id,name,description,createdAt,updatedAt,datasetId,additionalInfo,link,dataPublishedBy 16964,"Hyde and Marinov (2012, 2015)","{""link"": """", ""retrievedDate"": ""2019-05-27"", ""additionalInfo"": ""This dataset gives the number of direct national elections held in each country in each year 1945–2012. These data are taken entirely from Susan Hyde and Nikolay Marinov's NELDA dataset (Version 4, 2015).\n\nFor a summary of the most important information about the NELDA dataset (e.g. which elections and countries are included), see their overview: \n\nSee also their 2012 paper, “Which Elections can be Lost?” Political Analysis, 20(2), 191–210, available at:\n\nNotes: “Serbia” refers to Yugoslavia for 1945–91 and to “Serbia and Montenegro” for 1992–2006. “Germany” refers to West Germany for 1945–89.\n\nHow the dataset \""Number of direct national elections — NELDA (2015)\"" was produced:"", ""dataPublishedBy"": ""Hyde, Susan D. and Nikolay Marinov, \""National Elections Across Democracy and Autocracy Dataset Version 4\"" (2015)."", ""dataPublisherSource"": ""\""Sources used to code the data are diverse, including scholarly studies of specific countries, the elections data handbooks published by Oxford University Press (Nohlen, Krennerich, and Thibaut 1999; Nohlen, Grotz and Hartmann 2001; Nohlen 2005), historical news archives available through ProQuest and Lexis-Nexis, the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s data and archives on parliamentary elections, and a number of other sources.\""""}",2019-06-05 03:26:32,2019-06-05 03:26:32,4135,"This dataset gives the number of direct national elections held in each country in each year 1945–2012. These data are taken entirely from Susan Hyde and Nikolay Marinov's NELDA dataset (Version 4, 2015). For a summary of the most important information about the NELDA dataset (e.g. which elections and countries are included), see their overview: See also their 2012 paper, “Which Elections can be Lost?” Political Analysis, 20(2), 191–210, available at: Notes: “Serbia” refers to Yugoslavia for 1945–91 and to “Serbia and Montenegro” for 1992–2006. “Germany” refers to West Germany for 1945–89. How the dataset ""Number of direct national elections — NELDA (2015)"" was produced:",,"Hyde, Susan D. and Nikolay Marinov, ""National Elections Across Democracy and Autocracy Dataset Version 4"" (2015)."