17001,"Users by social media platform, Statista and TNW (2019)","{""link"": ""Statista: and TNW:"", ""retrievedDate"": ""22/07/2019"", ""additionalInfo"": ""Estimates from Statista correspond to yearly averages (Statista publishes monthly or quarterly figures). Estimates from TNW correspond to the first figure provided for the corresponding year (TNW published an animation with interpolated data). \n\nEstimates for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Pinterest are taken from Statista. All other series come from TNW. TNW does not provide details regarding their underlying sources but our analysis suggests their estimates are consistent with primary sources and reports such as company earnings press releases, official company websites, and published articles.\n\nStatista uses monthly active users to measure social media platform usage. Statista specifies \""Facebook measures monthly active users (MAUs) as users that have logged in during the past 30 days. Users are counted separately for Facebook and other apps. Statista specifies \""Figures do not include Instagram or WhatsApp users unless they would otherwise qualify as such users, respectively, based on their other activities on Facebook.\""\n\nFurther details regarding the source breakdown for each series can be found here. "", ""dataPublishedBy"": ""Statista and The Next Web""}",2019-07-22 17:00:30,2019-07-22 17:00:30,4173,"Estimates from Statista correspond to yearly averages (Statista publishes monthly or quarterly figures). Estimates from TNW correspond to the first figure provided for the corresponding year (TNW published an animation with interpolated data).
Estimates for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Pinterest are taken from Statista. All other series come from TNW. TNW does not provide details regarding their underlying sources but our analysis suggests their estimates are consistent with primary sources and reports such as company earnings press releases, official company websites, and published articles.
Statista uses monthly active users to measure social media platform usage. Statista specifies ""Facebook measures monthly active users (MAUs) as users that have logged in during the past 30 days. Users are counted separately for Facebook and other apps. Statista specifies ""Figures do not include Instagram or WhatsApp users unless they would otherwise qualify as such users, respectively, based on their other activities on Facebook.""
Further details regarding the source breakdown for each series can be found here. ",Statista: and TNW:,Statista and The Next Web