id,name,description,createdAt,updatedAt,datasetId,additionalInfo,link,dataPublishedBy 16667,US Federal Reserve; US Bureau of Economic Analysis and The FRED (2016),"{""link"": ""Credit market debt:; Disposable income:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"", ""additionalInfo"": ""The household debt to income ratio is outstanding households and nonprofit organizations credit market debt divided by disposable personal income. "", ""dataPublishedBy"": ""US Federal Reserve. 2016. ‘Financial Accounts of the United States, Historical’. December 10; US Bureau of Economic Analysis""}",2019-01-02 13:38:55,2019-01-02 13:38:55,3163,The household debt to income ratio is outstanding households and nonprofit organizations credit market debt divided by disposable personal income. ,Credit market debt:; Disposable income: ,"US Federal Reserve. 2016. ‘Financial Accounts of the United States, Historical’. December 10; US Bureau of Economic Analysis"