images: 1337
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id | googleId | filename | defaultAlt | originalWidth | updatedAt | originalHeight |
1337 | 14696CbvXRdZ9b4NQZ6dv1SXeYfY8TvdT | checkbox-explanation.png | The image shows a section from a death certificate used in the United States for documenting pregnancy status in female decedents. It's a checklist format with the heading "36. IF FEMALE:". There are five options to be checked accordingly: "Not pregnant within the past year" "Pregnant at the time of death" (annotated as "Maternal deaths") "Not pregnant, but pregnant within 42 days of death" (annotated as "Maternal deaths") "Not pregnant, but pregnant within 43 days to 1 year before death" (annotated as "Late maternal deaths") "Unknown if pregnant within the past year" The annotations show that checking the second or third option is to indicate a maternal death, while checking the fourth option indicates a late maternal death. This helps to categorize the timing and relation of the death to pregnancy, which is critical for public health data and understanding maternal mortality. | 5281 | 1714379839799 | 2169 |
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