id,name,description,createdAt,updatedAt,datasetId,additionalInfo,link,dataPublishedBy 200,Huberman & Minns (2007),"{""link"": ""The paper is online here:"", ""dataPublishedBy"": ""Huberman & Minns (2007) – The times they are not changin’: Days and hours of work in Old and New Worlds, 1870–2000. Explorations in Economic History, 44(4):538–567.""}",2016-05-27 23:57:01,2017-11-02 13:04:39,234,,The paper is online here:,"Huberman & Minns (2007) – The times they are not changin’: Days and hours of work in Old and New Worlds, 1870–2000. Explorations in Economic History, 44(4):538–567."