charts: 1977
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id | slug | type | config | createdAt | updatedAt | lastEditedAt | publishedAt | lastEditedByUserId | publishedByUserId | isIndexable | title | subtitle | note | title_plus_variant | configWithDefaults |
1977 | cholera-deaths-in-great-britain | LineChart | { "id": 1977, "map": { "colorScale": { "binningStrategy": "equalInterval", "customNumericMinValue": 0 } }, "slug": "cholera-deaths-in-great-britain", "title": "Cholera deaths in Great Britain over the long-term", "yAxis": { "max": 0, "min": 0, "canChangeScaleType": true }, "$schema": "", "version": 4, "subtitle": "Total deaths from cholera in Great Britain since the first major outbreak in 1832. Data points in the 19th century represent the total death toll of the major pandemic periods; the number of cholera deaths between these major outbreaks is not clearly defined. Cholera deaths from 1911 onwards are derived from the Office of National Statistics for England and Wales only.", "originUrl": "", "dimensions": [ { "property": "y", "variableId": 66404 } ], "sourceDesc": "Office for National Statistics; Thomas (2015); Pearson Schools", "selectedEntityNames": [ "Great Britain" ] } |
2018-01-26 16:26:30 | 2024-04-08 12:13:54 | 2023-06-07 08:05:58 | 2018-01-26 16:26:30 | 54 | 14 | 1 | Cholera deaths in Great Britain over the long-term | Total deaths from cholera in Great Britain since the first major outbreak in 1832. Data points in the 19th century represent the total death toll of the major pandemic periods; the number of cholera deaths between these major outbreaks is not clearly defined. Cholera deaths from 1911 onwards are derived from the Office of National Statistics for England and Wales only. | Cholera deaths in Great Britain over the long-term () | { "$schema": "", "map": { "projection": "World", "hideTimeline": false, "colorScale": { "baseColorScheme": "default", "equalSizeBins": true, "binningStrategy": "ckmeans", "customNumericColorsActive": false, "colorSchemeInvert": false, "binningStrategyBinCount": 5 }, "timeTolerance": 0, "toleranceStrategy": "closest", "tooltipUseCustomLabels": false, "time": "latest" }, "maxTime": "latest", "baseColorScheme": "default", "yAxis": { "removePointsOutsideDomain": false, "scaleType": "linear", "canChangeScaleType": false, "facetDomain": "shared" }, "tab": "chart", "matchingEntitiesOnly": false, "hasChartTab": true, "hideLegend": false, "hideLogo": false, "hideTimeline": false, "colorScale": { "baseColorScheme": "default", "equalSizeBins": true, "binningStrategy": "ckmeans", "customNumericColorsActive": false, "colorSchemeInvert": false, "binningStrategyBinCount": 5 }, "scatterPointLabelStrategy": "year", "selectedFacetStrategy": "none", "isPublished": false, "invertColorScheme": false, "version": 4, "logo": "owid", "entityType": "country or region", "facettingLabelByYVariables": "metric", "addCountryMode": "add-country", "compareEndPointsOnly": false, "type": "LineChart", "hasMapTab": false, "stackMode": "absolute", "minTime": "earliest", "hideAnnotationFieldsInTitle": { "entity": false, "time": false, "changeInPrefix": false }, "xAxis": { "removePointsOutsideDomain": false, "scaleType": "linear", "canChangeScaleType": false, "facetDomain": "shared" }, "hideConnectedScatterLines": false, "showNoDataArea": true, "zoomToSelection": false, "showYearLabels": false, "hideLinesOutsideTolerance": false, "hideTotalValueLabel": false, "hideScatterLabels": false, "sortBy": "total", "sortOrder": "desc", "hideFacetControl": true, "entityTypePlural": "countries", "missingDataStrategy": "auto", "id": 1977, "slug": "cholera-deaths-in-great-britain", "title": "Cholera deaths in Great Britain over the long-term", "subtitle": "Total deaths from cholera in Great Britain since the first major outbreak in 1832. Data points in the 19th century represent the total death toll of the major pandemic periods; the number of cholera deaths between these major outbreaks is not clearly defined. Cholera deaths from 1911 onwards are derived from the Office of National Statistics for England and Wales only.", "originUrl": "", "dimensions": [ { "property": "y", "variableId": 66404 } ], "sourceDesc": "Office for National Statistics; Thomas (2015); Pearson Schools", "selectedEntityNames": [ "Great Britain" ] } |