id,name,n_charts 115,Countries Continents,587 6543,World Development Indicators,408 6621,Population,398 6193,United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (2023-Q2),283 6549,Global Burden of Disease - Cause - Deaths,246 6481,V-Dem Country-Year (Full + Others),125 6577,Global Burden of Disease - Risk Factors,111 6403,Global Health Observatory - World Health Organization,106 5790,Global Health Estimates,97 6591,Global Carbon Budget,96 6617,World Population Prospects,96 6435,Production: Crops and livestock products,88 6469,World Bank Poverty and Inequality Platform (PIP) (2017 prices),72 6590,Energy mix,70 6589,Electricity mix,54 6554,World Bank Gender Statistics,50 6637,"COVID-19, confirmed cases and deaths",50 6380,"WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (JMP) - Households",48 6208,United Nations Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation (2023),46 6545,Global Burden of Disease - Mental Health Prevalence,46 6586,Statistical Review of World Energy,42 6194,World Bank Education Statistics (EdStats),41 6547,Global Burden of Disease - Prevalence,38 6439,"Food Balances (old methodology before 2010, and new from 2010 onwards)",37 6475,Human Development Report,34 5782,WHO Immunization Data (2022),33 6440,Additional FAOSTAT variables,31 6548,GBD Cause - DALYs,31 6492,Maddison Project Database,30 6546,Global Burden of Disease - Incidence,28 5980,LGBT+ policies (Kristopher Velasco),25 6180,Global AIDS Update,25 6513,Lexical Index of Electoral Democracy (LIED),25 6016,UNWTO Tourism Statistics Database,23 6579,UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) - Education,23 6639,WHO Mortality Database,23 5163,Aviation passenger kilometres and CO2 emissions (ICCT),22 6227,"History of war (UCDP, 2023)",22 6156,"Terrorism dataset, Global Terrorism Database (2022)",21 6260,Life tables,21 6529,"Bertelsmann Transformation Index, Scores",21 6304,Integrated Values Surveys (IVS),20 5831,"Penn World Table (GGDC, 2021)",19 5978,"Wellcome Global Monitor 2020 - Mental health (Gallup and Wellcome, 2021)",19 6289,Greenhouse gas emissions by sector,19 6149,COVID Government Response (OxBSG),18 6464,National contributions to climate change,18 6516,"Polity5 Project, Political Regime Characteristics and Transitions, 1800-2018",18 6538,World Inequality Database (WID),18 4120,Human Height - NCD RisC (2017),17 6113,United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime - Intentional Homicide Victims (2023),17 6125,"Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) (OPHI, 2023)",17 6150,COVID testing time series data,17 6556,Equaldex,17 6096,World Development Indicators - World Bank (2023.05.11),16 4223,"Environmental impacts of food (Poore & Nemecek, 2018)",15 6153,COVID-19 - Vaccinations,15 6196,Projections of Educational attainment (Barro and Lee 2015; Lee and Lee 2016),15 6408,Boix-Miller-Rosato (BMR) dichotomous coding of democracy (1800-2020),15 6650,World Bank's income classification,15 6429,Inputs: Land Use,14 6473,Polio Cases and Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) Surveillance,14 6532,EIU Democratic Index (2006-2023),14 5201,"Forest land, deforestation and change (FAO, 2020)",13 6010,"Women, Business and the Law - Additional Data (World Bank, 2021)",13 6345,History Database of the Global Environment,13 6611,UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) - Education,13 5979,"Wellcome Global Monitor 2018 (Gallup and Wellcome, 2019)",12 6271,ESC Cardiovascular Statistics,12 6452,Food prices for nutrition,12 6519,Freedom in the World,12 6583,Primary energy consumption,12 6144,COVID-19 - United States vaccinations,11 6628,Climate Change Impacts - Monthly,11 6642,Trends in maternal mortality,11 5349,Excess fertilizers (West et al. 2014),10 5679,"Biological and chemical weapons proliferation – OWID based on Arms Control Association (2022), Nuclear Threat Initiative (2022), Center for Nonproliferation Studies (2008) and the UN (2022)",10 5740,WHO Vaccination Schedule (2021),10 6302,Global Tuberculosis Report,10 6468,World Bank Poverty and Inequality Platform (PIP) (2011 prices),10 6582,Luxembourg Income Study (LIS),10 1861,Earnings and labour cost,9 2826,"Time spent, participation time, and participation rates - Eurostat",9 5291,Plastic ocean pollution (Meijer et al. 2021),9 5403,"Consumption-based energy (Kulionis, 2021)",9 5874,Excess Mortality (various sources),9 6341,Global extreme poverty - Present and past since 1820,9 6416,WHO Mortality Database - Self-inflicted injuries,9 6423,Food Security: Suite of Food Security Indicators,9 6476,Global natural disasters by type,9 6649,WHO Mortality Database,9 5355,Global fish catch by end use (FishStat via SeaAroundUs),8 5367,Marine stocks by region and taxa (ramlegacy),8 6146,COVID-2019 - Hospital & ICU,8 6151,uk_covid_data,8 6221,"History of war (Project Mars, 2020)",8 6247,Augmented Human Development Index (AHDI),8 6258,Colonial Dates Dataset (COLDAT),8 6270,Life Expectancy (period),8 6294,Government Revenue Dataset (GRD),8 6426,Inputs: Fertilizers by Nutrient,8