charts: 2750
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2750 | recycling-rates-paper-and-cardboard | LineChart | { "id": 2750, "map": { "colorScale": { "binningStrategy": "manual", "customNumericValues": [ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 ] }, "columnSlug": "85584" }, "tab": "map", "slug": "recycling-rates-paper-and-cardboard", "title": "Recycling rates of paper and cardboard", "yAxis": { "max": 0, "min": 0 }, "$schema": "", "version": 3, "subtitle": "Recycling is defined as the reuse of material in a production process that diverts it from the waste stream, except for recycling within industrial plants and the reuse of material as fuel. \"Recycling rates\" are the ratios of the quantity collected for recycling to the apparent consumption.", "hasMapTab": true, "originUrl": "", "dimensions": [ { "display": { "unit": "%", "includeInTable": true }, "property": "y", "variableId": 85584 } ], "sourceDesc": "United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)", "isPublished": true, "selectedEntityNames": [ "New Zealand", "Belgium", "United Kingdom", "Japan" ] } |
2018-06-07 07:34:27 | 2024-04-08 12:13:54 | 2023-02-23 14:48:50 | 2018-06-07 07:34:27 | 46 | 14 | 1 | Recycling rates of paper and cardboard | Recycling is defined as the reuse of material in a production process that diverts it from the waste stream, except for recycling within industrial plants and the reuse of material as fuel. "Recycling rates" are the ratios of the quantity collected for recycling to the apparent consumption. | Recycling rates of paper and cardboard () | { "$schema": "", "map": { "projection": "World", "hideTimeline": false, "colorScale": { "baseColorScheme": "default", "equalSizeBins": true, "binningStrategy": "ckmeans", "customNumericColorsActive": false, "colorSchemeInvert": false, "binningStrategyBinCount": 5 }, "timeTolerance": 0, "toleranceStrategy": "closest", "tooltipUseCustomLabels": false, "time": "latest" }, "maxTime": "latest", "baseColorScheme": "default", "yAxis": { "removePointsOutsideDomain": false, "scaleType": "linear", "canChangeScaleType": false, "facetDomain": "shared" }, "tab": "map", "matchingEntitiesOnly": false, "hasChartTab": true, "hideLegend": false, "hideLogo": false, "hideTimeline": false, "colorScale": { "baseColorScheme": "default", "equalSizeBins": true, "binningStrategy": "ckmeans", "customNumericColorsActive": false, "colorSchemeInvert": false, "binningStrategyBinCount": 5 }, "scatterPointLabelStrategy": "year", "selectedFacetStrategy": "none", "isPublished": true, "invertColorScheme": false, "version": 3, "logo": "owid", "entityType": "country or region", "facettingLabelByYVariables": "metric", "addCountryMode": "add-country", "compareEndPointsOnly": false, "type": "LineChart", "hasMapTab": true, "stackMode": "absolute", "minTime": "earliest", "hideAnnotationFieldsInTitle": { "entity": false, "time": false, "changeInPrefix": false }, "xAxis": { "removePointsOutsideDomain": false, "scaleType": "linear", "canChangeScaleType": false, "facetDomain": "shared" }, "hideConnectedScatterLines": false, "showNoDataArea": true, "zoomToSelection": false, "showYearLabels": false, "hideLinesOutsideTolerance": false, "hideTotalValueLabel": false, "hideScatterLabels": false, "sortBy": "total", "sortOrder": "desc", "hideFacetControl": true, "entityTypePlural": "countries", "missingDataStrategy": "auto", "id": 2750, "slug": "recycling-rates-paper-and-cardboard", "title": "Recycling rates of paper and cardboard", "subtitle": "Recycling is defined as the reuse of material in a production process that diverts it from the waste stream, except for recycling within industrial plants and the reuse of material as fuel. \"Recycling rates\" are the ratios of the quantity collected for recycling to the apparent consumption.", "originUrl": "", "dimensions": [ { "display": { "unit": "%", "includeInTable": true }, "property": "y", "variableId": 85584 } ], "sourceDesc": "United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)", "selectedEntityNames": [ "New Zealand", "Belgium", "United Kingdom", "Japan" ] } |