et al 2018]( Values may be slightly different to those shown on Global Forest Watch due to differences in the country boundaries used.",,,"{""note"": ""The method behind this data have changed over time, with a major methodological change occurring in 2015. Be cautious comparing old and new data, especially data from before and after 2015.""}",float,[],7392818b07c070218bb7baa3dff1dcc0,ba2c85a5c52e92d1f3abc3bcd012295a 954523,Tree cover loss driven by commodity-driven deforestation,hectares,,2024-07-26 14:48:56,2024-07-26 14:48:57,,,2001-2023,6636,,ha,"{""name"": ""Commodity-driven deforestation"", ""unit"": ""hectares"", ""shortUnit"": ""ha""}",0,,,commodity_driven_deforestation,grapher/forests/2024-07-10/tree_cover_loss_by_driver/tree_cover_loss_by_driver#commodity_driven_deforestation,,2,major,,,,,,Tree cover loss from commodity-driven deforestation is typically large-scale deforestation linked primarily to commercial agricultural expansion. This type of tree cover loss usually represents permanent deforestation.,,[],"This indicator is calculated by Our World in Data based on data from the Global Forest Watch. Time-series data of tree cover loss in areas of forest where tree canopy cover was greater than or equal to 30% in 2000 was extracted and cross-referenced with data on the dominant driver of deforestation in each area, based on [Curtis et al 2018]( Values may be slightly different to those shown on Global Forest Watch due to differences in the country boundaries used.",,,"{""note"": ""The method behind this data have changed over time, with a major methodological change occurring in 2015. Be cautious comparing old and new data, especially data from before and after 2015.""}",float,[],931033e38b45f989374bac0e9405c5f5,4c50900bcad918149a4a5e452f939471