id,name,description,createdAt,updatedAt,datasetId,additionalInfo,link,dataPublishedBy 489," Vaccine Confidence Project, Larson et al (2016)","{""link"": """", ""retrievedDate"": ""15/02/2016"", ""additionalInfo"": ""Possible answers for all questions were those on the five-point Likert scale (strongly agree, tend to agree, do not know, tend to disagree, strongly disagree)."", ""dataPublishedBy"": ""Larson et al (2016) – The State of Vaccine Confidence 2016: Global Insights Through a 67-Country Survey."", ""dataPublisherSource"": ""This data was collected through a WIN/Gallup International Association survey. The WIN/GIA Annual Survey has been conducted annually since 1977. In 2015, when this dataset was produced, it was conducted in collaboration with the Vaccine Confidence Project at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. A total of 65,819 persons were interviewed in 67 countries.""}",2017-03-27 00:00:42,2017-11-16 11:29:09,371,"Possible answers for all questions were those on the five-point Likert scale (strongly agree, tend to agree, do not know, tend to disagree, strongly disagree).",,Larson et al (2016) – The State of Vaccine Confidence 2016: Global Insights Through a 67-Country Survey.