charts: 4870
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4870 | share-of-global-mismanaged-plastic-waste | LineChart | { "id": 4870, "map": { "colorScale": { "baseColorScheme": "PuBu", "binningStrategy": "manual", "customNumericColors": [ null ], "customNumericValues": [ 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 10 ], "binningStrategyBinCount": 6 } }, "tab": "map", "slug": "share-of-global-mismanaged-plastic-waste", "title": "Share of global mismanaged plastic waste", "$schema": "", "version": 15, "subtitle": "Mismanaged plastic waste is waste that is not recycled, incinerated, or kept in sealed landfills. It includes materials burned in open pits, dumped into seas or open waters, or disposed of in unsanitary landfills and dumpsites.", "hasMapTab": true, "originUrl": "", "dimensions": [ { "property": "y", "variableId": 146459 } ], "sourceDesc": "Meijer et al. (2021)", "isPublished": true, "baseColorScheme": "owid-distinct", "selectedEntityNames": [ "India", "China", "United States", "Philippines", "Bangladesh", "Brazil", "South Africa" ] } |
2021-03-31 06:24:20 | 2024-04-08 12:13:54 | 2023-10-24 14:15:38 | 2021-04-30 20:02:00 | 72 | 14 | 1 | Share of global mismanaged plastic waste | Mismanaged plastic waste is waste that is not recycled, incinerated, or kept in sealed landfills. It includes materials burned in open pits, dumped into seas or open waters, or disposed of in unsanitary landfills and dumpsites. | Share of global mismanaged plastic waste () | { "$schema": "", "map": { "projection": "World", "hideTimeline": false, "colorScale": { "baseColorScheme": "default", "equalSizeBins": true, "binningStrategy": "ckmeans", "customNumericColorsActive": false, "colorSchemeInvert": false, "binningStrategyBinCount": 5 }, "timeTolerance": 0, "toleranceStrategy": "closest", "tooltipUseCustomLabels": false, "time": "latest" }, "maxTime": "latest", "baseColorScheme": "owid-distinct", "yAxis": { "removePointsOutsideDomain": false, "scaleType": "linear", "canChangeScaleType": false, "facetDomain": "shared" }, "tab": "map", "matchingEntitiesOnly": false, "hasChartTab": true, "hideLegend": false, "hideLogo": false, "hideTimeline": false, "colorScale": { "baseColorScheme": "default", "equalSizeBins": true, "binningStrategy": "ckmeans", "customNumericColorsActive": false, "colorSchemeInvert": false, "binningStrategyBinCount": 5 }, "scatterPointLabelStrategy": "year", "selectedFacetStrategy": "none", "isPublished": true, "invertColorScheme": false, "version": 15, "logo": "owid", "entityType": "country or region", "facettingLabelByYVariables": "metric", "addCountryMode": "add-country", "compareEndPointsOnly": false, "type": "LineChart", "hasMapTab": true, "stackMode": "absolute", "minTime": "earliest", "hideAnnotationFieldsInTitle": { "entity": false, "time": false, "changeInPrefix": false }, "xAxis": { "removePointsOutsideDomain": false, "scaleType": "linear", "canChangeScaleType": false, "facetDomain": "shared" }, "hideConnectedScatterLines": false, "showNoDataArea": true, "zoomToSelection": false, "showYearLabels": false, "hideLinesOutsideTolerance": false, "hideTotalValueLabel": false, "hideScatterLabels": false, "sortBy": "total", "sortOrder": "desc", "hideFacetControl": true, "entityTypePlural": "countries", "missingDataStrategy": "auto", "id": 4870, "slug": "share-of-global-mismanaged-plastic-waste", "title": "Share of global mismanaged plastic waste", "subtitle": "Mismanaged plastic waste is waste that is not recycled, incinerated, or kept in sealed landfills. It includes materials burned in open pits, dumped into seas or open waters, or disposed of in unsanitary landfills and dumpsites.", "originUrl": "", "dimensions": [ { "property": "y", "variableId": 146459 } ], "sourceDesc": "Meijer et al. (2021)", "selectedEntityNames": [ "India", "China", "United States", "Philippines", "Bangladesh", "Brazil", "South Africa" ] } |