id,name,description,createdAt,updatedAt,datasetId,additionalInfo,link,dataPublishedBy 21327,Sevilla et al. (2023),"{""link"": """", ""retrievedDate"": ""2023-06-02"", ""additionalInfo"": ""We update this chart with the latest available data from our source every month.\n\nThe authors selected the AI systems for inclusion based on the following necessary criteria:\n— Have an explicit learning component\n— Showcase experimental results\n— Advance the state of the art\n\nIn addition, the systems had to meet at least one of the following notability criteria:\n— Paper has more than 1000 citations\n— Historical importance\n— Important state-of-the-art advance\n— Deployed in a notable context\n\nThe authors note that: \""For new models (from 2020 onward) it is harder to assess these criteria, so we fall back to a subjective selection. We refer to models meeting our selection criteria as 'milestone models.'\""\n\nThe authors have published the following articles based on the data:\n– Sevilla, Heim, Ho, Besiroglu, Hobbhahn, & Villalobos (2022). Compute Trends Across Three Eras of Machine Learning. arXiv.\n– Villalobos, Sevilla, Besiroglu, Heim, Ho, & Hobbhahn (2022). Machine Learning Model Sizes and the Parameter Gap. arXiv.\n– Villalobos & Ho (2022). Trends in Training Dataset Sizes. Published online at [online resource]"", ""dataPublishedBy"": ""Sevilla, Villalobos, Cerón, Burtell, Heim, Nanjajjar, Ho, Besiroglu, Hobbhahn, Denain, and Dudney (2023) Parameter, Compute, and Data Trends in Machine Learning."", ""dataPublisherSource"": ""Published results in artificial intelligence and machine learning""}",2022-02-15 13:49:44,2023-06-02 21:05:39,5515,"We update this chart with the latest available data from our source every month. The authors selected the AI systems for inclusion based on the following necessary criteria: — Have an explicit learning component — Showcase experimental results — Advance the state of the art In addition, the systems had to meet at least one of the following notability criteria: — Paper has more than 1000 citations — Historical importance — Important state-of-the-art advance — Deployed in a notable context The authors note that: ""For new models (from 2020 onward) it is harder to assess these criteria, so we fall back to a subjective selection. We refer to models meeting our selection criteria as 'milestone models.'"" The authors have published the following articles based on the data: – Sevilla, Heim, Ho, Besiroglu, Hobbhahn, & Villalobos (2022). Compute Trends Across Three Eras of Machine Learning. arXiv. – Villalobos, Sevilla, Besiroglu, Heim, Ho, & Hobbhahn (2022). Machine Learning Model Sizes and the Parameter Gap. arXiv. – Villalobos & Ho (2022). Trends in Training Dataset Sizes. Published online at [online resource]",,"Sevilla, Villalobos, Cerón, Burtell, Heim, Nanjajjar, Ho, Besiroglu, Hobbhahn, Denain, and Dudney (2023) Parameter, Compute, and Data Trends in Machine Learning."