id,name,unit,description,createdAt,updatedAt,code,coverage,timespan,datasetId,sourceId,shortUnit,display,columnOrder,originalMetadata,grapherConfigAdmin,shortName,catalogPath,dimensions,schemaVersion,processingLevel,processingLog,titlePublic,titleVariant,attributionShort,attribution,descriptionShort,descriptionFromProducer,descriptionKey,descriptionProcessing,licenses,license,grapherConfigETL,type,sort,dataChecksum,metadataChecksum 491040,Rail lines density (total route in km per 100 square km of land area) | 00021016 || Value | 006124 || per 100 square kilometre of land area,per 100 square kilometre of land area,"Rail lines density corresponds to the ratio between the length of railway route available for train service, irrespective of the number of parallel tracks (rail lines, total route in km) with the area of the country.",2022-08-23 19:50:57,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2018,5712,26735,per 100 square km of land area,"{""name"": ""Rail lines density (total route in km per 100 square km of land area) - Value (per 100 square kilometre of land area)"", ""unit"": ""per 100 square kilometre of land area"", ""shortUnit"": ""per 100 square km of land area""}",0,{},,rail_lines_density_total_route_in_km_per_100_square_km_of_land_area_00021016_value_006124_per_100_square_kilometre_of_land_area,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491039,Value of food imports in total merchandise exports (percent) (3-year average) | 00021033 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,Value of food (excl. fish) imports over total merchandise exports.,2022-08-23 19:50:57,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2001-2018,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Value of food imports in total merchandise exports (percent) (3-year average) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,value_of_food_imports_in_total_merchandise_exports_percent_3_year_average_00021033_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491038,"Share of dietary energy supply derived from cereals, roots and tubers (kcal/cap/day) (3-year average) | 00021012 || Value | 006121 || percent",percent,"The indicator expresses the energy supply (in kcal/caput/day) provided by cereals, roots and tubers as a percentage of the total Dietary Energy Supply (DES) (in kcal/caput/day) calculated from the correponding countries in the FAOSTAT food balance sheets.",2022-08-23 19:50:57,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2001-2017,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Share of dietary energy supply derived from cereals, roots and tubers (kcal/cap/day) (3-year average) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,share_of_dietary_energy_supply_derived_from_cereals_roots_and_tubers_kcal_cap_day_3_year_average_00021012_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491037,Prevalence of undernourishment (percent) (annual value) | 00210040 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,The prevalence of undernourishment expresses the probability that a randomly selected individual from the population consumes an amount of calories that is insufficient to cover her/his energy requirement for an active and healthy life. The indicator is computed by comparing a probability distribution of habitual daily dietary energy consumption with a threshold level called the minimum dietary energy Requirement. Both are based on the notion of an average individual in the reference population.,2022-08-23 19:50:57,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2020,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Prevalence of undernourishment (percent) (annual value) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,prevalence_of_undernourishment_percent_annual_value_00210040_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491036,Prevalence of undernourishment (percent) (3-year average) | 00210041 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,The prevalence of undernourishment expresses the probability that a randomly selected individual from the population consumes an amount of calories that is insufficient to cover her/his energy requirement for an active and healthy life. The indicator is computed by comparing a probability distribution of habitual daily dietary energy consumption with a threshold level called the minimum dietary energy Requirement. Both are based on the notion of an average individual in the reference population.,2022-08-23 19:50:57,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2001-2019,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Prevalence of undernourishment (percent) (3-year average) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,prevalence_of_undernourishment_percent_3_year_average_00210041_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491035,Prevalence of severe food insecurity in the total population (percent) (3-year average) | 00210401 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,"The prevalence of severe food insecurity is an estimate of the percentage of people in the population who live in households classified as severely food insecure. The assessment is conducted using data collected with the Food Insecurity Experience Scale or a compatible experience-based food security measurement questionnaire (such as the HFSSM). The probability to be food insecure is estimated using the one-parameter logistic Item Response Theory model (the Rasch model) and thresholds for classification are made cross country comparable by calibrating the metrics obtained in each country against the FIES global reference scale, maintained by FAO. The threshold to classify ""severe"" food insecurity corresponds to the severity associated with the item ""having not eaten for an entire day"" on the global FIES scale. In simpler terms, a household is classified as severely food insecure when at least one adult in the household has reported to have been exposed, at times during the year, to several of the most severe experiences described in the FIES questions, such as to have been forced to reduce the quantity of the food, to have skipped meals, having gone hungry, or having to go for a whole day without eating because of a lack of money or other resources. It is an indicator of lack of food access.",2022-08-23 19:50:57,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2015-2019,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Prevalence of severe food insecurity in the total population (percent) (3-year average) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,prevalence_of_severe_food_insecurity_in_the_total_population_percent_3_year_average_00210401_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491034,Prevalence of severe food insecurity in the total population (percent) (annual value) | 00210400 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,"The prevalence of severe food insecurity is an estimate of the percentage of people in the population who live in households classified as severely food insecure. The assessment is conducted using data collected with the Food Insecurity Experience Scale or a compatible experience-based food security measurement questionnaire (such as the HFSSM). The probability to be food insecure is estimated using the one-parameter logistic Item Response Theory model (the Rasch model) and thresholds for classification are made cross country comparable by calibrating the metrics obtained in each country against the FIES global reference scale, maintained by FAO. The threshold to classify ""severe"" food insecurity corresponds to the severity associated with the item ""having not eaten for an entire day"" on the global FIES scale. In simpler terms, a household is classified as severely food insecure when at least one adult in the household has reported to have been exposed, at times during the year, to several of the most severe experiences described in the FIES questions, such as to have been forced to reduce the quantity of the food, to have skipped meals, having gone hungry, or having to go for a whole day without eating because of a lack of money or other resources. It is an indicator of lack of food access.",2022-08-23 19:50:57,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2014-2020,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Prevalence of severe food insecurity in the total population (percent) (annual value) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,prevalence_of_severe_food_insecurity_in_the_total_population_percent_annual_value_00210400_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491033,Prevalence of obesity in the adult population (18 years and older) | 00021042 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,Percentage of adults ages 18 and over whose Body Mass Index (BMI) is more than 30 kg/m2.,2022-08-23 19:50:57,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2016,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Prevalence of obesity in the adult population (18 years and older) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,prevalence_of_obesity_in_the_adult_population_18_years_and_older_00021042_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491032,Prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding among infants 0-5 months of age | 00021044 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,Percentage of children less than six months old who are fed breast milk alone (no other liquids) in the past 24 hours.,2022-08-23 19:50:56,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2019,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding among infants 0-5 months of age - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,prevalence_of_exclusive_breastfeeding_among_infants_0_5_months_of_age_00021044_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491031,Prevalence of anemia among women of reproductive age (15-49 years) | 00021043 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,Prevalence of anemia among women of reproductive age refers to the combined prevalence of both non-pregnant with haemoglobin levels below 12 g/dL and pregnant women with haemoglobin levels below 11 g/dL.,2022-08-23 19:50:56,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2019,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Prevalence of anemia among women of reproductive age (15-49 years) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,prevalence_of_anemia_among_women_of_reproductive_age_15_49_years_00021043_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491030,Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in the total population (percent) (annual value) | 00210090 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,"The prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity is an estimate of the percentage of people in the population who live in households classified as moderately or severely food insecure. The assessment is conducted using data collected with the Food Insecurity Experience Scale or a compatible experience-based food security measurement questionnaire (such as the HFSSM). The probability to be food insecure is estimated using the one-parameter logistic Item Response Theory model (the Rasch model) and thresholds for classification are made cross country comparable by calibrating the metrics obtained in each country against the FIES global reference scale, maintained by FAO. The threshold to classify ""moderate or severe"" food insecurity corresponds to the severity associated with the item ""having to eat less"" on the global FIES scale. In simpler terms, a household is classified as moderately or severely food insecure when at least one adult in the household has reported to have been exposed, at times during the year, to low quality diets and might have been forced to also reduce the quantity of food they would normally eat because of a lack of money or other resources. It is an indicator of lack of food access.",2022-08-23 19:50:56,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2014-2020,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in the total population (percent) (annual value) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,prevalence_of_moderate_or_severe_food_insecurity_in_the_total_population_percent_annual_value_00210090_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491029,Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in the total population (percent) (3-year average) | 00210091 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,"The prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity is an estimate of the percentage of people in the population who live in households classified as moderately or severely food insecure. The assessment is conducted using data collected with the Food Insecurity Experience Scale or a compatible experience-based food security measurement questionnaire (such as the HFSSM). The probability to be food insecure is estimated using the one-parameter logistic Item Response Theory model (the Rasch model) and thresholds for classification are made cross country comparable by calibrating the metrics obtained in each country against the FIES global reference scale, maintained by FAO. The threshold to classify ""moderate or severe"" food insecurity corresponds to the severity associated with the item ""having to eat less"" on the global FIES scale. In simpler terms, a household is classified as moderately or severely food insecure when at least one adult in the household has reported to have been exposed, at times during the year, to low quality diets and might have been forced to also reduce the quantity of food they would normally eat because of a lack of money or other resources. It is an indicator of lack of food access.",2022-08-23 19:50:56,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2015-2019,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in the total population (percent) (3-year average) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,prevalence_of_moderate_or_severe_food_insecurity_in_the_total_population_percent_3_year_average_00210091_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491028,Prevalence of low birthweight (percent) | 00021049 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,"Low birthweight is defined as a weight at birth of less than 2 500 grams (less than 5.51 lbs), regardless of gestational age.",2022-08-23 19:50:56,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2015,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Prevalence of low birthweight (percent) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,prevalence_of_low_birthweight_percent_00021049_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491027,Percentage of population using safely managed sanitation services (Percent) | 00021046 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,The percentage of the population using safely managed sanitation facilities which are not shared with other households and where excreta are safely disposed in situ or transported and treated off-site.,2022-08-23 19:50:56,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2020,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Percentage of population using safely managed sanitation services (Percent) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,percentage_of_population_using_safely_managed_sanitation_services_percent_00021046_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491026,Political stability and absence of violence/terrorism (index) | 00021032 || Value | 006125 || index,index,"Political stability and absence of violence measures perceptions of the likelihood that thegovernment will be destabilized or overthrown by unconstitutional or violent means, includingpolitically-motivated violence and terrorism.",2022-08-23 19:50:56,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2019,5712,26735,index,"{""name"": ""Political stability and absence of violence/terrorism (index) - Value (index)"", ""unit"": ""index"", ""shortUnit"": ""index""}",0,{},,political_stability_and_absence_of_violence_terrorism_index_00021032_value_006125_index,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491025,Percentage of population using at least basic sanitation services (percent) | 00021048 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,The?percentage of people using at least basic sanitation services. This indicator encompasses people using basic sanitation services as well as those using safely managed sanitation services. Basic sanitation facilities are defined as not shared with other household. Safely managed sanitation facilities are defined as improved facilities that are not shared with other households and where excreta are safely disposed of in situ or removed and treated offsite.,2022-08-23 19:50:56,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2020,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Percentage of population using at least basic sanitation services (percent) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,percentage_of_population_using_at_least_basic_sanitation_services_percent_00021048_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491024,Percentage of population using safely managed drinking water services (Percent) | 00021045 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,"The percentage of people using drinking water from an improved source that is accessible on premises, available when needed and free from faecal and priority chemical contamination. Improved water sources include piped water, boreholes or tubewells, protected dug wells, protected springs, and packaged or delivered water.",2022-08-23 19:50:56,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2020,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Percentage of population using safely managed drinking water services (Percent) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,percentage_of_population_using_safely_managed_drinking_water_services_percent_00021045_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491023,Percentage of population using at least basic drinking water services (percent) | 00021047 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,The?percentage of people using at least basic drinking water services. This indicator encompasses people using basic drinking water services as well as those using safely managed drinking water services. Basic drinking water services is defined as drinking water from an improved source.,2022-08-23 19:50:56,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2020,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Percentage of population using at least basic drinking water services (percent) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,percentage_of_population_using_at_least_basic_drinking_water_services_percent_00021047_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491022,Percentage of children under 5 years of age who are stunted (modelled estimates) (percent) | 00021025 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,Percentage of stunting (height-for-age less than -2 standard deviations of the WHO Child Growth Standards median) among children aged 0-59 months.,2022-08-23 19:50:56,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2020,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Percentage of children under 5 years of age who are stunted (modelled estimates) (percent) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,percentage_of_children_under_5_years_of_age_who_are_stunted_modelled_estimates_percent_00021025_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491021,Percentage of children under 5 years of age who are overweight (modelled estimates) (percent) | 00021041 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,Weight-for-height more than 2 standard deviations of the WHO Child Growth Standards median among children aged 0-59 months.,2022-08-23 19:50:56,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2020,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Percentage of children under 5 years of age who are overweight (modelled estimates) (percent) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,percentage_of_children_under_5_years_of_age_who_are_overweight_modelled_estimates_percent_00021041_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491020,Percentage of children under 5 years affected by wasting (percent) | 00021026 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,Weight-for-height is more than two standard deviations below the median for the international reference population aged 0-59 months.,2022-08-23 19:50:56,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2020,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Percentage of children under 5 years affected by wasting (percent) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,percentage_of_children_under_5_years_affected_by_wasting_percent_00021026_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491019,Per capita food supply variability (kcal/cap/day) | 00021031 || Value | 006128 || kilocalorie per capita per day,kilocalorie per capita per day,"Per capita food supply variability corresponds to the variability of the ""food supply in kcal/caput/day"" as disseminated in FAOSTAT.",2022-08-23 19:50:56,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2019,5712,26735,kcal/capita/day,"{""name"": ""Per capita food supply variability (kcal/cap/day) - Value (kilocalorie per capita per day)"", ""unit"": ""kilocalorie per capita per day"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal/capita/day""}",0,{},,per_capita_food_supply_variability_kcal_cap_day_00021031_value_006128_kilocalorie_per_capita_per_day,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491018,Percent of arable land equipped for irrigation (percent) (3-year average) | 00021034 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,Ratio between arable land equipped for irrigation and total arable land.,2022-08-23 19:50:56,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2001-2017,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Percent of arable land equipped for irrigation (percent) (3-year average) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,percent_of_arable_land_equipped_for_irrigation_percent_3_year_average_00021034_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491017,Per capita food production variability (constant 2004-2006 thousand int$ per capita) | 00021030 || Value | 006127 || 1000 international dollars,1000 international dollars,"Per capita food production variability corresponds to the variability of the ""food net per capita production value in constant 2004-2006 international $"" as disseminated in FAOSTAT.",2022-08-23 19:50:55,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2001-2017,5712,26735,1000 I$,"{""name"": ""Per capita food production variability (constant 2004-2006 thousand int$ per capita) - Value (1000 international dollars)"", ""unit"": ""1000 international dollars"", ""shortUnit"": ""1000 I$""}",0,{},,per_capita_food_production_variability_constant_2004_2006_thousand_intdollar_per_capita_00021030_value_006127_1000_international_dollars,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491016,Number of women of reproductive age (15-49 years) affected by anemia (million) | 00210430 || Value | 006132 || millions,millions,Prevalence of anemia among women of reproductive age refers to the combined prevalence of both non-pregnant with haemoglobin levels below 12 g/dL and pregnant women with haemoglobin levels below 11 g/dL.,2022-08-23 19:50:55,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2019,5712,26735,millions,"{""name"": ""Number of women of reproductive age (15-49 years) affected by anemia (million) - Value (millions)"", ""unit"": ""millions"", ""shortUnit"": ""millions""}",0,{},,number_of_women_of_reproductive_age_15_49_years_affected_by_anemia_million_00210430_value_006132_millions,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491015,Number of severely food insecure people (million) (annual value) | 00210070 || Value | 006132 || millions,millions,Estimated number of people living in households classified as severely food insecure. It is calculated by multiplying the estimated percentage of people affected by severe food insecurity (I_2.4) by the total population.,2022-08-23 19:50:55,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2014-2020,5712,26735,millions,"{""name"": ""Number of severely food insecure people (million) (annual value) - Value (millions)"", ""unit"": ""millions"", ""shortUnit"": ""millions""}",0,{},,number_of_severely_food_insecure_people_million_annual_value_00210070_value_006132_millions,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491014,Number of people undernourished (million) (annual value) | 00210010 || Value | 006132 || millions,millions,Estimated number of people at risk of undernourishment. It is calculated by applying the estimated prevalence of undernourishment to total population in each period.,2022-08-23 19:50:55,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2020,5712,26735,millions,"{""name"": ""Number of people undernourished (million) (annual value) - Value (millions)"", ""unit"": ""millions"", ""shortUnit"": ""millions""}",0,{},,number_of_people_undernourished_million_annual_value_00210010_value_006132_millions,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491013,Number of severely food insecure people (million) (3-year average) | 00210071 || Value | 006132 || millions,millions,Estimated number of people living in households classified as severely food insecure. It is calculated by multiplying the estimated percentage of people affected by severe food insecurity (I_2.4) by the total population.,2022-08-23 19:50:55,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2015-2019,5712,26735,millions,"{""name"": ""Number of severely food insecure people (million) (3-year average) - Value (millions)"", ""unit"": ""millions"", ""shortUnit"": ""millions""}",0,{},,number_of_severely_food_insecure_people_million_3_year_average_00210071_value_006132_millions,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491012,Number of people undernourished (million) (3-year average) | 00210011 || Value | 006132 || millions,millions,Estimated number of people at risk of undernourishment. It is calculated by applying the estimated prevalence of undernourishment to total population in each period.,2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2001-2019,5712,26735,millions,"{""name"": ""Number of people undernourished (million) (3-year average) - Value (millions)"", ""unit"": ""millions"", ""shortUnit"": ""millions""}",0,{},,number_of_people_undernourished_million_3_year_average_00210011_value_006132_millions,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491011,Number of obese adults (18 years and older) (million) | 00210420 || Value | 006132 || millions,millions,Percentage of adults ages 18 and over whose Body Mass Index (BMI) is more than 30 kg/m2.,2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2016,5712,26735,millions,"{""name"": ""Number of obese adults (18 years and older) (million) - Value (millions)"", ""unit"": ""millions"", ""shortUnit"": ""millions""}",0,{},,number_of_obese_adults_18_years_and_older_million_00210420_value_006132_millions,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491010,Number of moderately or severely food insecure people (million) (3-year average) | 00210081 || Value | 006132 || millions,millions,Estimated number of people living in households classified as moderately or severely food insecure. It is calculated by multiplying the estimated percentage of people affected by moderate or severe food insecurity by the total population.,2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2015-2019,5712,26735,millions,"{""name"": ""Number of moderately or severely food insecure people (million) (3-year average) - Value (millions)"", ""unit"": ""millions"", ""shortUnit"": ""millions""}",0,{},,number_of_moderately_or_severely_food_insecure_people_million_3_year_average_00210081_value_006132_millions,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491009,Minimum dietary energy requirement (kcal/cap/day) | 00021056 || Value | 006128 || kilocalorie per capita per day,kilocalorie per capita per day,"In a specified age/sex category, MDER is the minimum amount of dietary energy per person that is considered adequate to meet the energy needs at a minimum acceptable BMI of an individual engaged in low physical activity. If referring to an entire population, the MDER is the weighted average of the minimum energy requirements of the different age/sex groups. It is expressed as kilocalories per person per day.",2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2020,5712,26735,kcal/capita/day,"{""name"": ""Minimum dietary energy requirement (kcal/cap/day) - Value (kilocalorie per capita per day)"", ""unit"": ""kilocalorie per capita per day"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal/capita/day""}",0,{},,minimum_dietary_energy_requirement_kcal_cap_day_00021056_value_006128_kilocalorie_per_capita_per_day,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491008,Incidence of caloric losses at retail distribution level (percent) | 00021059 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,Incidence of caloric losses at retail distribution level.,2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2020,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Incidence of caloric losses at retail distribution level (percent) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,incidence_of_caloric_losses_at_retail_distribution_level_percent_00021059_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491007,Number of moderately or severely food insecure people (million) (annual value) | 00210080 || Value | 006132 || millions,millions,Estimated number of people living in households classified as moderately or severely food insecure. It is calculated by multiplying the estimated percentage of people affected by moderate or severe food insecurity by the total population.,2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2014-2020,5712,26735,millions,"{""name"": ""Number of moderately or severely food insecure people (million) (annual value) - Value (millions)"", ""unit"": ""millions"", ""shortUnit"": ""millions""}",0,{},,number_of_moderately_or_severely_food_insecure_people_million_annual_value_00210080_value_006132_millions,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491006,Number of newborns with low birthweight (million) | 00210490 || Value | 006132 || millions,millions,"Low birthweight is defined as a weight at birth of less than 2 500 grams (less than 5.51 lbs), regardless of gestational age.",2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2015,5712,26735,millions,"{""name"": ""Number of newborns with low birthweight (million) - Value (millions)"", ""unit"": ""millions"", ""shortUnit"": ""millions""}",0,{},,number_of_newborns_with_low_birthweight_million_00210490_value_006132_millions,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491005,Number of children under 5 years of age who are stunted (modeled estimates) (million) | 00210250 || Value | 006132 || millions,millions,Percentage of stunting (height-for-age less than -2 standard deviations of the WHO Child Growth Standards median) among children aged 0-59 months.,2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2020,5712,26735,millions,"{""name"": ""Number of children under 5 years of age who are stunted (modeled estimates) (million) - Value (millions)"", ""unit"": ""millions"", ""shortUnit"": ""millions""}",0,{},,number_of_children_under_5_years_of_age_who_are_stunted_modeled_estimates_million_00210250_value_006132_millions,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491004,Number of children under 5 years of age who are overweight (modeled estimates) (million) | 00210410 || Value | 006132 || millions,millions,Weight-for-height more than 2 standard deviations of the WHO Child Growth Standards median among children aged 0-59 months.,2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2020,5712,26735,millions,"{""name"": ""Number of children under 5 years of age who are overweight (modeled estimates) (million) - Value (millions)"", ""unit"": ""millions"", ""shortUnit"": ""millions""}",0,{},,number_of_children_under_5_years_of_age_who_are_overweight_modeled_estimates_million_00210410_value_006132_millions,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491003,Number of children under 5 years affected by wasting (million) | 00210260 || Value | 006132 || millions,millions,Weight-for-height is more than two standard deviations below the median for the international reference population aged 0-59 months.,2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2020,5712,26735,millions,"{""name"": ""Number of children under 5 years affected by wasting (million) - Value (millions)"", ""unit"": ""millions"", ""shortUnit"": ""millions""}",0,{},,number_of_children_under_5_years_affected_by_wasting_million_00210260_value_006132_millions,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491002,Coefficient of variation of habitual caloric consumption distribution (real number) | 00021058 || Value | 006173 || Number,Number,"For many countries, the coefficient of variation, taken as an indicator of the dispersion of the food consumption distribution within the general population, is derived from available household surveys that collect data on both food consumption/acquisition and income/expenditure. When appropriate data for directly estimating the variability of food consumption are not readily available, indirect procedures are used by FAO to estimate a suitable value for this parameter.",2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2020,5712,26735,Number,"{""name"": ""Coefficient of variation of habitual caloric consumption distribution (real number) - Value (Number)"", ""unit"": ""Number"", ""shortUnit"": ""Number""}",0,{},,coefficient_of_variation_of_habitual_caloric_consumption_distribution_real_number_00021058_value_006173_number,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491001,Cereal import dependency ratio (percent) (3-year average) | 00021035 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,The cereal imports dependency ratio tells how much of the available domestic food supply of cereals has been imported and how much comes from the country's own production. It is computed as(cereal imports - cereal exports)/(cereal production + cereal imports - cereal exports) * 100 Given this formula the indicator assumes only values <= 100. Negative values indicate that the country is a net exporter of cereals.,2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2001-2017,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Cereal import dependency ratio (percent) (3-year average) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,cereal_import_dependency_ratio_percent_3_year_average_00021035_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 491000,Average supply of protein of animal origin (g/cap/day) (3-year average) | 00021014 || Value | 006123 || grams per capita per day,grams per capita per day,"National average protein supply (expressed in grams per caput per day). It includes the following groups: meat; offals; animal fats and products; milk and products; eggs, fish, seafood and products; and acquatic products, other.",2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2001-2017,5712,26735,g/capita/day,"{""name"": ""Average supply of protein of animal origin (g/cap/day) (3-year average) - Value (grams per capita per day)"", ""unit"": ""grams per capita per day"", ""shortUnit"": ""g/capita/day""}",0,{},,average_supply_of_protein_of_animal_origin_g_cap_day_3_year_average_00021014_value_006123_grams_per_capita_per_day,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490999,"Gross domestic product per capita, PPP, dissemination (constant 2011 international $) | 00022013 || Value | 006126 || international dollar",international dollar,GDP per capita based on purchasing power parity (PPP). PPP GDP is gross domestic product converted to international dollars using purchasing power parity rates. An international dollar has the same purchasing power over GDP as the U.S. dollar has in the United States. GDP at purchaser's prices is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources. Data are in constant 2011 international dollars.,2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2020,5712,26735,I$,"{""name"": ""Gross domestic product per capita, PPP, dissemination (constant 2011 international $) - Value (international dollar)"", ""unit"": ""international dollar"", ""shortUnit"": ""I$""}",0,{},,gross_domestic_product_per_capita_ppp_dissemination_constant_2011_international_dollar_00022013_value_006126_international_dollar,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490998,Dietary energy supply used in the estimation of prevalence of undernourishment (kcal/cap/day) (3-year average) | 00022000 || Value | 006128 || kilocalorie per capita per day,kilocalorie per capita per day,National average dietary energy supply (DES) (expressed in calories per caput per day) used in the estimation of prevalence of undernourishment. The data may be different from the DES data published in the Food Balance Sheets domain.,2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2001-2019,5712,26735,kcal/capita/day,"{""name"": ""Dietary energy supply used in the estimation of prevalence of undernourishment (kcal/cap/day) (3-year average) - Value (kilocalorie per capita per day)"", ""unit"": ""kilocalorie per capita per day"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal/capita/day""}",0,{},,dietary_energy_supply_used_in_the_estimation_of_prevalence_of_undernourishment_kcal_cap_day_3_year_average_00022000_value_006128_kilocalorie_per_capita_per_day,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490997,Average fat supply (g/cap/day) (3-year average) | 00021061 || Value | 006123 || grams per capita per day,grams per capita per day,National average fat supply (expressed in grams per caput per day).,2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2001-2017,5712,26735,g/capita/day,"{""name"": ""Average fat supply (g/cap/day) (3-year average) - Value (grams per capita per day)"", ""unit"": ""grams per capita per day"", ""shortUnit"": ""g/capita/day""}",0,{},,average_fat_supply_g_cap_day_3_year_average_00021061_value_006123_grams_per_capita_per_day,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490996,Average dietary energy requirement (kcal/cap/day) | 00021057 || Value | 006128 || kilocalorie per capita per day,kilocalorie per capita per day,The ADER is a proper normative reference for adequate nutrition in the population.,2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2000-2020,5712,26735,kcal/capita/day,"{""name"": ""Average dietary energy requirement (kcal/cap/day) - Value (kilocalorie per capita per day)"", ""unit"": ""kilocalorie per capita per day"", ""shortUnit"": ""kcal/capita/day""}",0,{},,average_dietary_energy_requirement_kcal_cap_day_00021057_value_006128_kilocalorie_per_capita_per_day,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490995,Average dietary energy supply adequacy (percent) (3-year average) | 00021010 || Value | 006121 || percent,percent,The indicator expresses the Dietary Energy Supply (DES) as a percentage of the Average Dietary Energy Requirement (ADER). Each country's or region's average supply of calories for food consumption is normalized by the average dietary energy requirement estimated for its population to provide an index of adequacy of the food supply in terms of calories.,2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2001-2019,5712,26735,%,"{""name"": ""Average dietary energy supply adequacy (percent) (3-year average) - Value (percent)"", ""unit"": ""percent"", ""shortUnit"": ""%""}",0,{},,average_dietary_energy_supply_adequacy_percent_3_year_average_00021010_value_006121_percent,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490994,Average value of food production (constant 2004-2006 I$/cap) (3-year average) | 00021011 || Value | 006122 || international dollars per person,international dollars per person,,2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2001-2017,5712,26735,I$ per person,"{""name"": ""Average value of food production (constant 2004-2006 I$/cap) (3-year average) - Value (international dollars per person)"", ""unit"": ""international dollars per person"", ""shortUnit"": ""I$ per person""}",0,{},,average_value_of_food_production_constant_2004_2006_idollar_cap_3_year_average_00021011_value_006122_international_dollars_per_person,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 490993,Average protein supply (g/cap/day) (3-year average) | 00021013 || Value | 006123 || grams per capita per day,grams per capita per day,National average protein supply (expressed in grams per caput per day).,2022-08-23 19:50:53,2023-06-15 05:05:42,,,2001-2017,5712,26735,g/capita/day,"{""name"": ""Average protein supply (g/cap/day) (3-year average) - Value (grams per capita per day)"", ""unit"": ""grams per capita per day"", ""shortUnit"": ""g/capita/day""}",0,{},,average_protein_supply_g_cap_day_3_year_average_00021013_value_006123_grams_per_capita_per_day,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,