id,name,unit,description,createdAt,updatedAt,code,coverage,timespan,datasetId,sourceId,shortUnit,display,columnOrder,originalMetadata,grapherConfigAdmin,shortName,catalogPath,dimensions,schemaVersion,processingLevel,processingLog,titlePublic,titleVariant,attributionShort,attribution,descriptionShort,descriptionFromProducer,descriptionKey,descriptionProcessing,licenses,license,grapherConfigETL,type,sort,dataChecksum,metadataChecksum 946973,Road accident deaths per billion passenger kilometers,deaths,,2024-07-05 10:47:02,2024-07-25 23:10:19,,,1970-2022,6609,,deaths,"{""unit"": ""deaths"", ""shortUnit"": ""deaths"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,deaths_per_billion_kms,grapher/oecd/2024-07-01/road_accidents/road_accidents#deaths_per_billion_kms,,2,major,,,,,,Number of deaths due to road accidents per billion passenger kilometers traveled on the road.,,[],"""Death per billion passenger kilometers is calculated by dividing the number of deaths by the passenger kilometers with a factor of 1B""",,,,float,[],26a0f27437755c2fabe160bf9032f303,6f97fadb233047f13764e19e22f9358c 946972,Road accident deaths per million inhabitants,deaths per million inhabitants,,2024-07-05 10:47:02,2024-07-25 23:10:19,,,1900-2022,6609,,deaths,"{""unit"": ""deaths per million inhabitants"", ""shortUnit"": ""deaths"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,deaths_per_million_population,grapher/oecd/2024-07-01/road_accidents/road_accidents#deaths_per_million_population,,2,major,,Reported road accident deaths per million inhabitants,,,,Number of reported deaths due to road accidents per million inhabitants.,"Road accidents are measured in terms of the number of persons injured and deaths due to road accidents, whether immediate or within 30 days of the accident, and excluding suicides involving the use of road motor vehicles. A road motor vehicle is a road vehicle fitted with an engine as the sole means of propulsion and one that is normally used to carry people or goods, or for towing, on the road. This includes buses, coaches, trolleys, tramways (streetcars) and road vehicles used to transport goods and to transport passengers. Road motor vehicles are attributed to the countries where they are registered, while deaths are attributed to the countries in which they occur.",[],"""Death per million population is calculated by dividing the number of deaths by the population with a factor of 1M""",,,,float,[],07b2648292415075d86422197f2a84a6,4a7edd6b2e5cb74db5284e04d76e75db 946971,Road accident injuries,injuries,,2024-07-05 10:47:02,2024-07-25 23:10:19,,,1950-2022,6609,,injuries,"{""unit"": ""injuries"", ""shortUnit"": ""injuries"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 0}",0,,,accident_injuries,grapher/oecd/2024-07-01/road_accidents/road_accidents#accident_injuries,,2,minor,,Reported road accident injuries,,,,Number of reported injuries due to road accidents.,"Road accidents are measured in terms of the number of persons injured and deaths due to road accidents, whether immediate or within 30 days of the accident, and excluding suicides involving the use of road motor vehicles. A road motor vehicle is a road vehicle fitted with an engine as the sole means of propulsion and one that is normally used to carry people or goods, or for towing, on the road. This includes buses, coaches, trolleys, tramways (streetcars) and road vehicles used to transport goods and to transport passengers. Road motor vehicles are attributed to the countries where they are registered, while deaths are attributed to the countries in which they occur.",[],,,,,int,[],a39ba22d3fda60ac3065d6045b489f4c,c4c75547208f7030d850b49ad09f617e 946970,Road accidents with injuries,accidents,,2024-07-05 10:47:02,2024-07-25 23:10:19,,,1953-2022,6609,,accidents,"{""unit"": ""accidents"", ""shortUnit"": ""accidents"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 0}",0,,,accidents_with_injuries,grapher/oecd/2024-07-01/road_accidents/road_accidents#accidents_with_injuries,,2,minor,,Reported road accidents with injuries,,,,Number of road accidents where one or more people were injured.,"Road accidents are measured in terms of the number of persons injured and deaths due to road accidents, whether immediate or within 30 days of the accident, and excluding suicides involving the use of road motor vehicles. A road motor vehicle is a road vehicle fitted with an engine as the sole means of propulsion and one that is normally used to carry people or goods, or for towing, on the road. This includes buses, coaches, trolleys, tramways (streetcars) and road vehicles used to transport goods and to transport passengers. Road motor vehicles are attributed to the countries where they are registered, while deaths are attributed to the countries in which they occur.",[],,,,,int,[],07ffb55ee4e8cf6b869ff912933b7995,248f8053f417972abe27c6d0e663650c 946969,Road accident deaths,deaths,,2024-07-05 10:47:01,2024-07-25 23:10:19,,,1900-2022,6609,,deaths,"{""unit"": ""deaths"", ""shortUnit"": ""deaths"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 0}",0,,,accident_deaths,grapher/oecd/2024-07-01/road_accidents/road_accidents#accident_deaths,,2,major,,Reported road accident deaths,,,,Number of reported deaths due to road accidents.,"Road accidents are measured in terms of the number of persons injured and deaths due to road accidents, whether immediate or within 30 days of the accident, and excluding suicides involving the use of road motor vehicles. A road motor vehicle is a road vehicle fitted with an engine as the sole means of propulsion and one that is normally used to carry people or goods, or for towing, on the road. This includes buses, coaches, trolleys, tramways (streetcars) and road vehicles used to transport goods and to transport passengers. Road motor vehicles are attributed to the countries where they are registered, while deaths are attributed to the countries in which they occur.",[],"""The majority of series data is sourced from the OECD Statistics. For particular countries, historical data (before 1970) have been sourced from specific national records as referenced below. Germany: Statistisches Bundesamt ( New Zealand: Australia: and Scotland: Northern Ireland: United States:""",,,,int,[],d16bb0593f047d93fe1fa4d2d8314214,8b6f5f1a33333e515cb2e1063caea98d 946968,Passenger kilometers by rail,passenger-kilometers,,2024-07-05 10:47:01,2024-07-25 23:10:19,,,1970-2022,6609,,km,"{""unit"": ""passenger-kilometers"", ""shortUnit"": ""km"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 0}",0,,,passenger_kms_rail,grapher/oecd/2024-07-01/road_accidents/road_accidents#passenger_kms_rail,,2,minor,,,,,,Number of kilometers traveled by passengers by rail.,"""Rail passenger transport: any movement of passengers using a rail vehicle on a given rail network. Rail passenger: any person, excluding members of the train crew, who makes a journey by rail. Passenger-kilometre by rail: unit of measurement representing the transport of one rail passenger by rail over a distance of one kilometre.""",[],,,,,int,[],02d78cf1fc865716707ebdeb8c5d85ab,0531c384bc4206068828ce6bc0471540 946967,Passenger kilometers by road,passenger-kilometers,,2024-07-05 10:47:01,2024-07-25 23:10:19,,,1970-2022,6609,,km,"{""unit"": ""passenger-kilometers"", ""shortUnit"": ""km"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 0}",0,,,passenger_kms_road,grapher/oecd/2024-07-01/road_accidents/road_accidents#passenger_kms_road,,2,major,,,,,,Number of kilometers traveled by passengers by road.,"""Road passenger transport: any movement of passengers using a road vehicle on a given road network. Road passenger: any person who makes a journey by a road vehicle. Drivers of passenger cars, excluding taxi drivers, are counted as passengers. Service staff assigned to buses, coaches, trolleybuses, trams and goods road vehicles are not included as passengers. Road passenger-kilometre: unit of measurement representing the transport of one passenger by road over one kilometre.""",[],"""We removed data points which are identical to total passenger kilometers by car or bus, since they do not include all passenger kilometers travelled by road.""",,,,int,[],85ff6c74082405241e7ff43efb28f419,3cbd78e9309851a83dc009740cc9925d 946966,Passenger kilometers by car,passenger-kilometers,,2024-07-05 10:47:01,2024-07-25 23:10:19,,,1970-2022,6609,,km,"{""unit"": ""passenger-kilometers"", ""shortUnit"": ""km"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 0}",0,,,passenger_kms_car,grapher/oecd/2024-07-01/road_accidents/road_accidents#passenger_kms_car,,2,minor,,,,,,Number of kilometers traveled by passengers by car.,"""Road passenger: any person who makes a journey by a road vehicle. Drivers of passenger cars, excluding taxi drivers, are counted as passengers. Road passenger-kilometre: unit of measurement representing the transport of one passenger by road over one kilometre.""",[],,,,,int,[],828ec0622c5d7123236878ed1de16211,678e9dcc22e2b079540b1b1360bfc2d6 946965,Passenger kilometers by bus,passenger-kilometers,,2024-07-05 10:47:01,2024-07-25 23:10:19,,,1970-2022,6609,,km,"{""unit"": ""passenger-kilometers"", ""shortUnit"": ""km"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 0}",0,,,passenger_kms_bus,grapher/oecd/2024-07-01/road_accidents/road_accidents#passenger_kms_bus,,2,minor,,,,,,Number of kilometers traveled by passengers by bus.,"""Road passenger transport: any movement of passengers using a road vehicle on a given road network. Road passenger: any person who makes a journey by a road vehicle. Drivers of passenger cars, excluding taxi drivers, are counted as passengers. Service staff assigned to buses, coaches, trolleybuses, trams and goods road vehicles are not included as passengers. Road passenger-kilometre: unit of measurement representing the transport of one passenger by road over one kilometre.""",[],,,,,int,[],78827ba54239bf8ac0fc727d475f674d,d4e800dcdcd014afec49f0b926142ea9