id,name,unit,description,createdAt,updatedAt,code,coverage,timespan,datasetId,sourceId,shortUnit,display,columnOrder,originalMetadata,grapherConfigAdmin,shortName,catalogPath,dimensions,schemaVersion,processingLevel,processingLog,titlePublic,titleVariant,attributionShort,attribution,descriptionShort,descriptionFromProducer,descriptionKey,descriptionProcessing,licenses,license,grapherConfigETL,type,sort,dataChecksum,metadataChecksum 943081,"Youth illiterate population, 15-24 years, female (number)",number,,2024-06-25 08:12:49,2024-07-09 16:16:53,,,1970-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""number"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 0}",0,,,youth_illiterate_population__15_24_years__female__number,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#youth_illiterate_population__15_24_years__female__number,,2,,,,,,,,Total number of females between age 15 and age 24 who cannot both read and write with understanding a short simple statement on their everyday life.,[],,,,,float,[],a001309fdc406a416d1a6dede0056ced,cfe8135b86eb399762c5334fab68a1be 943080,"Youth illiterate population, 15-24 years, male (number)",number,,2024-06-25 08:12:49,2024-07-09 16:16:53,,,1970-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""number"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 0}",0,,,youth_illiterate_population__15_24_years__male__number,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#youth_illiterate_population__15_24_years__male__number,,2,,,,,,,,Total number of males between age 15 and age 24 who cannot both read and write with understanding a short simple statement on their everyday life.,[],,,,,float,[],aa052bd32833b4dfc453cd79a9f9ad67,b3298b86e1ecfc08d24f04c99c4eeb7d 943079,"Youth illiterate population, 15-24 years, both sexes (number)",number,,2024-06-25 08:12:49,2024-07-09 16:16:53,,,1970-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""number"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 0}",0,,,youth_illiterate_population__15_24_years__both_sexes__number,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#youth_illiterate_population__15_24_years__both_sexes__number,,2,,,,,,,,Total number of youth between age 15 and age 24 who cannot both read and write with understanding a short simple statement on their everyday life.,[],,,,,float,[],fb617ab90d52db33646e52e8a75c0d98,3e3cef566bf50a60553dd152671e2657 943078,"Youth illiterate population, 15-24 years, % female",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:49,2024-07-09 16:16:53,,,1970-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,youth_illiterate_population__15_24_years__pct_female,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#youth_illiterate_population__15_24_years__pct_female,,2,,,,,,,,Share of the youth illiterate population that is female.,[],,,,,float,[],6779e0f8c04df93cbb417597d7cb7beb,23e9f3097578d509e3a35fd3c035d2a0 943077,"Total outbound internationally mobile tertiary students studying abroad, all countries, both sexes (number)",number,,2024-06-25 08:12:49,2024-07-09 16:16:53,,,1997-2021,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""number"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 0}",0,,,total_outbound_internationally_mobile_tertiary_students_studying_abroad__all_countries__both_sexes__number,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_outbound_internationally_mobile_tertiary_students_studying_abroad__all_countries__both_sexes__number,,2,,,,,,,,Students who have crossed a national or territorial border for the purpose of education and are now enrolled outside their country of origin.,[],,,,,float,[],60cf7801bc85d7fd4c413380bb4c2842,34c9dbeef59eb436c8c0d707deb4697b 943076,"Total net enrolment rate, upper secondary, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:49,2024-07-09 16:16:52,,,1970-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_enrolment_rate__upper_secondary__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_enrolment_rate__upper_secondary__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of male students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are enrolled in any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding male population. Divide the total number of male students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are enrolled in any level of education by the male population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NER and the adjusted NER provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are enrolled in levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NER and the adjusted NER for upper secondary education is due to enrolment in pre-primary or primary education. The total NER should be based on total enrolment of the official relevant school age group in any level of education for all types of schools and education institutions, including public, private and all other institutions that provide organized educational programmes. For more information, consult the UIS website:",[],,,,,float,[],49cb691b15e369637e257eb181ded750,549fa623bb45d4613e7e9818f9946de8 943075,"Total net enrolment rate, upper secondary, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:49,2024-07-09 16:16:52,,,1970-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_enrolment_rate__upper_secondary__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_enrolment_rate__upper_secondary__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of female students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are enrolled in any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding female population. Divide the total number of female students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are enrolled in any level of education by the female population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NER and the adjusted NER provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are enrolled in levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NER and the adjusted NER for upper secondary education is due to enrolment in pre-primary or primary education. The total NER should be based on total enrolment of the official relevant school age group in any level of education for all types of schools and education institutions, including public, private and all other institutions that provide organized educational programmes. For more information, consult the UIS website:",[],,,,,float,[],8fe27f3031538b0541fa48ef676167b1,e2d60c8c807b1743f98d5623d358ebfd 943074,"Total net enrolment rate, upper secondary, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:49,2024-07-09 16:16:52,,,1970-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_enrolment_rate__upper_secondary__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_enrolment_rate__upper_secondary__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are enrolled in any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are enrolled in any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NER and the adjusted NER provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are enrolled in levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NER and the adjusted NER for upper secondary education is due to enrolment in pre-primary or primary education. The total NER should be based on total enrolment of the official relevant school age group in any level of education for all types of schools and education institutions, including public, private and all other institutions that provide organized educational programmes. For more information, consult the UIS website:",[],,,,,float,[],0ef44f4872ae34b19622a6d625bb2c34,2a2d75054dd14a5bbbd31d739c3d186f 943073,"Total net enrolment rate, upper secondary, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:49,2024-07-09 16:16:52,,,1970-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_enrolment_rate__upper_secondary__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_enrolment_rate__upper_secondary__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],35c5138e682f0e3b49ac637b202efcfc,5d3b966afb4a1844783d26645f6c1a90 943072,"Total net enrolment rate, primary, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:49,2024-07-09 16:16:52,,,1970-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_enrolment_rate__primary__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_enrolment_rate__primary__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of male students of the official age group for primary education who are enrolled in any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding male population. Divide the total number of male students in the official school age range for primary education who are enrolled in any level of education by the male population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NER and the adjusted NER provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are enrolled in levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NER and the adjusted NER for primary education is due to enrolment in pre-primary education. The total NER should be based on total enrolment of the official relevant school age group in any level of education for all types of schools and education institutions, including public, private and all other institutions that provide organized educational programmes.",[],,,,,float,[],037f78420b27803dd65fb9ab8a54e9a1,69ff2b083cfc8d7a20587f21afb39321 943071,"Total net enrolment rate, primary, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:49,2024-07-09 16:16:52,,,1970-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_enrolment_rate__primary__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_enrolment_rate__primary__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of female students of the official age group for primary education who are enrolled in any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding female population. Divide the total number of female students in the official school age range for primary education who are enrolled in any level of education by the female population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NER and the adjusted NER provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are enrolled in levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NER and the adjusted NER for primary education is due to enrolment in pre-primary education. The total NER should be based on total enrolment of the official relevant school age group in any level of education for all types of schools and education institutions, including public, private and all other institutions that provide organized educational programmes.",[],,,,,float,[],8f3c0c67fe103dac93a2ca10ed3e7681,75872acb6e39f1f97000d84e1dca36b1 943070,"Total net enrolment rate, primary, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:49,2024-07-09 16:16:52,,,1970-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_enrolment_rate__primary__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_enrolment_rate__primary__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for primary education who are enrolled in any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for primary education who are enrolled in any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NER and the adjusted NER provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are enrolled in levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NER and the adjusted NER for primary education is due to enrolment in pre-primary education. The total NER should be based on total enrolment of the official relevant school age group in any level of education for all types of schools and education institutions, including public, private and all other institutions that provide organized educational programmes.",[],,,,,float,[],f4babbfc1ac90e5e8c366f61e3c98c99,f0ca5c779c7d593539289f38a3a5c038 943069,"Total net enrolment rate, primary, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:49,2024-07-09 16:16:52,,,1970-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_enrolment_rate__primary__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_enrolment_rate__primary__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],92f91d0f6adb4c85adf4a97813419846,89a9c5e426926d73d822e325f1eaf4f7 943068,"Total net enrolment rate, lower secondary, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:48,2024-07-09 16:16:52,,,1970-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_enrolment_rate__lower_secondary__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_enrolment_rate__lower_secondary__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of male students of the official age group for lower secondary education who are enrolled in any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding male population. Divide the total number of male students in the official school age range for lower secondary education who are enrolled in any level of education by the male population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NER and the adjusted NER provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are enrolled in levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NER and the adjusted NER for lower secondary education is due to enrolment in pre-primary or primary education. The total NER should be based on total enrolment of the official relevant school age group in any level of education for all types of schools and education institutions, including public, private and all other institutions that provide organized educational programmes.",[],,,,,float,[],37d8ec16a2ea09324984f2cef740cd25,5c37c67c0aae7ccdaad8e57ae5542e41 943067,"Total net enrolment rate, lower secondary, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:48,2024-07-09 16:16:52,,,1970-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_enrolment_rate__lower_secondary__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_enrolment_rate__lower_secondary__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of female students of the official age group for lower secondary education who are enrolled in any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding female population. Divide the total number of female students in the official school age range for lower secondary education who are enrolled in any level of education by the female population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NER and the adjusted NER provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are enrolled in levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NER and the adjusted NER for lower secondary education is due to enrolment in pre-primary or primary education. The total NER should be based on total enrolment of the official relevant school age group in any level of education for all types of schools and education institutions, including public, private and all other institutions that provide organized educational programmes.",[],,,,,float,[],11351c7c0aa066f89c31b263855407bc,2591680a140f6898ab36589a825ad41e 943066,"Total net enrolment rate, lower secondary, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:48,2024-07-09 16:16:52,,,1970-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_enrolment_rate__lower_secondary__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_enrolment_rate__lower_secondary__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for lower secondary education who are enrolled in any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for lower secondary education who are enrolled in any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NER and the adjusted NER provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are enrolled in levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NER and the adjusted NER for lower secondary education is due to enrolment in pre-primary or primary education. The total NER should be based on total enrolment of the official relevant school age group in any level of education for all types of schools and education institutions, including public, private and all other institutions that provide organized educational programmes.",[],,,,,float,[],35c75397050f3a2065509b77a8149641,5be401f42291042480a74a6ddf99ec97 943065,"Total net enrolment rate, lower secondary, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:48,2024-07-09 16:16:52,,,1970-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_enrolment_rate__lower_secondary__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_enrolment_rate__lower_secondary__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],dbf777d6eec283e8895dc0009160007b,175b28c0883221bf75fd4c5a627bc942 943064,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, second quintile, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:48,2024-07-09 16:16:52,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__second_quintile__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__second_quintile__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],f42fc9f41ac9f93caf1abcd7760b82c0,4b666402bb134a1058205994e28ab515 943063,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, second quintile, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:48,2024-07-09 16:16:52,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__second_quintile__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__second_quintile__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],45abc4c4ecb082935d394ccbd9b280ad,53e5bebd3f329f48f16b66defcf8eccd 943062,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, second quintile, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:48,2024-07-09 16:16:52,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__second_quintile__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__second_quintile__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],e0cec8185ece2cf08f0acfa716ae62b3,2db27d5e2b3a98b113e6d1c52da73500 943061,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, richest quintile, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:48,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__richest_quintile__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__richest_quintile__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],a406e6dd12a4c1e0b22539b3979c84c0,d26a6d94806c364c3ee328f041304fc8 943060,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, richest quintile, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:48,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__richest_quintile__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__richest_quintile__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],070ba0fbc7f6e9e29ba4cca1eebcf5b6,486125f3fe726df70bd03553b992b487 943059,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, richest quintile, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:48,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__richest_quintile__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__richest_quintile__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],52afd2c98505253cead684a1ad58aec5,a13d6e5fc1acd25740a11f20755985ff 943058,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, poorest quintile, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:47,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__poorest_quintile__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__poorest_quintile__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],291bf6f35b3523c93c51fb4be63daac0,b8d9df866949c7cde8b1ca3be1e66bff 943057,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, poorest quintile, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:47,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__poorest_quintile__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__poorest_quintile__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],4e1faf4d7c8b2c790a5105006bd08048,79aed9fe632e6d1dbb3b3c10e147350d 943056,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, poorest quintile, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:47,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__poorest_quintile__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__poorest_quintile__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],663ad11481a92b25733c79708ad38087,bae65a6335693bfebb985898ab080a25 943055,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, middle quintile, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:47,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__middle_quintile__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__middle_quintile__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],8f78b00b7c159f1c17b5261b753f56e3,021b2e1cb528acd722ff5963394c15de 943054,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, middle quintile, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:47,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__middle_quintile__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__middle_quintile__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],0d1efafc146ab2341a185daea54045f0,dd49bb62bda0b1e7e2981e8d890fb2c6 943053,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, middle quintile, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:47,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__middle_quintile__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__middle_quintile__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],7ac1df7cd71a2a5fb26c98f68f69ef1d,53b6e9bd2ebe6f17d219e8546da76bca 943052,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:47,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],5494a3c371bee3964c22c449623ea9a5,b0ab91067a9c0d77cd0592b7245d322a 943051,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, fourth quintile, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:47,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__fourth_quintile__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__fourth_quintile__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],30ddd5202c9b83a072d2bf9300127997,0e75b9a966ef9ccad208f1af95046800 943050,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, fourth quintile, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:47,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__fourth_quintile__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__fourth_quintile__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],790efdd85d24c6cbb2ab7bd43d8478b4,e38a37942856a67fd2253b224b1e58f9 943049,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, fourth quintile, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:47,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__fourth_quintile__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__fourth_quintile__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],2554fb57d72f9387801dea4e018444af,b8f8d55895dc2bb5695fdad6b6122813 943048,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:46,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],de581c45df82f28332e5b06ee5cad1ff,85421c49e353cbd89504267f913b9353 943047,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, urban, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:46,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__urban__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],f28e5cb3a3c278b64090adf30bb0a4d6,8552389ef3451eca56ba6ce92b3829bc 943046,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, second quintile, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:46,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__second_quintile__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__second_quintile__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],75fe4afbaca1e02edea40460610f25eb,90edeedef7692a194dd76210b60de8ac 943045,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, second quintile, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:46,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__second_quintile__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__second_quintile__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],08c4b70a433b992d88a12ed513bd71fa,fe88cdd7241c93dbb968bfaf5a0f0461 943044,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, second quintile, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:46,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__second_quintile__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__second_quintile__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],1593d9325c54a77b2d783fcfb3c9e1c0,9e70a8a1d7c0b508a224fa8f7c5c8483 943043,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, second quintile, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:46,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__second_quintile__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__second_quintile__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],cefa12d776130b31d16a57dba66df7cb,6678efd61ca68e0c74550f540eaa56b8 943042,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, second quintile, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:46,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__second_quintile__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__second_quintile__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],cbeb6a989453d55f43be51b24a4c6250,07618480ba661e94cec92213655fc9e3 943041,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, second quintile, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:46,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__second_quintile__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__second_quintile__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],eec23c62adf9e05f9fd919149e7e0e9e,225575158d542e365628f2551cd1f1f1 943040,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, richest quintile, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:46,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__richest_quintile__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__richest_quintile__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],4c06b5cb23a3d4ff652658c257474501,e4cbacd3bfa73a4c16e7b19b771e8b4d 943039,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, richest quintile, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:46,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__richest_quintile__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__richest_quintile__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],d065b9e684edb17ccba363db73fb53e3,1fdadca7a13bea2d1c8f74d7620b0a17 943038,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, poorest quintile, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:46,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__poorest_quintile__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__poorest_quintile__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],74b17afbebaa4d6b3ec98d7b9863714a,45c421b1184b788a91425cee0846933e 943037,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, richest quintile, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:46,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__richest_quintile__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__richest_quintile__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],fac45114a0235495e9db9599c9e21842,e40491f7c82808b10b36f8d5fb7187bd 943036,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, poorest quintile, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:46,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__poorest_quintile__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__poorest_quintile__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],3f251378760c2d4c9821f172bfae272e,f25aaa18d0647ded4a23178992e0211b 943035,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, poorest quintile, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:46,2024-07-09 16:16:51,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__poorest_quintile__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__poorest_quintile__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],84ab0945639c4907a4d7e30d5a33efe7,9b14089bb442b6de83ef0d5211bd347c 943034,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, middle quintile, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:45,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__middle_quintile__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__middle_quintile__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],59b90e5a1292ea611c2ef8e3659d2fb1,77c25c378e0e10876ae5cea139a6e8a1 943033,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, middle quintile, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:45,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__middle_quintile__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__middle_quintile__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],fae4d9871865684ff7e326d7d173c802,74e9312d829f94ede047a224f9bd0b6a 943032,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, middle quintile, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:45,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__middle_quintile__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__middle_quintile__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],648d6a8c71569ee220014e2f139cdb37,cb90a41ff243d13ff7625f3eb695bdf2 943031,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:45,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],dd021305559d4b24b240047a488210a8,2bf4a88035d26629dd42b86f292528d9 943030,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, fourth quintile, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:45,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__fourth_quintile__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__fourth_quintile__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],7e1426dd8f507a80b8a02e961a7b538f,5e725a337b770915042fccc697521507 943029,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, fourth quintile, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:45,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__fourth_quintile__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__fourth_quintile__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],6caf43cd91c45c79ba0452cab290ef17,6473bcf5237f34e5e26a17d04718ee06 943028,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, fourth quintile, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:45,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__fourth_quintile__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__fourth_quintile__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],d9408007dc18c57ccb5a0cc7883b65fe,f9122577ff61f5812f837850119ad4d7 943027,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:45,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],a8990f1f4bc1671b6ac65a489f48d672,eff6425cd54e48775c71fcf0c2ba33d1 943026,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, rural, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:45,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__rural__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],44160ac3ec4c88c8f458b4dc761973c7,a74c818c9ec397e200590d9b2848f0cf 943025,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, richest quintile, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:45,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__richest_quintile__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__richest_quintile__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],66cb61027bbf7de3b07b3926bf123014,1df3e526b3a89c5a596e0182293d95d2 943024,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, richest quintile, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:45,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__richest_quintile__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__richest_quintile__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],0c1aa4dbc45b54bca70d544474ccf60c,72ee4a60138c30099cb616a9b825c8da 943023,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, richest quintile, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:44,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__richest_quintile__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__richest_quintile__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],bd7347369f5788c5bd521455df5cf2b1,90a5e8c4183b20f7073073554d69e767 943022,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, poorest quintile, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:44,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__poorest_quintile__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__poorest_quintile__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],2e6d8bbd484fa9afdf6d4771d87940b1,a9a9b9c610f1819482eed58fbc04796b 943021,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, poorest quintile, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:44,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__poorest_quintile__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__poorest_quintile__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],f1a702f06b5d3d477d16e5c09da07227,af6558f415b11d35d14ac5460034a39e 943020,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, middle quintile, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:44,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__middle_quintile__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__middle_quintile__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],b407acd2bdd67bc723b6aa3b0a77d860,933c623f8483a1a3683e8cc0e76be14c 943019,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, poorest quintile, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:44,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__poorest_quintile__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__poorest_quintile__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],5287a331cfbd05ccf310cc7a036c1236,2cb5565a46341411627c4d04d23e95fc 943018,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, middle quintile, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:44,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__middle_quintile__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__middle_quintile__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],a074f9e99e60f84f8fbe58ec36282553,117b26746cb739bc76927cc34caabebb 943017,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, middle quintile, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:44,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__middle_quintile__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__middle_quintile__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],7620f0f32c327110d8e39d3cb6499caa,9c31fc8e0edbbf79e80c202f451e1c56 943016,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:44,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],57da64256f8f8c854c9c22cda7be5b53,84b82783278e4afe72133f7e98d0b30f 943015,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, male, adjusted wealth parity index (WPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:44,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__male__adjusted_wealth_parity_index__wpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__male__adjusted_wealth_parity_index__wpia,,2,,,,,,,,"The Adjusted Wealth Parity Index (WPIA) is calculated by dividing the poorest quintile value for the indicator by the richest quintile value for the indicator. If the resulting value exceeds 1, the ratio is inverted and subtracted from 2. The adjusted wealth parity index is symmetrical around 1 and lies in the range 0-2. An adjusted WPI equal to 1 indicates parity between the richest and poorest quintiles. In general, a value less than 1 indicates disparity in favor of the richest quintile and a value greater than 1 indicates disparity in favor of the poorest quintile. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute for Statistics:",[],,,,,float,[],29485a9945ea0aced41c2230ce3255b1,7e2d3cbe6be904168d7c09d6ebe4ff45 943014,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, male, adjusted location parity index (LPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:44,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__male__adjusted_location_parity_index__lpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__male__adjusted_location_parity_index__lpia,,2,,,,,,,,"The Adjusted Location Parity Index (LPIA) is calculated by dividing the rural value for the indicator by the urban value for the indicator. If the resulting value exceeds 1, the ratio is inverted and subtracted from 2. The adjusted location parity index is symmetrical around 1 and lies in the range 0-2. An adjusted LPI equal to 1 indicates parity between rural and urban locations. In general, a value less than 1 indicates disparity in favor of urban locations and a value greater than 1 indicates disparity in favor of rural locations. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute for Statistics:",[],,,,,float,[],c3c46588deb28b97c4dc6474480adabe,d940727ca2204bae1252ef1a5b14175f 943013,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, fourth quintile, male (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:44,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__fourth_quintile__male__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__fourth_quintile__male__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],cfc48e5ac5749bce7cb229529d001f9b,f3416dcb680c8e2df2d94a70a262aefb 943012,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, fourth quintile, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:44,2024-07-09 16:16:50,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__fourth_quintile__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__fourth_quintile__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],12108c55870ea138361d62f2efa07f03,93ed2b5db133c3dcba620d400b87d7f5 943011,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, fourth quintile, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:44,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__fourth_quintile__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__fourth_quintile__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],48a89874d6a67ed351e9d0cbd3ed1343,fb509c3735e56c15ffadda81f6382850 943010,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, female (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:44,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__female__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__female__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],a88e015367f4eac408562679f1c11c69,3ebe8ab6c62e7d16e3041be428a8f71a 943009,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, female, adjusted wealth parity index (WPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:43,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__female__adjusted_wealth_parity_index__wpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__female__adjusted_wealth_parity_index__wpia,,2,,,,,,,,"The Adjusted Wealth Parity Index (WPIA) is calculated by dividing the poorest quintile value for the indicator by the richest quintile value for the indicator. If the resulting value exceeds 1, the ratio is inverted and subtracted from 2. The adjusted wealth parity index is symmetrical around 1 and lies in the range 0-2. An adjusted WPI equal to 1 indicates parity between the richest and poorest quintiles. In general, a value less than 1 indicates disparity in favor of the richest quintile and a value greater than 1 indicates disparity in favor of the poorest quintile. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute for Statistics:",[],,,,,float,[],3e60f2feebb348e159c9f9c9bfecc015,029dcf517cf2bfacd65b5c9ded5f03d0 943008,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, female, adjusted location parity index (LPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:43,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__female__adjusted_location_parity_index__lpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__female__adjusted_location_parity_index__lpia,,2,,,,,,,,"The Adjusted Location Parity Index (LPIA) is calculated by dividing the rural value for the indicator by the urban value for the indicator. If the resulting value exceeds 1, the ratio is inverted and subtracted from 2. The adjusted location parity index is symmetrical around 1 and lies in the range 0-2. An adjusted LPI equal to 1 indicates parity between rural and urban locations. In general, a value less than 1 indicates disparity in favor of urban locations and a value greater than 1 indicates disparity in favor of rural locations. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute for Statistics:",[],,,,,float,[],d0634b4d0046133825fdcb7191c3fa9b,c51fc848e0d6534b7c518bc6c5906f82 943007,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, both sexes (%)",%,,2024-06-25 08:12:43,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,%,"{""unit"": ""%"", ""shortUnit"": ""%"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__both_sexes__pct,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__both_sexes__pct,,2,,,,,,,,"Total number of students of the official age group for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population. Divide the total number of students in the official school age range for upper secondary education who are attending school at any level of education by the population of the same age group and multiply the result by 100. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR provides a measure of the proportion of children in the official relevant school age group who are attending levels of education below the one intended for their age. The difference between the total NAR and the adjusted NAR for upper secondary education is due to attendance in of pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute of Statistics website:",[],,,,,float,[],cce44629062a5b526b3a691cb8ddbe56,1977d4f8e2713e7c726ce633cea5adb3 943006,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, adjusted wealth parity index (WPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:43,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__adjusted_wealth_parity_index__wpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__adjusted_wealth_parity_index__wpia,,2,,,,,,,,"The Adjusted Wealth Parity Index (WPIA) is calculated by dividing the poorest quintile value for the indicator by the richest quintile value for the indicator. If the resulting value exceeds 1, the ratio is inverted and subtracted from 2. The adjusted wealth parity index is symmetrical around 1 and lies in the range 0-2. An adjusted WPI equal to 1 indicates parity between the richest and poorest quintiles. In general, a value less than 1 indicates disparity in favor of the richest quintile and a value greater than 1 indicates disparity in favor of the poorest quintile. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute for Statistics:",[],,,,,float,[],1e734e9a02bb043ac10eb6baacac4a5f,a64cef48689da6bc5746eb5f0d429094 943005,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, adjusted location parity index (LPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:43,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__adjusted_location_parity_index__lpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__adjusted_location_parity_index__lpia,,2,,,,,,,,"The Adjusted Location Parity Index (LPIA) is calculated by dividing the rural value for the indicator by the urban value for the indicator. If the resulting value exceeds 1, the ratio is inverted and subtracted from 2. The adjusted location parity index is symmetrical around 1 and lies in the range 0-2. An adjusted LPI equal to 1 indicates parity between rural and urban locations. In general, a value less than 1 indicates disparity in favor of urban locations and a value greater than 1 indicates disparity in favor of rural locations. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute for Statistics:",[],,,,,float,[],550869489764ddb971616a6d20933961,a0e5d7b49f9caf4db002109119d7bac5 943004,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:43,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,,2,,,,,,,,"The Adjusted Gender Parity Index (GPIA) is calculated by dividing the female value for the indicator by the male value for the indicator. If the resulting value exceeds 1, the ratio is inverted and subtracted from 2. The adjusted gender parity index is symmetrical around 1 and lies in the range 0-2. An adjusted GPI equal to 1 indicates parity between females and males. In general, a value less than 1 indicates disparity in favor of males and a value greater than 1 indicates disparity in favor of females. For more information, consult the UNESCO Institute for Statistics:",[],,,,,float,[],5a7823e73b63023c88d4f3a94eb1e54b,f8a1599e4705fc6a377748ec42384ced 943003,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, urban, second quintile, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:43,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__urban__second_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__urban__second_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],930e7371097205df63ad7a2639e334af,951785a8f20bc17bf6fdb8a12a34038e 943002,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, urban, richest quintile, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:43,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__urban__richest_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__urban__richest_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],30d290244679abd1cc6aa476209a2eab,144b92e0b4f72d15c9b58e8c92f3b424 943001,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, urban, poorest quintile, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:43,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__urban__poorest_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__urban__poorest_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],e4b766493f2b22058b5dc8e6d636ef6e,187fcd7011b919d710a63ed9db1ed778 943000,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, urban, middle quintile, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:43,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__urban__middle_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__urban__middle_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],4c923cf18703d51a037d0708c97460fc,679a6b7f709d36ec1d90ca0fe3af9f44 942999,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, urban, male, adjusted wealth parity index (WPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:43,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__urban__male__adjusted_wealth_parity_index__wpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__urban__male__adjusted_wealth_parity_index__wpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],122283d0da480c61ca2179c25de4f1c8,527d913287cdd96045e78f83e6729679 942998,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, urban, fourth quintile, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:42,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__urban__fourth_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__urban__fourth_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],63ae661ccc46165d8136685f70dbb0a7,5bb633d671d763a02a062404648713d3 942997,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, urban, adjusted wealth parity index (WPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:42,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__urban__adjusted_wealth_parity_index__wpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__urban__adjusted_wealth_parity_index__wpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],622cdc321506ef05d6a80ea16008ccd4,c735b6fc0bb100299151eee68f1a4292 942996,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, urban, female, adjusted wealth parity index (WPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:42,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__urban__female__adjusted_wealth_parity_index__wpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__urban__female__adjusted_wealth_parity_index__wpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],0c25c884a4a9d8428f1f1c28df2695db,8fe8e56a7e78222d696c911499f8f82f 942995,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, urban, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:42,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__urban__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__urban__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],fd7d25deb2d10b21bfa0a26b8956ede6,7724ad40dc0f8dc90f1da84a3ceb6d2a 942994,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, second quintile, male, adjusted location parity index (LPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:42,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__second_quintile__male__adjusted_location_parity_index__lpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__second_quintile__male__adjusted_location_parity_index__lpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],6dd2d94e6ffa5141901fb568cf8839fe,7cb57afaca4db2edf0da72116dcf99ef 942993,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, second quintile, female, adjusted location parity index (LPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:42,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__second_quintile__female__adjusted_location_parity_index__lpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__second_quintile__female__adjusted_location_parity_index__lpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],0916f094858776c066dc9abf0deeae23,ad5224617da5d5e2cd90c4b2a3052e99 942992,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, second quintile, adjusted location parity index (LPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:42,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__second_quintile__adjusted_location_parity_index__lpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__second_quintile__adjusted_location_parity_index__lpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],f3964ee08be2c25ba921b784b654ed78,2f0899b2bb2d0939641dd1ab55933126 942991,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, second quintile, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:42,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__second_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__second_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],e48cd958848da5fefc5a28e68c9971f0,d7978b9e1aa92758f4339e5d10263013 942990,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, rural, second quintile, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:42,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__rural__second_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__rural__second_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],d772d2a51570ae614da614f5e2a1e135,ef304c36cb541798394a9ae04e3a3542 942989,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, rural, richest quintile, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:42,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__rural__richest_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__rural__richest_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],aca39c1f8d950d17dad13fddc99540bd,f5568911ad7daf6741fd4a9aeacf396e 942988,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, rural, poorest quintile, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:42,2024-07-09 16:16:49,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__rural__poorest_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__rural__poorest_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],e3c52dca0a804f3d685daa521bdcc17b,8fe505a8295f419890e8be0bc49790cf 942987,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, rural, middle quintile, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:42,2024-07-09 16:16:48,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__rural__middle_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__rural__middle_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],6136d38827da7f14fc7186e5801d426e,119a31016029e252eaa82e86a996341c 942986,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, rural, male, adjusted wealth parity index (WPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:42,2024-07-09 16:16:48,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__rural__male__adjusted_wealth_parity_index__wpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__rural__male__adjusted_wealth_parity_index__wpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],ec31432d4adad9af56e632210f30bea3,35e802c6738eef8209a640993fc7fbdf 942985,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, rural, fourth quintile, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:41,2024-07-09 16:16:48,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__rural__fourth_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__rural__fourth_quintile__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],93f42f31970884a4508ff5af1c7be977,5fb6408870c7757604c174ed06956f8c 942984,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, rural, adjusted gender parity index (GPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:41,2024-07-09 16:16:48,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__rural__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__rural__adjusted_gender_parity_index__gpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],c9bb58f0a467418bec9776fda2b01320,38c48f5b35f87a28f64d0c4f82641752 942983,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, rural, female, adjusted wealth parity index (WPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:41,2024-07-09 16:16:48,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__rural__female__adjusted_wealth_parity_index__wpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__rural__female__adjusted_wealth_parity_index__wpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],8dc272299c8d423d42af7880afb6962c,29d0c64388416bef543e46d09b9aa04f 942982,"Total net attendance rate, upper secondary education, rural, adjusted wealth parity index (WPIA)",index,,2024-06-25 08:12:41,2024-07-09 16:16:48,,,2000-2023,6579,,,"{""unit"": ""index"", ""numDecimalPlaces"": 1}",0,,,total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__rural__adjusted_wealth_parity_index__wpia,grapher/unesco/2024-06-16/education_opri/education_opri#total_net_attendance_rate__upper_secondary_education__rural__adjusted_wealth_parity_index__wpia,,2,,,,,,,,,[],,,,,float,[],14999cb49f1c4cca518063c646a985fb,0a702fe8253aea832675a96869df4195