id,name,unit,description,createdAt,updatedAt,code,coverage,timespan,datasetId,sourceId,shortUnit,display,columnOrder,originalMetadata,grapherConfigAdmin,shortName,catalogPath,dimensions,schemaVersion,processingLevel,processingLog,titlePublic,titleVariant,attributionShort,attribution,descriptionShort,descriptionFromProducer,descriptionKey,descriptionProcessing,licenses,license,grapherConfigETL,type,sort,dataChecksum,metadataChecksum 943793,Primary energy consumption per GDP (kWh/$),kilowatt-hours per $,,2024-06-25 14:50:22,2024-07-25 23:09:03,,,1965-2022,6583,,kWh,"{""name"": ""Energy consumption per dollar"", ""unit"": ""kilowatt-hours per $"", ""shortUnit"": ""kWh""}",0,,,primary_energy_consumption_per_gdp__kwh_per_dollar,grapher/energy/2024-06-20/primary_energy_consumption/primary_energy_consumption#primary_energy_consumption_per_gdp__kwh_per_dollar,,2,major,,Primary energy consumption per GDP,,,,Measured in kilowatt-hours per international-$.,,"[""This GDP indicator provides information on economic growth and income levels in the very long run. Some country estimates are available as far back as 1 CE and regional estimates as far back as 1820 CE."", ""This data is adjusted for inflation and for differences in the cost of living between countries."", ""This data is expressed in [international-$](#dod:int_dollar_abbreviation) at 2011 prices, using a combination of 2011 and 1990 PPPs for historical data."", ""Time series for former countries and territories are calculated forward in time by estimating values based on their last official borders."", ""For more regularly updated estimates of GDP, see the [World Bank's indicator](""]","- Primary energy consumption data was compiled based on two key data sources: [Energy Institute (EI) Statistical Review of World Energy](, and [International energy data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)]( EI provides the longest and most up-to-date time-series of primary energy. However, it does not provide data for all countries. We have therefore supplemented this dataset with energy data from the EIA. Where EI provides data for a given country, this data is adopted; for countries where this data is missing, we rely on EIA energy figures. - Per capita figures have been calculated using a population dataset that is based on [different sources]( - To calculate energy per unit of GDP, we divide by total real GDP figures from [the Maddison Project Database]( ",,,,float,[],82e1acef3fcb68e95f09c258444f7360,c4016eb2b70fa25c9dd09bc98028f84e 943792,Annual change in primary energy consumption (TWh),terawatt-hours,,2024-06-25 14:50:22,2024-07-25 23:09:03,,,1966-2023,6583,,TWh,"{""name"": ""Primary energy consumption"", ""unit"": ""terawatt-hours"", ""shortUnit"": ""TWh""}",0,,,annual_change_in_primary_energy_consumption__twh,grapher/energy/2024-06-20/primary_energy_consumption/primary_energy_consumption#annual_change_in_primary_energy_consumption__twh,,2,major,,Annual change in primary energy consumption,,,,,,[],"- Primary energy consumption data was compiled based on two key data sources: [Energy Institute (EI) Statistical Review of World Energy](, and [International energy data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)]( EI provides the longest and most up-to-date time-series of primary energy. However, it does not provide data for all countries. We have therefore supplemented this dataset with energy data from the EIA. Where EI provides data for a given country, this data is adopted; for countries where this data is missing, we rely on EIA energy figures. - Per capita figures have been calculated using a population dataset that is based on [different sources]( - To calculate energy per unit of GDP, we divide by total real GDP figures from [the Maddison Project Database]( ",,,,float,[],43a44846d2c41c4ce402ffadf75a53e4,980b058c4aa86273ff41580e52dd6305 943791,Primary energy consumption per capita (kWh/person),kilowatt-hours per person,,2024-06-25 14:50:22,2024-07-25 23:09:03,,,1965-2023,6583,,kWh,"{""name"": ""Per capita energy consumption"", ""unit"": ""kilowatt-hours per person"", ""shortUnit"": ""kWh"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 0}",0,,,primary_energy_consumption_per_capita__kwh,grapher/energy/2024-06-20/primary_energy_consumption/primary_energy_consumption#primary_energy_consumption_per_capita__kwh,,2,major,,Primary energy consumption per capita,,,,Measured in kilowatt-hours per person.,,[],"- Primary energy consumption data was compiled based on two key data sources: [Energy Institute (EI) Statistical Review of World Energy](, and [International energy data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)]( EI provides the longest and most up-to-date time-series of primary energy. However, it does not provide data for all countries. We have therefore supplemented this dataset with energy data from the EIA. Where EI provides data for a given country, this data is adopted; for countries where this data is missing, we rely on EIA energy figures. - Per capita figures have been calculated using a population dataset that is based on [different sources]( - To calculate energy per unit of GDP, we divide by total real GDP figures from [the Maddison Project Database]( ","[{""url"": """", ""name"": ""Creative Commons BY 4.0""}, {""url"": """", ""name"": ""CC BY 3.0""}, {""url"": """", ""name"": ""CC BY 3.0 IGO""}]",,,float,[],0c0b77ed38139a510a4bd8bf9a1d5d68,a1aad93dbe7b2ac06c2746eba8a570c6 943790,Annual change in primary energy consumption (%),%,,2024-06-25 14:50:22,2024-07-25 23:09:03,,,1966-2023,6583,,%,"{""name"": ""Primary energy consumption"", ""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,,,annual_change_in_primary_energy_consumption__pct,grapher/energy/2024-06-20/primary_energy_consumption/primary_energy_consumption#annual_change_in_primary_energy_consumption__pct,,2,major,,Annual change in primary energy consumption,,,,,,[],"- Primary energy consumption data was compiled based on two key data sources: [Energy Institute (EI) Statistical Review of World Energy](, and [International energy data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)]( EI provides the longest and most up-to-date time-series of primary energy. However, it does not provide data for all countries. We have therefore supplemented this dataset with energy data from the EIA. Where EI provides data for a given country, this data is adopted; for countries where this data is missing, we rely on EIA energy figures. - Per capita figures have been calculated using a population dataset that is based on [different sources]( - To calculate energy per unit of GDP, we divide by total real GDP figures from [the Maddison Project Database]( ",,,,float,[],1bff4f06d312b5b817f62b4c1d46a5dd,9019b4144ef367210ef944e391f139a0 943789,Primary energy consumption (TWh),terawatt-hours,,2024-06-25 14:50:22,2024-07-25 23:09:03,,,1965-2023,6583,,TWh,"{""unit"": ""terawatt-hours"", ""shortUnit"": ""TWh"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 0}",0,,,primary_energy_consumption__twh,grapher/energy/2024-06-20/primary_energy_consumption/primary_energy_consumption#primary_energy_consumption__twh,,2,major,,Primary energy consumption,,,,Measured in terawatt-hours.,,[],"- Primary energy consumption data was compiled based on two key data sources: [Energy Institute (EI) Statistical Review of World Energy](, and [International energy data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)]( EI provides the longest and most up-to-date time-series of primary energy. However, it does not provide data for all countries. We have therefore supplemented this dataset with energy data from the EIA. Where EI provides data for a given country, this data is adopted; for countries where this data is missing, we rely on EIA energy figures. - Per capita figures have been calculated using a population dataset that is based on [different sources]( - To calculate energy per unit of GDP, we divide by total real GDP figures from [the Maddison Project Database]( ",,,,float,[],40139e830d1ec1499b4f276c7079011a,dc7ddcb4c018f04a7aa8b0f7e9d336e4