id,name,description,createdAt,updatedAt,namespace,isPrivate,createdByUserId,metadataEditedAt,metadataEditedByUserId,dataEditedAt,dataEditedByUserId,nonRedistributable,isArchived,sourceChecksum,shortName,version,updatePeriodDays 3073,V-Dem Dataset Version 8 - V-Dem Institute,,2018-10-03 13:26:02,2018-10-03 13:26:02,vdem,1,9,2018-10-03 13:26:02,9,2018-10-03 13:26:02,9,0,1,,,, 2971,Interpersonal Trust - General Social Survey (GSS),"Extracted from the GSS Data Explorer Variable ""trust"" ( -> Tabulate Column: Trust (Can people be trusted) Row: Year (GSS year for this respondent) Weight var: WTSSCOMP Sample design: Simple Random Sample Exclude missing: Yes Note: as of 7 Mar 2022 there is a typo in the values on the GSS website - we think that ""Can't trust"" actually mean ""Can trust"" and is the positive response, while ""Can't be too careful"" is the negative response.",2018-09-21 06:29:14,2018-09-21 06:29:14,owid,0,9,2022-03-07 11:57:47,46,2022-03-07 11:56:51,46,0,0,,,, 2970,Percentage of persons without health insurance - Council of Economic Advisers and National Center for Health Statistics,Split from - Jaiden,2018-09-21 06:20:03,2018-09-21 06:20:03,owid,0,9,2018-09-21 06:20:03,9,2018-09-21 06:20:03,9,0,0,,,, 2760,Terrain Ruggedness Index - Nunn and Puga (2012),,2018-04-15 14:11:25,2018-04-15 14:11:25,owid,0,9,2018-04-15 14:11:25,9,2018-04-15 14:11:25,9,0,0,,,, 115,Countries Continents,Continents each country belongs to. Good one.,2015-08-19 00:09:40,2021-10-24 11:53:02,owid,0,9,2021-10-24 11:53:02,46,2021-10-24 11:53:02,9,0,0,,,,