charts: 2908
Data license: CC-BY
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2018-07-24 09:25:03 | 2024-04-08 12:13:54 | 2023-10-24 09:18:44 | 2018-07-24 09:25:03 | 14 | 14 | 1 | Surface plastic particles across the world's oceans | The amount of plastic waste, from tiny microplastics to larger macroplastics, floating on the surface of the world's oceans, measured by mass, excluding plastics found at depth or on the seafloor in each area of ocean. | Surface plastic particles across the world's oceans () | { "$schema": "", "map": { "projection": "World", "hideTimeline": false, "colorScale": { "baseColorScheme": "default", "equalSizeBins": true, "binningStrategy": "ckmeans", "customNumericColorsActive": false, "colorSchemeInvert": false, "binningStrategyBinCount": 5 }, "timeTolerance": 0, "toleranceStrategy": "closest", "tooltipUseCustomLabels": false, "time": "latest" }, "maxTime": "latest", "baseColorScheme": "default", "yAxis": { "removePointsOutsideDomain": false, "scaleType": "linear", "canChangeScaleType": false, "facetDomain": "shared" }, "tab": "chart", "matchingEntitiesOnly": false, "hasChartTab": true, "hideLegend": false, "hideLogo": false, "hideTimeline": true, "colorScale": { "baseColorScheme": "default", "equalSizeBins": true, "binningStrategy": "ckmeans", "customNumericColorsActive": false, "colorSchemeInvert": false, "binningStrategyBinCount": 5 }, "scatterPointLabelStrategy": "year", "selectedFacetStrategy": "none", "isPublished": true, "invertColorScheme": false, "version": 5, "logo": "owid", "entityType": "country or region", "facettingLabelByYVariables": "metric", "addCountryMode": "disabled", "compareEndPointsOnly": false, "type": "DiscreteBar", "hasMapTab": false, "stackMode": "absolute", "minTime": "earliest", "hideAnnotationFieldsInTitle": { "entity": false, "time": false, "changeInPrefix": false }, "xAxis": { "removePointsOutsideDomain": false, "scaleType": "linear", "canChangeScaleType": false, "facetDomain": "shared" }, "hideConnectedScatterLines": false, "showNoDataArea": true, "zoomToSelection": false, "showYearLabels": false, "hideLinesOutsideTolerance": false, "hideTotalValueLabel": false, "hideScatterLabels": false, "sortBy": "total", "sortOrder": "desc", "hideFacetControl": true, "entityTypePlural": "countries", "missingDataStrategy": "auto", "id": 2908, "slug": "surface-plastic-particles-by-ocean", "title": "Surface plastic particles across the world's oceans", "subtitle": "The amount of plastic waste, from tiny microplastics to larger macroplastics, floating on the surface of the world's oceans, measured by mass, excluding plastics found at depth or on the seafloor in each area of ocean.", "originUrl": "", "dimensions": [ { "property": "y", "variableId": 97717 } ], "sourceDesc": "Eriksen et al. (2014)", "selectedEntityNames": [ "Global ocean (total)", "Indian Ocean", "Mediterranean Sea", "North Atlantic", "North Pacific", "South Atlantic", "South Pacific" ] } |