id,name,description,createdAt,updatedAt,datasetId,additionalInfo,link,dataPublishedBy 560,World Value Survey (2014),"{""link"": """", ""retrievedDate"": ""27/07/2016"", ""additionalInfo"": ""The data in the World Value Survey comes from surveys conducted in waves. The years in the dataset correspond to the end year in the corresponding wave. For example, observations from surveys in the wave 1981-1984 are dated 1984.\n\nThe dataset includes observations for Egypt. However, we have excluded these observations from our analysis. This is because the survey for Egypt in the wave labeled 2014 is from 2012, which was a year characterized by extreme political instability."", ""dataPublishedBy"": ""World Value Survey (Longitudinal Multiple-Wave file, version 2015)"", ""dataPublisherSource"": ""Household surveys (representative at the national level)""}",2017-04-24 23:58:32,2017-11-02 13:04:39,438,"The data in the World Value Survey comes from surveys conducted in waves. The years in the dataset correspond to the end year in the corresponding wave. For example, observations from surveys in the wave 1981-1984 are dated 1984. The dataset includes observations for Egypt. However, we have excluded these observations from our analysis. This is because the survey for Egypt in the wave labeled 2014 is from 2012, which was a year characterized by extreme political instability.",,"World Value Survey (Longitudinal Multiple-Wave file, version 2015)"