id,name,description,createdAt,updatedAt,datasetId,additionalInfo,link,dataPublishedBy 14078,World Health Organisation (2018),"{""link"": """", ""retrievedDate"": ""9 February 2018"", ""additionalInfo"": ""We excluded all countries that the WHO labelled as \""guinea worm not endemic in the 1980s\"" from this dataset as these countries never documented any cases of guinea worm disease."", ""dataPublishedBy"": ""World Health Organization"", ""dataPublisherSource"": ""National government reporting to the WHO""}",2018-02-09 09:37:49,2018-02-09 09:37:49,2075,"We excluded all countries that the WHO labelled as ""guinea worm not endemic in the 1980s"" from this dataset as these countries never documented any cases of guinea worm disease.",,World Health Organization