id,name,description,createdAt,updatedAt,datasetId,additionalInfo,link,dataPublishedBy 16959,"ICTD/UNU-WIDER Government Revenue Dataset, September 2019","{""link"": """", ""retrievedDate"": ""04/09/2019"", ""additionalInfo"": ""This data comes from the 'merged' dataset provided by ICTD, after excluding observations flagged as unreliable. Specifically, we excluded the observations where the ICTD indicated concerns about their quality, accuracy or comparability. Details regarding these flags, as well as the dataset more generally, are available Prichard, W. (2016). Reassessing Tax and Development Research: A New Dataset, New Findings, and Lessons for Research. World Development, 80, 48-60.\n\nThe September 2019 release differs from the previous release with the inclusion of new data for 2017. For more details on the Government Revenue Dataset see its update history. "", ""dataPublishedBy"": ""International Centre for Tax and Development / UNU-WIDER"", ""dataPublisherSource"": ""OECD Revenue Statistics; OECD Latin American Tax Statistics; IMF Government Finance Statistics (GFS); IMF Article IV Staff Reports; CEPALSTAT Revenue Statistics in Latin America.""}",2019-05-24 20:31:09,2019-05-24 20:31:09,4130,"This data comes from the 'merged' dataset provided by ICTD, after excluding observations flagged as unreliable. Specifically, we excluded the observations where the ICTD indicated concerns about their quality, accuracy or comparability. Details regarding these flags, as well as the dataset more generally, are available Prichard, W. (2016). Reassessing Tax and Development Research: A New Dataset, New Findings, and Lessons for Research. World Development, 80, 48-60. The September 2019 release differs from the previous release with the inclusion of new data for 2017. For more details on the Government Revenue Dataset see its update history. ",,International Centre for Tax and Development / UNU-WIDER