id,name,unit,description,createdAt,updatedAt,code,coverage,timespan,datasetId,sourceId,shortUnit,display,columnOrder,originalMetadata,grapherConfigAdmin,shortName,catalogPath,dimensions,schemaVersion,processingLevel,processingLog,titlePublic,titleVariant,attributionShort,attribution,descriptionShort,descriptionFromProducer,descriptionKey,descriptionProcessing,licenses,license,grapherConfigETL,type,sort,dataChecksum,metadataChecksum 953970,Top-1 accuracy,%,,2024-07-25 11:21:52,2024-07-25 12:17:07,,,,6629,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""zeroDay"": ""2019-01-01"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""yearIsDay"": true, ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,top_1_accuracy,grapher/artificial_intelligence/2024-07-23/papers_with_code_imagenet/papers_with_code_imagenet#top_1_accuracy,,2,major,,,,,,,,"[""The top-1 accuracy measure is used to assess how frequently a model's absolute top prediction matches the correct answer from a given set of options."", ""Here's an example to illustrate what this benchmark tests: Imagine an image classification model that is presented with an image of an animal. The model assigns probabilities to each potential label and generates its highest-confidence prediction. For instance, when analyzing an image, the model might predict 'Cat' as the most probable label. To evaluate the model's accuracy using the top-1 measure, researchers compare this prediction with the correct label. If the model's top prediction matches the correct label (e.g., if the actual animal in the image is indeed a cat), then the model's prediction is considered correct according to the top-1 accuracy metric. On the other hand, if the model's top prediction does not match the correct label (e.g., if the image shows a dog, but the model predicts a cat), then the model's prediction is considered incorrect based on the top-1 accuracy measure. To calculate the top-1 accuracy, researchers analyze the model's performance on a large dataset where the correct labels are known. They determine the percentage of examples in the dataset where the model's highest-confidence prediction matches the actual label."", ""This measure provides a focused evaluation of the model's ability to make accurate predictions by considering only its absolute top guess.""]",,,,,float,[],f7fb48fbe151b4d27b926c8079c54471,d6770393ef1449eb38f7880d50447a49