charts: 2957
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2957 | grocery-bag-environmental-impact | DiscreteBar | { "id": 2957, "map": { "colorScale": { "binningStrategy": "equalInterval" } }, "note": "Average across all indicators includes other metrics not shown here, including marine eutrophication, particulate matter, toxicity and others.", "slug": "grocery-bag-environmental-impact", "type": "DiscreteBar", "title": "Environmental impacts of different types of grocery bags", "yAxis": { "min": 0, "facetDomain": "independent" }, "$schema": "", "version": 12, "subtitle": "Number of times a given grocery bag type would have to be reused to have an environmental impact as low as a standard single-use plastic bag.", "originUrl": "", "dimensions": [ { "display": { "unit": "uses", "shortUnit": "uses", "includeInTable": true }, "property": "y", "variableId": 97809 }, { "display": { "unit": "uses", "shortUnit": "uses", "includeInTable": true }, "property": "y", "variableId": 525448 }, { "display": { "unit": "uses", "shortUnit": "uses", "includeInTable": true }, "property": "y", "variableId": 525449 }, { "display": { "unit": "uses", "shortUnit": "uses", "includeInTable": true }, "property": "y", "variableId": 525446 }, { "display": { "unit": "uses", "shortUnit": "uses", "includeInTable": true }, "property": "y", "variableId": 525443 }, { "display": { "name": "Average across all indicators", "unit": "uses", "shortUnit": "uses", "includeInTable": true, "numDecimalPlaces": 0 }, "property": "y", "variableId": 97810 } ], "entityType": "grocery bag type", "sourceDesc": "Danish Environmental Protection Agency (2018)", "isPublished": true, "hideTimeline": true, "addCountryMode": "disabled", "baseColorScheme": "owid-distinct", "entityTypePlural": "grocery bag types", "invertColorScheme": true, "selectedEntityNames": [ "Recycled PET", "Biopolymer", "Bleached paper", "Conventional cotton", "Organic cotton", "Polyester PET, recycled", "Polypropylene, woven, recycled", "Unbleached paper" ], "selectedFacetStrategy": "entity", "facettingLabelByYVariables": "use", "hideAnnotationFieldsInTitle": { "time": true, "entity": true, "changeInPrefix": true } } |
2018-08-13 12:51:10 | 2024-04-08 12:13:54 | 2023-10-27 20:09:49 | 2018-08-13 12:51:10 | 72 | 14 | 1 | Environmental impacts of different types of grocery bags | Number of times a given grocery bag type would have to be reused to have an environmental impact as low as a standard single-use plastic bag. | Average across all indicators includes other metrics not shown here, including marine eutrophication, particulate matter, toxicity and others. | Environmental impacts of different types of grocery bags () | { "$schema": "", "map": { "projection": "World", "hideTimeline": false, "colorScale": { "baseColorScheme": "default", "equalSizeBins": true, "binningStrategy": "ckmeans", "customNumericColorsActive": false, "colorSchemeInvert": false, "binningStrategyBinCount": 5 }, "timeTolerance": 0, "toleranceStrategy": "closest", "tooltipUseCustomLabels": false, "time": "latest" }, "maxTime": "latest", "baseColorScheme": "owid-distinct", "yAxis": { "removePointsOutsideDomain": false, "scaleType": "linear", "canChangeScaleType": false, "facetDomain": "shared" }, "tab": "chart", "matchingEntitiesOnly": false, "hasChartTab": true, "hideLegend": false, "hideLogo": false, "hideTimeline": true, "colorScale": { "baseColorScheme": "default", "equalSizeBins": true, "binningStrategy": "ckmeans", "customNumericColorsActive": false, "colorSchemeInvert": false, "binningStrategyBinCount": 5 }, "scatterPointLabelStrategy": "year", "selectedFacetStrategy": "entity", "isPublished": true, "invertColorScheme": true, "version": 12, "logo": "owid", "entityType": "grocery bag type", "facettingLabelByYVariables": "use", "addCountryMode": "disabled", "compareEndPointsOnly": false, "type": "DiscreteBar", "hasMapTab": false, "stackMode": "absolute", "minTime": "earliest", "hideAnnotationFieldsInTitle": { "entity": false, "time": false, "changeInPrefix": false }, "xAxis": { "removePointsOutsideDomain": false, "scaleType": "linear", "canChangeScaleType": false, "facetDomain": "shared" }, "hideConnectedScatterLines": false, "showNoDataArea": true, "zoomToSelection": false, "showYearLabels": false, "hideLinesOutsideTolerance": false, "hideTotalValueLabel": false, "hideScatterLabels": false, "sortBy": "total", "sortOrder": "desc", "hideFacetControl": true, "entityTypePlural": "grocery bag types", "missingDataStrategy": "auto", "id": 2957, "note": "Average across all indicators includes other metrics not shown here, including marine eutrophication, particulate matter, toxicity and others.", "slug": "grocery-bag-environmental-impact", "title": "Environmental impacts of different types of grocery bags", "subtitle": "Number of times a given grocery bag type would have to be reused to have an environmental impact as low as a standard single-use plastic bag.", "originUrl": "", "dimensions": [ { "display": { "unit": "uses", "shortUnit": "uses", "includeInTable": true }, "property": "y", "variableId": 97809 }, { "display": { "unit": "uses", "shortUnit": "uses", "includeInTable": true }, "property": "y", "variableId": 525448 }, { "display": { "unit": "uses", "shortUnit": "uses", "includeInTable": true }, "property": "y", "variableId": 525449 }, { "display": { "unit": "uses", "shortUnit": "uses", "includeInTable": true }, "property": "y", "variableId": 525446 }, { "display": { "unit": "uses", "shortUnit": "uses", "includeInTable": true }, "property": "y", "variableId": 525443 }, { "display": { "name": "Average across all indicators", "unit": "uses", "shortUnit": "uses", "includeInTable": true, "numDecimalPlaces": 0 }, "property": "y", "variableId": 97810 } ], "sourceDesc": "Danish Environmental Protection Agency (2018)", "selectedEntityNames": [ "Recycled PET", "Biopolymer", "Bleached paper", "Conventional cotton", "Organic cotton", "Polyester PET, recycled", "Polypropylene, woven, recycled", "Unbleached paper" ] } |