sources: 22560
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id | name | description | createdAt | updatedAt | datasetId | additionalInfo | link | dataPublishedBy |
22560 | Data from multiple sources compiled by the UN | { "link": "", "retrievedDate": "2022-05-03", "additionalInfo": "Variable description: Proportions of positions in the judiciary compared to national distributions (ratio) \n \n Variable code: SG_DMK_JDC \n \n Metadata available at: and \n \n Detailed sources: STATISTIK AUSTRIA Supreme Judicial Council Administrative data from: High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Court of BiH, Court of FBiH and Court of RS. The Supreme Court of the Union Personnel records of Ministry of Justice and Public Administration of the Republic of Croatia Administrative records of the Judicial service of the Republic. Czech Statistical\u00a0 Office Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic Register-based labour force statistics. Denmark \u2013 Register based Labour Force Survey Judiciary Council Staff Information Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Estonia Statistics Finland Palestinian central bureau of statistic Federal Office of Justice Administrative data from Ministry of Justice Division des Ressources Humaines du Minist\u00e8re de la justice / Chambre Nationale des Huissiers de Justice / Barreau de l'Ordre des Avocats / Chambre Nationale des Notaires de Guin\u00e9e Supreme Court of Judicature\nCourt of Appeal The Judiciary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Judges and Registrars Division Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Data provided by the Department for Ensuring the Activities of Courts under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Judiciary; 2 19 KPH Census Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia for Supreme Court (OGH), Court of Justice, Court of Appeal\n for Constitutional Court, Administrative Court Register of Judges for data on judges, Register of the Civil servants for data on registrars. MALDIVES BUREAU OF STATISTICS National Statistical Office of Malta The Judiciary National level: Censo Nacional de Impartici\u00f3n de Justicia Federal 2 2 \n 2 /\nSub-national level: Censo Nacional de Impartici\u00f3n de Justicia Estatal 2 2 \n 2 / Court Administration Agency, Ministry of Justice National Bureau of Statistics We have used register-based data in order to report the number of judiciary personnel. We were not able to disaggregate by type of court. You will therefore only get the total numbers of personnel in the judiciary but they are disaggregated by type of position and for each socio-demographic characteristics, except for Disability status. \n\nHere you can read more about our register-based data:, \nand here for immigrants:\n\nThe numbers we report are based on a data collection containing personnel in the industry '84.23 : Justice and judicial activities' with the occupations '2611: Lawyers', '2612: Judges' or '2619: Legal professionals not elsewhere classified'. Read more about the classifications we use on industry (SIC 2 7: and occupations (ISCO- 8: in order to see what is included or not. We have used register-based data in order to report the number of judiciary personnel. We were not able to disaggregate by type of court. You will therefore only get the total numbers of personnel in the judiciary but they are disaggregated by type of position and for each socio-demographic characteristics, except for Disability status. \n\nHere you can read more about our register-based data:, \nand here for immigrants:\n\nThe numbers we report are based on a data collection containing personnel in the industry '84.230: Justice and judicial activities' with the occupations '2611: Lawyers', '2612: Judges' or '2619: Legal professionals not elsewhere classified'. Read more about the classifications we use on industry (SIC 2007: and occupations (ISCO-08: in order to see what is included or not. Labour Force Survey 2 17/2 18 Micro Data Direcci\u00f3n Administrativa de Estad\u00edsticas Judiciales \u00d3rgano Judicial HR and Financial System: ZSRK (based on SAP) Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic; Trexima Instituto Nacional de Estad\u00edstica Statistics Sweden Structural Survey 21-statistics\n\nDiversity of the judiciary 2 21 statistics: Data tables (see table 3.1) RVE", "dataPublishedBy": "United Nations Statistics Division", "dataPublisherSource": "Data from multiple sources compiled by the UN" } |
2022-04-11 13:12:51 | 2022-05-03 15:24:37 | 5575 | Variable description: Proportions of positions in the judiciary compared to national distributions (ratio) Variable code: SG_DMK_JDC Metadata available at: and Detailed sources: STATISTIK AUSTRIA Supreme Judicial Council Administrative data from: High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Court of BiH, Court of FBiH and Court of RS. The Supreme Court of the Union Personnel records of Ministry of Justice and Public Administration of the Republic of Croatia Administrative records of the Judicial service of the Republic. Czech Statistical Office Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic Register-based labour force statistics. Denmark – Register based Labour Force Survey Judiciary Council Staff Information Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Estonia Statistics Finland Palestinian central bureau of statistic Federal Office of Justice Administrative data from Ministry of Justice Division des Ressources Humaines du Ministère de la justice / Chambre Nationale des Huissiers de Justice / Barreau de l'Ordre des Avocats / Chambre Nationale des Notaires de Guinée Supreme Court of Judicature Court of Appeal The Judiciary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Judges and Registrars Division Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Data provided by the Department for Ensuring the Activities of Courts under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Judiciary; 2 19 KPH Census Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia for Supreme Court (OGH), Court of Justice, Court of Appeal for Constitutional Court, Administrative Court Register of Judges for data on judges, Register of the Civil servants for data on registrars. MALDIVES BUREAU OF STATISTICS National Statistical Office of Malta The Judiciary National level: Censo Nacional de Impartición de Justicia Federal 2 2 2 / Sub-national level: Censo Nacional de Impartición de Justicia Estatal 2 2 2 / Court Administration Agency, Ministry of Justice National Bureau of Statistics We have used register-based data in order to report the number of judiciary personnel. We were not able to disaggregate by type of court. You will therefore only get the total numbers of personnel in the judiciary but they are disaggregated by type of position and for each socio-demographic characteristics, except for Disability status. Here you can read more about our register-based data:, and here for immigrants: The numbers we report are based on a data collection containing personnel in the industry '84.23 : Justice and judicial activities' with the occupations '2611: Lawyers', '2612: Judges' or '2619: Legal professionals not elsewhere classified'. Read more about the classifications we use on industry (SIC 2 7: and occupations (ISCO- 8: in order to see what is included or not. We have used register-based data in order to report the number of judiciary personnel. We were not able to disaggregate by type of court. You will therefore only get the total numbers of personnel in the judiciary but they are disaggregated by type of position and for each socio-demographic characteristics, except for Disability status. Here you can read more about our register-based data:, and here for immigrants: The numbers we report are based on a data collection containing personnel in the industry '84.230: Justice and judicial activities' with the occupations '2611: Lawyers', '2612: Judges' or '2619: Legal professionals not elsewhere classified'. Read more about the classifications we use on industry (SIC 2007: and occupations (ISCO-08: in order to see what is included or not. Labour Force Survey 2 17/2 18 Micro Data Dirección Administrativa de Estadísticas Judiciales Órgano Judicial HR and Financial System: ZSRK (based on SAP) Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic; Trexima Instituto Nacional de Estadística Statistics Sweden Structural Survey 21-statistics Diversity of the judiciary 2 21 statistics: Data tables (see table 3.1) RVE | | United Nations Statistics Division |
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