id,name,description,createdAt,updatedAt,datasetId,additionalInfo,link,dataPublishedBy 17071,Bachmann and Baumgarten (2013),"{""link"": "" (Table 5)"", ""retrievedDate"": ""30/10/19"", ""additionalInfo"": ""The EU-LFS survey question(s) asked to determine the job search methods used by respondents vary country to country. For exact question(s) asked by country, see the EU-LFS core questionnaires documentation. \n\nThe authors note the \""annual dataset [...] consists of yearly cross-sections. This means it is not possible to follow individuals over time.\""\n\nNote: The method “Test, interview, or examination” is not surveyed in the UK, therefore it is not strictly comparable across countries. \n\n"", ""dataPublishedBy"": ""Bachmann and Baumgarten: How do the unemployed search for a job? – Evidence from the EU Labour Force Survey. IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 2013, 2:22"", ""dataPublisherSource"": ""European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS), years 2006-2008""}",2019-10-30 23:16:57,2019-10-30 23:16:57,4243,"The EU-LFS survey question(s) asked to determine the job search methods used by respondents vary country to country. For exact question(s) asked by country, see the EU-LFS core questionnaires documentation. The authors note the ""annual dataset [...] consists of yearly cross-sections. This means it is not possible to follow individuals over time."" Note: The method “Test, interview, or examination” is not surveyed in the UK, therefore it is not strictly comparable across countries. ", (Table 5),"Bachmann and Baumgarten: How do the unemployed search for a job? – Evidence from the EU Labour Force Survey. IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 2013, 2:22"